Global Academy of South Carolina
K-8 GASC Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday June 28, 2023 at 12:00 PM
9768 Warren H Abernathy Hwy, Spartanburg, SC 29301
Directors Present
L. Kovalevich, M. Aulick, R. Lyubar, V. Georgiyev (remote), V. Sulakov, V. Yefremov
Directors Absent
Guests Present
I. Soroka, L. Zhuk, Liliya Soroka, N. Panasiuk, Sergey Soroka, Y. Degtyareva (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Consent Agenda
Approve Minutes 5/30/23
Approve Minutes 6/9/23
2023-2024 School Board Meetings Schedule
Safety & Emergency Preparedness Plan
Mrs Nataliya Panasiuk is recommending to approve the Safety & Emergency Preparedness Plan.
Student & Parent Handbook
Mrs Nataliya Panasiuk recommends approving the Student & Parent Handbook, which includes all general school policies and information related to students & parents.
Board of Directors Officers Re-Appointments
GASC Board reaffirmed the officers of board members Liliya Kovalevich as Board Chair, Roman Lyubar as Board Secretary, and Vitaliy Sulakov to Board Treasurer.
Board of Directors Re-Appointments
GASC Board reaffirmed the board members based on the even seat terms.
III. Approval of Consent Agenda
Approval of Consent Agenda
IV. Discussion Items
Board By-Laws
Principal Contract
Adopt Service Agreement with Outreach Education LLC
Discussion about Facilities
Ilya Soroka updated the board that his team is working hard for the long term and short term facility solutions.
In the short term, in order to get kids in the facilities to start the first year, leasing term.
A careful plan involves the addition of a few walls with minimal effort, while also ensuring that all the metal components, vents, and lights are fireproofed, except for the gym wall.
The long-term solution is to acquire the entire current facility. 1 field in the front. The goal is to build 40-50 classrooms, 2 stories, which will cost 32 million dollars . Bankers have conducted a site visit and have expressed their commitment to providing the necessary financing.
There is a contingency that the school starting date might be pushed up.
Ilya Soroka is recommending 2023-2024 GASC School Board Meetings Schedule for approval.