Vida Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday October 27, 2015 at 5:30 PM
Trustees Present
A. Kittelberger, C. Bowen, D. Marritz, J. Brandauer, K. Cunniffe Peña, M. Novoa, M. Rosenberger, S. White
Trustees Absent
L. Leonard
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Maldonado
Non Voting Members Present
C. Maldonado
Guests Present
Christine Miller, Kathy Hewitt, Vanessa Pellechio
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
S. White called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Tuesday Oct 27, 2015 at 6:35 PM.
Announcement of executive session
A. Kittleberger noted that the board entered into executive session on 10-27-15 at 5:35 to discuss personnel and legal issues. Exited executive session at 6:32
Approve Minutes, Sept. 28, 2015
C. Bowen made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-28-15 Board Meeting on 09-28-15.
K. Cunniffe Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Call to the Public
There were none.
Teacher Report
C. Maldonado reports that this is a new agenda item that she will encourage staff to use in future meetings.
Director's Update
C. Maldonado reported that Pres. Obama has called for a limit on school testing; at Vida we have testing and use the data to improve the students and to assist the teachers. Additional information will be provided as part of the academic excellence agenda.
Board Priorities update
The board met in a working session on 10-8-15 to discuss the schools statewide test performance scores. The board identified key interventions that C. Maldonado has implemented since her arrival. They include: curriculum alignment, teacher observations, getting the basics right (laser focus on reading and writing especially), and extending the length of the school day to align with other schools in GASD and HPS. In the executive session, the board agreed that a. student academic progress, b. a holistic view of student health-wellness and c. Bi-Lingual, Bi-Literate, Multi-Cultural are the 3 main priorities of the board. In support of the instructional program, the board is prioritizing resources and personnel decisions that a) increase the fidelity of curriculum delivery b) support rigor and enrichment across grades and the curriculum c) provide supportive instructional services to students needing assistance in mathematics, English language arts and Spanish language arts.
II. Governance
CANCELED-Board finance training
Due to a scheduling conflict with the board treasurer, the scheduled board finance training will be postponed until the November board meeting. This gives everyone an extra month to review the webinar and email support info Lynn sent on October 13.
Board committee update
K. Cunniffe provided the Governance Committee Goals 2015-16, which are 1. Implement annual assessments of current board members. 2. Use assessments and other tools to influence recruitment plans. i.e. assess current skill sets on the board, and determine priorities for recruiting new members. 3. Create a mechanism for board to publicize its needs for expertise and a form for community members to express interest and offer relevant expertise to the board. • This should be one of our first priorities, as the board has promised the availability of this form by November. 4. Recruit at least 4 candidates for the 2016 open board seats using the recruitment action plan. • We will have one elected position to fill and two nominated positions. Current members may also choose to run or be re-considered for those seats. 5. Professionalize meeting presentation for both committee and board meetings. • Name plates for board members, improved use of technology, etc.
It is noted that school policies will need to be addressed and may be added as a 6th goal at a later time. K. Cunniffe requests the board approve the interest form and make it available on the Vida website and in the front office and suggests that we send the form to the PTO so that they can also direct people to the right place when they express interest in serving. She recommends that the board approve the 2015-16 committee goals. Finally, recommends that the board approve the October governance report and authorize it to be sent to GASD and Hanover.
K. Cunniffe Peña made a motion to approve the Governance Committee 2015-16 Goals, with the provision that we may add a 6th goal relating to school policies.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
K. Cunniffe Peña made a motion to approve on the interest form on a provisional basis and to have it posted on website.
J. Brandauer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
K. Cunniffe Peña made a motion to to approve the Quarterly Governance Report sent to be sent to our Authorizing Districts.
S. White seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Kittleberger noted that the board is looking for members that are qualified and are interested in serving and they are welcome to apply using the form to be posted on the school website.
III. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence minutes announcement
A. Kittleberger noted that the Academic Excellence Committee meeting was cancelled for September. She reported on the minutes of the Oct. 12 meeting.
Approve Academic Excellence committee goals
GOALS PROPOSED FOR 2015-2016. 1. Build a school-wide report based on student progress on the NWEAs. This report should contain key instructional areas the staff AE has identified as relevant to students’ success, including metrics and targets for student academic progress. 2. Devise a school-wide mechanism for quarterly tracking of student achievement based on report card performance. Identify metrics and targets for student academic progress over 3 and 5 year periods. 3a. Use staff AE input to articulate key differences between Common Core (U.S.) and the PA Core. 3b. Consider and document implications for PSSAs and school performance scores, using understanding to set appropriate metrics and targets for student academic progress. 3c. Make a recommendation to the board for how the Common Core (U.S. and PA) will be managed at Vida; how the PA Core will drive or interact with Vida's curriculum; and, if/how the board should resource changes in Vida’s current programming priorities.
