Rochester Academy Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Friday October 20, 2017 at 5:30 PM


Latta Rd- Greece

Trustees Present

D. Calder, J. Santos, K. Crawford, M. Gedemenli, M. Guler, W. Middleton, Y. Bilgic

Trustees Absent


Trustees who arrived after the meeting opened

D. Calder, K. Crawford

Guests Present

D. Ozcan, J. Doyle, M. Demirtas, Z. Ercan

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

M. Gedemenli called a meeting of the board of trustees of Rochester Academy Charter School to order on Friday Oct 20, 2017 at 5:32 PM.


Approve Minutes

J. Santos made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-15-17 Board Meeting on 09-15-17.
K. Crawford seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Annual Audit report


Heveron&Company Audit Presentation

June 30 2017 Audit Results:
There are no material weakness or significant deficiencies.
We have less cash on hand this year due to the purchase of the high school campus.
We are consistent year to year in our expenditures.
Review of finances, assets, and liabilities shows that we are doing well and moving in the right direction.
Ratio on expenditures is good.
Finances are well reported.
Conformance to regulations is good.
There are no recommendations on policies and procedures.
D. Calder arrived.
K. Crawford arrived.

III. Community Outreach/Development


PR report

We had our first ever blood drive this month.
There will be another blood drive in January
41 people wanted to donate but 21 were approved.
Ribbon cutting ceremony for Latta Road was a great success.
Community leaders attended and parents came to meet with teachers.
Hispanic Heritage Month award was given to Joann Santos.
Channel 13 invited us to share our success story.
Middle School Students visited University of Rochester.
There will be a Parent Brunch next week.
Students will take a tour to WXXI.

IV. Academic Excellence


Director's Report

Grades   6  
7   8   9  10 11 12  Total
October 57 72 60 73 63 53 45  423

We have full enrollment as the month of October.
Draft Academic Success Plans:
In its last meeting academic excellence committee decided to prepare a draft academic success plan to improve student achievement. Two separate plans are prepared for each building.
Rochester Academy Middle School will seek to achieve the following goals for the 2017-2018 school year:

1.Reach State testing targets:        
        Math 6-8 will score 10% points higher than RCSD on NYS tests.
        ELA 6-8 will score 10% points higher than RCSD on NYS tests.
        Science 8 will score at the State average or higher on the NYS Science 8 tests.
2. Lower the rate of suspensions as compared with 2016-2017.
3. Lower the rate of students with chronic attendance problems.
4. Increase meaningful parent engagement.

Action Steps:
  1. Reach State Testing targets.
    1. Hold monthly data meetings with State Tested teachers (see Data Calendar).
      1. Review SRI and STAR math data generated for the month.
      2. Review grade reports.
      3. Review student work samples- specifically writing and constructed response examples.
    2. Set individual students and teacher goals.
    3. Increase classroom visits to target areas.
    4. Focus on interventions that change the trajectory of data.
  1. Lower rates of Suspension compared with 2016-2017
    1. Review data
      1. For teachers with high referral rates.
      2. For students with high numbers of referrals.
      3. Set monthly targets for the maximum number of suspensions.
    2. Assistant Principal will visit classrooms to help teachers improve classroom management.
    3.  Early intervention with families.
      1. Increased contact with families of students with high numbers of referrals.
      2. Add automatic letters to SchoolTool for discipline thresholds of 10, 20 and 30 referrals.
  1. Lower rates of students with Chronic attendance issues.
    1. Monitor the absenteeism data weekly during student support meetings.
    2. Early intervention with families of students with high numbers of absences.
    3. Send letters for attendance thresholds at 8 and 10, then conduct home visits.
  1. Increase meaningful parent engagement.
    1. Set instructional outcomes and purposes for parent events.
    2. Develop a parent advisory committee and meet quarterly.
    3. Increase parent communication from teachers through various means.
      1. Calls
      2. Text messaging/ remind app
      3. Social media
      4. Mail- postcards
Rochester Academy High School will seek to achieve the following goals for the 2017-2018 school year:
1. Exceed RCSD Regents passing rates and approach State averages:
        Regents passing rate of at least 65% in all subject areas.
        Employ rigorous, skill-based, and varying modes of instruction and assessment.
        Exceed RCSD and maintain at least a 90% graduation rate.
        Increase the percentage of students graduating with Advanced Regents Diploma.
2. Lower the rate of suspensions as compared with 2016-2017.
3. Lower the rate of students with chronic attendance problems.
4. Increase meaningful parent engagement.

