Vida Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday July 27, 2015 at 6:30 PM


Vida Charter School Cafeteria

Trustees Present

A. Kittelberger, C. Bowen, J. Brandauer, K. Cunniffe Peña, L. Leonard, M. Rosenberger, S. White

Trustees Absent

D. Marritz, M. Novoa

Ex Officio Members Present

C. Maldonado

Non Voting Members Present

C. Maldonado

Guests Present

Beth Kanagy, Christine Miller, Kathy Hewitt

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. White called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Monday Jul 27, 2015 at 6:37 PM.
It is noted that we met in the cafeteria due to Memorial Service taking place in gym.


Approve Minutes, June 22, 2015

It is noted there there were minor revisions required to minutes. The board approved minutes subject to those changes.
C. Bowen made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 06-22-15 Board Meeting on 06-22-15.
L. Leonard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Call to the Public

There were none.


Director's Update

C. Maldondado reported 1. Sad news: Jorge Perez Rico a Hispanic outreach coordinator for the Gettysburg area passed away last week. He was a wonderful community member and the father of Elena Perez a former assistant at Vida. His passing leaves a large hole in the lives of many. 2. Framework: Main Priority Areas for Comprehensive Plan Development a. Student Achievement: i. Ordered NWEA MAP tests and Forrest Haffey will be Data Coach. We will implement testing in the Fall/Winter/Spring. Data will be shared with parents at the first conferences in October. ii. Teachers will set PLC times in their schedules and Mary Cañedo will be the PLC lead teacher.
b. Effective/School Management: i. C. Maldonado went to a 2 NABE conferences in Washington DC for Dual Language Education Leaders. Met with Bilingual leaders from all over the country. Learned about best practice and they have a three day training program for schools that she is investigating. ii. C. Maldonado also spent 9 days working with doctoral cohort working on leadership. It was a real bucket filler to work with other leaders and to reflect and plan how to best lead a school. 3. Timeline for Comprehensive Plan: a. August 2015 Plans Finalized: JoAnn Perrotti, Bucks County IU is coming in August to help finish the plan. b. By the end of August 2015 – Comprehensive Plan inputted into PDE Web Tool. c. September 2015 –Comprehensive Plan on display for 28 days for public review. d. October 2015 –Comprehensive Plan Approved by VIDA Charter School Board of Trustees. e. November 30, 2015 – Comprehensive Plan submitted electronically to PDE.


Notice of Executive Session

A. Kittleberger noted that the Board convened an Executive Session at 5:42 and exited at 6:30. The purpose was to discuss committee goals and personnel matters.

II. Finance


Update on installation of modular units

C. Maldonado reported that the modular units will be installed by the first day of school.


Approve bus contract for Spring Grove

C. Maldonado expressed the need to transport students from Spring Grove area as Hanover does not provide transportation anymore. Last year we had 9 students this year we have 14. The van only holds 10 students and we need a bigger bus. It cost $21,600 last year it will be $33,300 this year. That is $2,400 per student last year and $2,379 this year. She recommends that the board approve the bus contract with E & B this year, 2015-2016 for 185/day which comes to $33,300/year.
L. Leonard made a motion to approve the bus contract with E & B this year, 2015-2016 for $185/day which comes to $33,300/year.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. New Business


Approve annual report to PA and authorizing districts

A. Kittleberger provided a copy of the Vida Charter School Annual Report from 07/01/14 to 06/30/15 which is an overview to the state and our authorizers compiled by the Admin. Office on the status of the school. A. Kittleberger recommends the approval of the 2014-15 Annual Report.
L. Leonard made a motion to approve of the 2014-15 Annual Report.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve new staff appointments

