Encore JR/SR High School
School Site Council Meeting- May 9, 2023
Date and Time
Tuesday May 9, 2023 at 6:00 PM
Topic: School Site Council Meeting
Time: May 9, 2023 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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The Order of Business may be changed without notice: Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be changed without prior notice. Reasonable Limitations May be placed on public testimony: The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed. For any person requiring a translator, this time will be doubled to account for translation time. Reasonable Accommodation for any individual with a Disability: Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or to participate in this meeting of the Governing board may request assistance by contacting the EEC (760) 949-2036. Public Documents relating to Open Session Agenda items are available for review by the public at the Reception Desk at Encore Education Corporation’s Executive office or on the internet at www.encorehighschool.com. For more information concerning this agenda, please contact EEC (760) 949-2036.
Directors Present
G. Poutre (remote), J. Schempp (remote), J. Schwarck, P. Alaimalo (remote), R. Warren (remote), S. Adriaan (remote), S. Greene (remote), T. Herchelroath (remote)
Directors Absent
B. Forbes, G. Hernandez, G. Valenciano, K. Lee, S. Bow
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance
Approval of the Agenda
Roll Call | |
S. Adriaan |
R. Warren |
B. Forbes |
G. Poutre |
P. Alaimalo |
G. Valenciano |
S. Greene |
S. Bow |
K. Lee |
T. Herchelroath |
J. Schempp |
G. Hernandez |
J. Schwarck |
Approve Minutes
Election of Officers
St. Claire will be elected Chair. Vice Chair elected is Rick Warren. Treasurer elected is Tanya Herchelroath.
Discussion of 2023-24 Instructional Calendar
LCAP Feedback
Greene discussed ERWC. They were unable to access the program and she is waiting to hear back to be able to review curriculum for writing skills improvement. Warren discussed 11th and12th grade curriculum focused on writing skills. St. Claire has forwarded program information to consultant after teachers have researched. He is waiting to hear back. Another program that was looked at was to ensure equity within the classroom. This will require training. The consultant is providing answers to the teachers questions and providing training. Showing growth in benchmarks but the dashboard shows little balance between CTE and Academics. Looking at improvement and empowerment in increased knowledge and strength. Completed equity audit with representatives from SDSU and National Council From Urban Schools. They reviewed who we are, what we are, what people think of us, and what our teaching looks like. Greene shared her thoughts and is excited to hear the feedback. Warren is looking forward to the reports and their feedback. Schempp discussed the positive aspect of this audit. St. Claire discussed projected feedback and improvement plan. Receiving outside coaching for 25 hours per year. Greene discussed specific goals through coaching.
Approval of June 2023 School Site Council Meeting Date
St. Claire proposed June 6, 2023. All agreed.
Change regular day schedule to read Monday-Friday instead of Monday-Thursday. Mr. Warren brought up the blue boxes and was unsure about how this would be understood. St. Claire will review to see if there is something else that we can do with the words inside of the box. Council took a vote. This is not an action item and no official action was taken but want to record direction of the School Site Council given as reflected.