The Anchor School

Executive Committee Meeting

Published on June 17, 2024 at 6:28 PM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday June 18, 2024 at 6:00 PM EDT




      Purpose Presenter Time
I. Opening Items 6:00 PM
  A. Record Attendance   Nicole LeBlanc 1 m
  B. Call the Meeting to Order   Dawn Gregory 1 m
  C. Approve Meeting Minutes Approve Minutes Dawn Gregory 1 m
    Approve minutes for Executive Committee Meeting on June 1, 2024  
II. Annual Calendar 6:03 PM

The executive committee will establish the annual (quarterly) meeting calendar.

  A. Quarterly Meeting Calendar Discuss Dawn Gregory 5 m
III. Administrative Governance 6:08 PM

The executive committee will discuss administration governance items.

  A. HOS Bonus Contract Amendment Discuss Joseph Anfield-El & Jaamal Whittington 1 m

Status update on the HOS contract amendment. 

  B. Head of School Contract Extension Discuss Joseph Anfield-El 2 m
IV. Hiring Governance 6:11 PM
  A. Hiring Process Discuss Dawn Gregory 5 m

The executive committee will adopt a hiring process based on HR consultant recommendations. 

V. Annual Policy Review & Prioritization 6:16 PM

The executive committee will discuss and recommend a revised annual review policy schedule. 

  A. Policy Prioritization & Matrix Discuss Dawn Gregory 5 m

The executive committee will prioritize the policy reviews by importance and develop a recommendation to the board.  It will also identify which policies align to which committees for review and revision. 

VI. Consultant Debriefs & Recommendations 6:21 PM

The Executive Committee will discuss the consultant recommendations and propose items of adoption. 

  A. Financial Health Debrief & Recommendations Discuss Jaamal Whittington 10 m

Discuss financial health debrief and budget recommendations.

  B. HR Debrief & Recommendations Discuss Dawn Gregory 15 m

Discuss consultant debriefs and determine the course of action.

  C. Governance Debrief & Recommendations Discuss Nicole LeBlanc 5 m
VII. Executive Session 6:51 PM

The executive committee will enter into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. 

  A. Executive Session: Personnel Discuss Dawn Gregory 20 m
VIII. Board Relations 7:11 PM

The executive committee will finalize its annual meeting calendar.

  A. Board Relations Discuss Dawn Gregory 5 m

The executive committee will discuss board relations. 

IX. Board Recruitment 7:16 PM

The Executive Committee will discuss board ecruitment plans.

  A. Recruitment Plan & Timeline Discuss Dawn Gregory 10 m

The executive committee will review recruiting materials and identify target board candidates, years of experience, and discuss the board recruitment strategy and timeline. 

X. Public Comment 7:26 PM

The Anchor School welcomes input from its village of students, parents, educators and community partners.

  A. Public Comment FYI Dawn Gregory 3 m
XI. Closing Items 7:29 PM
  A. Adjourn Meeting FYI Dawn Gregory 1 m