Global Academy of South Carolina
K-8 GASC Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday November 19, 2024 at 12:00 PM
9768 Warren H Abernathy Hwy, Spartanburg, SC 29301
Directors Present
A. Ryzhkov, L. Kovalevich, L. Leahey, M. Aulick, V. Sulakov (remote)
Directors Absent
O. Sleptsov, R. Lyubar
Guests Present
A. Cevik (remote), N. Panasiuk, Y. Degtyareva (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Minutes 11-04-24
Approval of Amended Financial Control Policies
III. Discussion
Relative Disclosure
401k Organization Resolution
This form will add HR Director Brooklyn Stabile as an authorized representative to the GASC 401k plan in addition to Dr. Panasiuk to support administrative changes in our HR system. This form does not replace Dr. Panasiuk as a representative; it only adds the HR director alongside to add support
Approve new Benefits Administration Program
Ilya Soroka and Alkan Cevick presented BenefitBay as a new medical benefits administrator to provide enrollment support for 2025 medical benefits through ICHRAs. This transition will create cost savings for 2/3 of the employees as compared to our current plan and give employees the freedom to choose plans that work best for them in the market.