The Anchor School
Academic Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 8:00 PM
Committee Members Present
E. Desprez Isbell (remote), N. LeBlanc (remote)
Committee Members Absent
J. Burton, K. Cadman
Guests Present
J. Pinto Taylor (remote), M. Felts (remote), S. Birch (remote)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
E. Desprez Isbell called a meeting of the Academic Achievement Committee of The Anchor School to order on Wednesday Jan 8, 2025 at 8:02 PM.
Approve Minutes
E. Desprez Isbell made a motion to approve the minutes from Academic Committee Meeting on 11-13-24.
N. LeBlanc seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED to approve the motion.
II. Academic Achievement
Academic Data Review
- Morgan gave an overview of what the board can expect from the CCRPI reporting and the school comparison dashboard that we will receive in the coming month(s).
- Committee asked about the increase suspensions in December: two incidents, multiple students involved, increased monitoring will happen in the two spaces incidents occurred.
Academic Assessment Calendar
- MAP is happening over the next weeks, reporting will be presented to the academic committee at the February meeting.
III. Academic Monitoring Updates
GaDOE Assessment Monitoring for SY23-24
- All documentation was sufficient for all aspects of the monitoring report. No action needed.
IV. Academic Policy Items
Course Credit Earning Requirements, Course Acceleration and Course Commitment Date Policies
Action Items:
- Policy 1:
- Update the hours to specify 135 hours on a block schedule
- Remove citation hyperlinks from the policy (but can be saved in another place for reference)
- Add the graduation requirement table
- Policy 3:
- Add language to define the initial enrollment criteria to be set by each department
- Add this policy as an item for information to the January board meeting, to be voted on at the February board meeting.
Enrollment Policy Review
Action Item:
- In order to comply with CSP policy, TAS enrollment policy needs to remove the language around enrollment preference for governing board members children.
- Item for Vote at the January board meeting
Work From Home Policy
Action Items:
- Update the language to say "The following positions (but not limited to, or additional positions may be added in the future)"
- Update the language to "up to one day a week"
- Add a clause that gives the Executive Director the ability to make decisions about the work from home policy for a given position or during specific times during the school year.
- Add a clause that gives the Executive Director the ability to make a specific day or week "critical for school operations" and require in-person work at the school.
V. Accreditation Updates
Accreditation Status
Action Item:
- Academic Committee board members should review the Accreditation Candidacy Workbook Dr. PT sent this week and provide requested input by January 31.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:25 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
E. Desprez Isbell