C. Maldonado has provided the board with resumes for 1. Alejandra Garibay, Kinder Spanish 2. Aidelise Montalvo, 2nd grade Spanish 3. Celia Cuadrado, Kinder Spanish & English. C. Maldonado recommends approval the hire of 3 new teachers for employment at Vida Charter School for the 2015-16 school year, effective 8-10-25.
L. Leonard made a motion to approve the hire of 3 new teachers for employment at Vida Charter School for the 2015-16 school year, effective 8-10-25.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
C. Maldonado has provided the board with a resume for Hisela Mendez, candidate for the Business Operations Manager. C. Maldonado recommends approval for Hisela Mendez for employment at Vida Charter School for the 2015-16 school year, as the Business and Operations Manger effective immediately.
C. Bowen made a motion to approve Hisela Mendez for employment at Vida Charter School for the 2015-16 school year, as the Business and Operations Manger effective immediately.
K. Cunniffe Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Discuss process for changing/updating policies

C. Maldonado reported that Vida has many policies that need to be updated and/or changed. There is currently no system in place for this at this time. C. Maldonado recommends that it is her plan to work with the administrative team to update 3-5 policies each month which will then be forwarded to the Governance Committee to review and presentation to the Board for approval.


Approve Staff Resignations

C. Maldonado reported that Emily Ferber has turned in her resignation on July 22nd, effective Aug. 5th, 2015. C. Maldonado reports that she will not fill her position immediately, as this is a good opportunity to think about alternate designs for that role. We have a certified Reading Specialist in Maria Gellman and she is able to cover her position until it is decided how to move forward. C. Maldonado recommends that the board approve the resignation of Emily Ferber, effective August 5, 2015.
L. Leonard made a motion to accept the resignation of Emily Ferber effective Aug 5, 2015.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Other Business


Update on work done by contracted Executive Assistant

C. Maldonado states that Rosalie Moore is organizing all files, setting policies straight and setting the order of revisions. She is very thorough in her position. All student and staff files are complete. She is establishing procedure to keep it that way. Rosalee is going through Student and Staff Handbook to create precise documents. A. Kittleberger adds that work styles and habits needs to be reorganized since we have had 3 Ex. Dir. within last 3 years. Rosalie's last day will be Aug. 18th, 2015.

V. Governance


Update on new board member orientation activities

K. Cunniffe reported that the new board members are going through the initial packet. They are encouraged to ask any questions. Governance Committee will be having sessions with attorney, general board orientation, finance, and one meet & greet with staff. There will be a retreat at some point with an external consultant.


Board committees for 2015-16

A. Kittleberger reported on the Board Committees: 3 Standing Committees-Governance, Finance & Academic Excellence. L. Leonard wants to add CEO Support and Evaluation Committee-Lots of aid in Board on Track for establishing this committee. A. Kittleberger is hesitant to establish an additional committee until we have our current committees working properly. A. Kittleberger supports the idea of CEO support and evaluation and wishes to have a board group to cover this matter rather than have outside individuals. The three basic committees remain. CEO Support and Evaluation will be an ad-hoc committee within board for review.
Committee Membership: A. Kittleberger states the need for representatives of population with important skill sets to be members of a committee. The board and admin. should advise our communities (both languages) of need for particular skill sets and ask people who meet the standards to apply to C. Maldonado. The boards role is to go out and recruit people who we believe would be on the committee and then we invite them to join the committee with a max. of 6-8 people total, understanding a 1 hour meeting/month, with 2 hour prep time. (The process will be prospective members meet with committee chair, then chair meets with C. Maldonado, then committee chair announces committee & requests approval.) Governance Committee and PTO can be included with process and enable them to help. A largely parent board/committees is not beneficial to the school. The PTO is important area to provide info. and process to parents. In August, the board will appoint 3 standing committees and members.
C. Maldonado states that she would like an academic excellence committee at the staff level as well as the board level. The staff committee has valuable insight into management, curriculum, etc. which will be very beneficial toward the overall excellence of the school. The board committee is an oversight committee and evaluates the recommendations of the staff committee.
A. Kittleberger would like the board think about how we would see ourselves working on any 3 standing committees. A. Kittleberger notes that at the August meeting the board will discuss and re-elect its board officers: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. White