A. Kittelberger made a motion to approve the academic excellence committee goals for 2015-2016.
M. Novoa seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Director's presentation on initiatives to promote student success
C. Maldonado made a presentation on increasing student achievement. It is noted that the students will be taking the NWEA (North West Education Assessment which is used to determine of reading and math are aligned with Common Core and our curriculum) and CPAA (which is the Spanish version of the NWEA) which is for grade 2 only. Under the direction of C. Maldonado there is a focus on PLC's (professional learning centers) which is attended by M. Gellman, A. Staub and C. Maldonado. Each grade has a team and meets for 1 hour weekly and examines data.
Report card update - moving to electronic system
This year, Vida Charter School has decided to utilize our central school-wide database, MMS, to generate a new format for report cards for grades 3-6. The newly formatted report cards are streamline and easier to read. Perhaps the biggest overall change is the grade reporting as a percentage, rather than the standards-based generation. For the K-2 grade levels, the standards-based report card is still in operation and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. The change for the upper grades was to prepare the students for the phase after they move on from Vida, which is typically a percentage-based grade reporting system.
IV. Finance
Approve September Financials
S. White made a motion to approve the financials for September, 2015.
K. Cunniffe Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Update on number of students attending Vida
C. Maldonado reports that we are getting more Gettysburg students and less Hanover students, otherwise enrollment is consistent.
Finance committee update
S. White presented minutes from the Finance Committee's September meeting and the Treasurer's report.
Approve finance committee goals
2015-16 Finance Goals: 1. By January, develop a board approved monthly reporting format which includes all relevant financial data to be provided to the board each month 2. By November, create a comprehensive list of open meeting law requirements for finance committee operations and implement any necessary changes to committee processes to ensure compliance with these requirements 3. By January, optimize dental insurance plan and align with other Vida insurance rollover dates 4. By March, optimize the performance of and align expectations with current HR firm 5. By March, develop and share a comprehensive compensation package for all levels of staff (including base pay structure, incentive structures, fringe benefit options, etc.) 6. On an ongoing basis, oversee the completion of finance, operations, and HR procedures manuals
7. By May, develop a 5 year financial forecast and a system for monitoring and revising this forecast 8. Maintain a board-approved committee annual calendar which includes committee tasks and related administrative reporting requirements and related procedures for committee chairs.
S. White made a motion to approve 2015-16 Finance Committee Goals.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Create position for Gifted/SSL teacher
The finance committee voted to recommend hiring a Gifted/SSL teacher.
M. Rosenberger made a motion to hire a Gifted/SSL teacher.
J. Brandauer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve revised job description "Reading Specialist/ESL/SSL teacher"
This revision addresses changes made with the creation of the Gifted/SLL Teacher position.
J. Brandauer made a motion to motion to approve the revised Reading Specialist/ESL position and its job description.
M. Rosenberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. White notes that all students needs are to be emphasized not just "historically underachieving students".
Approve revised job description "Math specialist/gifted/data coach teacher"
This revision addresses changes made with the creation of the Gifted/SLL Teacher position.
C. Bowen made a motion to a motion to approve the revised math specialist and data coach position and job description.
K. Cunniffe Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Add a second printer to Vida
C. Maldonado reports that we are over capacity with our current printer and requests a black and white printer which will be accessible to all teachers from Eicholtz Co. on a monthly lease.
C. Bowen made a motion to approve monthly lease for black and white printer from Eicholtz Co.
J. Brandauer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
V. New Business
Approve New Staff Hires & Staff Resignations
C. Maldonado requests the hiring of the following: Mary Anne Kerrison, teacher. Leah Kissick, SE teacher and Minerva Medina, Office Assistant
D. Marritz made a motion to hire the following: Mary Anne Kerrison, teacher, Leah Kissick, SE teacher and Minerva Medina, Office Assistant.
A. Kittelberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Welcome to Vida.
Comprehensive Plan - announcing public review and approval in November
C. Maldonado reports that the Comprehensive Plan is available for review at the office, on the school website and at the Gettysburg Public library. Comments are accepted and will be reviewed and/or modified then presented to PDE.
Updated on Eisenhower Bldg lease
C. Maldonado states that there are no new updates at this time, but the plan is to move forward with the execution of the new lease.
Homework Policy
A. Kittleberger notes that the Academic Excellence Committee and staff leadership group will be addressing this issue and will be reporting back at the the November board meeting.
Lifetouch overview
C. Maldonado reports that Lifetouch will be doing school pictures and offer many more items for parents, staff and students.
VI. Other Business
PTO report
There was no report given by the PTO for reporting.
Review of PD attended by Cynthia Maldonado & Maria Gellman
C. Maldonado reports that she and M. Gellman attend a seminar at the Center for Applied Linguistics. Presenters at the seminar are located nearby and hope that we could get them to come and speak at our school. A. Kittleberger would like us to invite all districts sending children to Vida to attend any dual language presentations that may occur as the future of dual language is so inspiring and has so many positive side effects.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:06 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. White