Lake View Charter School
Regular Scheduled Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday April 27, 2022 at 4:30 PM
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Meeting ID: 407 525 8260
“Meeting held pursuant to Government Code 54953 and emergency findings previously adopted by the Board”
Directors Present
Glad Donahue (remote), Jessica Coombs (remote), Serra Wells (remote)
Directors Absent
Billie Adkins, Lindsay Mower
Guests Present
Darcy Belleza (remote), James Surmeian (remote), Jenell Sherman (remote), Julie Haycock-Cavender (remote), Katie Royer (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance/Establish Quorum
Approval to Continue Meeting Virtually
Call the Meeting to Order
Approval of Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda includes:
- Approval of the Agenda
- Approval of Minutes from March 30, 2022 Special Board Meeting
- Expense Reimbursement Policy
- Animals at School Policy
- Salary Schedule Placement and Advancement Policy
- Master Contracts 2022-2023
- Vendor Agreements 2022-2023
Public Comments on Non-Agenda Items
Presentation of Executive Director's Report
Julie Haycock-Cavender presented the Executive Director's Report.
II. Finances
Approval of March Financials
James Surmeian presented the March Financials.
III. Operations
Approval of Resolution Regarding Staff Uniforms and Equipment
Julie Haycock-Cavender presented the Resolution regarding Staff Uniforms and Equipment.
Glad Donahue requested lanyards for Board members at school events.
IV. Governance
Approval of Reaffirmation of Governing Board Positions
Discussion included:
- Term staggering with Third Amended By-Laws
- What happens if there are more candidates than member spots
- Interview Committee
Approval of Third Amended Bylaws
Approval of Board Calendar 2022-2023
Julie Haycock-Cavendar presented the new scheduling format for Board Calendar 2022-2023.
The Governing Board comments:
- Glad Donahue prefers a monthly meeting to needing a candid special meeting
- Serra Wells and Jessica Coombs have concerns about long gap between Oct-Dec and the public not having access to the Board
- Concerns over travel time if/when meetings go back in person
- Wednesdays is the preferred date for 2022-2023
Public comments:
- Staff member prefers whatever the Board members want
Darcy Belleza will build out both styles of calendars for next Board Meeting.
Approval of Meeting Date Changes for May and June 2022
Darcy Belleza presented the proposed new dates: May 26, 2022 and June 2, 2022.
V. Closing Items
Board Requests for Future Agenda Items
Serra Wells would like a discussion regarding unconscious bias for staff and board members at the May 2022 Board Meeting.
Glad Donahue would like an Organizational Chart with Staff Names and a list of Home School Teachers for board members and families.
Announcement of Next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting
Glad Donahue announced the Next Regular Scheduled Board Meeting is May 26, 2022 at 4:30 PM.
Jenny Johnston praised the testing team for their amazing work.
Rebecca Matthews is excited for Shannon Breckenridge becoming Associate Executive Director.