Action Steps:
  1. Exceed RCSD Regents passing rates and approach State averages
  1. Social Studies
    1. Measure student progress through a combination of Regents based assessments.
      1. Multiple Choice Questions.
      2. DBQs and thematic Essays.
        1. Scaffold essay writing skills from 9th grade to 12th grade.
    2. Build skills through research, presentations, debates and Socratic seminars designed to foster a learning environment based on Community.
  2. Science
    1. Measure student progress through a combination of Regents based assessments.
      1. Multiple Choice Questions.
      2. Short and open-ended Regents questions.
    2. Use inquiry-based projects and hands-on lab experiences to encourage cooperative learning and STEM careers.
      1. Use self and peer assessments.
  3. ELA
    1. Measure student progress through a combination of Regents based assessments.
      1. Essays, journals, literary analysis.
    2. Oral projects and presentations to build skills through.
      1. Socratic seminars, discussions, debates and project presentations.
    3. Improve research skills.
      1. Projects, presentations, persuasive writing, and position papers.
  4. Mathematics
    1. Measure student progress through a combination of Regents based assessments.
      1. Multiple choices, short answer, and open-ended questions assessed with Regents rubrics.
    2. Inquiry-based projects to encourage cooperative learning and STEM careers.
  5. Foreign Language
    1. Assessments based on SLP Proficiency Rubric to prepare students for Checkpoints A and B.
      1. Targets speaking, reading, listening and writing in a target language.
      2. Build skills through research and writing projects that cover grammar, vocabulary, and culture.
  6. Fine Arts
    1. Build creativity capacity through rigor and authentic assessments.
      1. Use rubrics to assess effort, technique, and literacy across multiple mediums. 
  7. Physical Education
    1. Promote long-term health and wellness.
      1. Provide experiences and build knowledge across varying activities.
      2. Assess using rubrics focusing on effort, performance, and content knowledge.
  1. Exceed RCSD and maintain at least a 90% graduation rate.
    1. Review data
      1. Bi-weekly grade level meetings to discuss students struggling academically
      2. Revisit curriculum, assessments, pedagogy when students fall short of Regents passing goals
    2. Pursue higher percentage of Advanced Regents Diploma
      1. Council students and parents on value and requirements before initial scheduling each spring and encourage them to pursue more math and science Regents, classes
  1. Lower rates of Suspension compared with 2016-2017.
    1. Review data in weekly meetings.
      1. For teachers with high referral rates.
      2. For students with high numbers of referrals.
      3. Set monthly targets for a maximum number of suspensions.
    2. Make classroom and conflict management a priority during bi-weekly PD time on Wednesdays.
    3. Early intervention with families.
      1. Increased contact with families of students with high numbers of referrals.
      2. Add automatic letters to SchoolTool for discipline thresholds of 10, 20 and 30 referrals.
  1. Lower rates of students with Chronic attendance issues.
    1. Monitor the absenteeism data weekly during student support meetings.
    2. Early intervention with families of students with high numbers of absences.
    3. Send letters for attendance thresholds at 8 and 10, then conduct home visits.
  2. Increase meaningful parent engagement.
    1. Set instructional outcomes and purposes for parent events.
    2. Develop a parent advisory committee and meet quarterly.
    3. Increase parent communication from teachers through various means.
      1. Calls
      2. Text messaging/ remind app
      3. Social media
      4. Mail- postcards
Building Safety Plans have been filed with proper authorities.


Star Math and SRI Test Results

Reading Inventory:

6th Grade Reading Inventory: 88% of students basic or lower.
7th Grade Reading Inventory: 79% of students basic or lower.
8th Grade Reading Inventory: 64% of students basic or lower.
9th Grade Reading Inventory: 52% of students basic or lower.
10th Grade Reading Inventory: 56% of students basic or lower.
11th Grade Reading Inventory: 58% of students basic or lower.
12th Grade Reading Inventory: 61% of students basic or lower.
Suggestion that when students are scoring poorly on reading that school staff meet with parents to discuss plan for students--this can be made part of the Academic Success Plan. We will continue to receive these reports every two months.
6th Grade: 91% are not proficient.
7th Grade: 99% are not proficient.
8th Grade: 89% are not proficient.

Math instruction is focusing on small groups geared towards their deficiencies.
The administration is working on developing further means of addressing the needs of students who are below proficiency.

V. Finance, Facilities & Audit


Salary Scale

RACS Teachers Salary is lowest of Charter Schools, as of 2011 Report.
RACS offers NYSTRS benefit however most charter schools do not offer retirement benefits.
Finance committee will look into this, with an eye to total compensation, including retirement.



                      Actual             Budget              % Estimate
Revenues   $1,7 Million         $5,8 Million          %29
Expenses    $900K                 $5,8 Million           %16
2.5 Million Building
600K Building Equipment
950k Circulating Cash
Long Term Liabilities: 2 Million Building
Short Term Liabilities: 350k Retirement


Elementary School Building

Two buildings are available for elementary school in Rochester.
St. Charles is available for rent for at least two years.
Derech HaTorah is available for rent for one year.

Rent at ST. Charles is $9/square foot-which is high, but they say it is negotiable.
St. Charles has more space 12 rooms.

Derech HaTorah is $10/square foot but only has 8 rooms.

VI. Governance


Board on Track- workshop/networking events

We need to work on co-presentation with Board on Track to local charter schools.
There are various possible benefits to the collaboration. Mahmut will work with them going forward in November.


RACS Dress Code Policy

Recommendations based on what the staff put forward at the last meeting.
J. Santos made a motion to approve recommended changes to the dress policy.
M. Guler seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Training/Professional Development opportunity for board members:
Certificate of non-profit management $40 per person.
Board minutes are always published on our website.
Open forum for board meetings.
Governance Committee also recommends that we conduct a review of the Policy Manual.


Strategic Planning

The person with whom we were working on this with has left their employment so this item will be deferred until November.


Administrative assistant to work exclusively with board

  1. We write a job description and advertise the position.
  2. That the position is part-time and that the hours and job description should be based on:
    1. Attendance at all board meetings (i.e., not regular business hours).
    2. Attendance at all committee meetings (i.e., not regular business hours).
    3. Time to attend to minutes, telephone calls, and other support activities outside of meeting hours.
    4. Time to manage goal tracking and TKO outcomes via Board On Track.
    5. Communication and writing skills.
    6. Ten hours per week.
  3. That as soon as the job description and ad are ready that the ad is run and the candidate hired ASAP, Ideally before we start the strategic planning exercise.
J. Santos made a motion to to approve the hire of administrative assistant for the board.
W. Middleton seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Other Business


Staff Update

Two resignations (ELA Teacher and Secretary).
One new hire (secretary).
M. Guler made a motion to to approve the new hire.
D. Calder seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.

VIII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
W. Middleton