Vida Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Friday January 30, 2015 at 5:30 PM
Eisenhower Building/Vida Gymnasium
Trustees Present
A. Kittelberger, C. Bowen, K. Cunniffe Peña, L. Leonard, S. White
Trustees Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Maldonado
Non Voting Members Present
C. Maldonado
Guests Present
Vanessa Pellechio
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
S. White called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Friday Jan 30, 2015 at 5:40 PM.
Approve Minutes
L. Leonard made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 12-15-14 Board Meeting on 12-15-14.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Minutes
C. Bowen made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 01-05-15 Board Meeting on 01-05-15.
K. Cunniffe Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Highlights at Vida!
C. Maldonado presented a slide show from Grades 4, 5, & 6 showing their affirmations in response to Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream". A very powerful presentation showing the students thoughts and dreams and presentations were in both Spanish and English.
Director's Report
C. Maldonado reported that: 1. Report Cards are done and go home this week. 2. Grades 4, 5 & 6 started departmentalization and all parties seem happy with the change. 3. VIDA is participating in the first Geo Bee this week. 4. Art at VIDA is fabulous. Such fun to see Ms. Maneval teaching about famous artists. She is scaffolding the Art Standards throughout the grade levels and the teachers have been great to work with in their classrooms. 5. VIDA is getting ready to take the Wida Access Test test month for the ELL's. 6.Vida has purchased some Tier 2 intervention materials to streamline our RTI to ensure meeting all student needs. 7. VIDA has scheduled to date for the Spring Carnival/Re-charter Celebration for May 1, 2015 from 5:30-8:30. 8. Responsive classroom training is scheduled for 2-16-15. 9. Pet therapy is beginning at VIDA in February through KPETS and consists of a trained handler and 2 pet therapy dogs and will be overseen by our Counselor, Sra. Amanda Staub.
C. Maldonado stated that we have many volunteers from Gettysburg College and they are participating in America Reads in K-3rd grades. Some are spanish speakers and are working very well with the students.
II. Academic Excellence
Academic Excellence Committee
A. Kittleberger presented minutes from the Acedemic Excellence Committee and reported that: 1. The MS/HS Dual Language working group's report is in progress and will be ready for the AE meeting on 2-9-15. 2. Dual Language Best Practice working group has moved ahead with the grade 4, 5 & 6 scheduling change. M. Canedo will survey teachers regarding how the subjects/languages are divided and C. Maldonado will follow up making sure all feedback is evaluated. Working group will make a recommendation about cirriculum and language per grade with emphasis on how cirriculum can be standardized and aligned across grades to avoid overlapping or duplicating. These recommendations should preserve flexibility for teacher innovation where appropriate. These recommendation can be helpful is setting expectations for new teachers.
3. Technology-infrastructure and instructional: Target priorities and recommendations for board based on LIU technology audit. Possible instructional needs related to technology: smart board(s); full-time technology help; library/media center with classes where students can learn keyboarding and software; tablets or computers at each grade level. School will benefit from further development of policies related to computer usage and online safety. C. Maldonado will survey teachers to make a list of what technology they want/need in their classrooms to teach more effectively. C. Maldonado will report findings at the next AE meeting.
III. Facilities Task Force
Facilities Task Force - no update this meeting
Facilities Task Force will be proceeding with modular units and will need a working session for further information and discussion. Notification of next meeting will be made when the responses are obtained concerning the modulars.
IV. Finance
Finance Committee report
L. Leonard presented minutes from the January Finance Committee: 1. There will be no changes in budget format at this time. 2. Bulk purchasing networks have been examined and FC will continue to investigate. 3. Dr. Redding has approved request to place modulars on our leased property. C. Maldonado and Ryan are sending RFQ's to begin collecting information. C. Maldonado will inform the BOT of the status of this. 4. The health insurance renewal- there will be no change for the next 5 months. A new plan will be chosen in the spring to begin July 1, 2015. 5. A new FC calendar will ensure that all the VIDA goals are appropriately scheduled. 6. Tuition Reimbursement: So far we are under budget. In the next school year all tuition reimbursement will be for graduate work only. 6. Additional topics discussed: Employee sick leave policy, child clearances, child lunch deficits.
7. Compensation Analysis: C. Maldonado and eXude are working on this. 8. Procedure manual: work is continuing and the first 2 sections (Overview and Purchasing) have been created and additional sections to follow. 9. Updates and revisions of financial policies; Capitalization, Employee incurred expenses, internal controls, requisition form, purchases subject to bid, procurement card policy. 10. Align VIDA's health plan rollover month to match GASD/HPSD calendar and explore way to optomize cost/service/plan by summer rollover date. 11. Explore cost savings measures for facilities/retirement.
Nest FC meeting will be 2-17-15 at 3:30
Approve monthly financials for December 2014
L. Leonard presented December Financials for approval.
C. Bowen made a motion to Approve December Financials.
K. Cunniffe Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Sign completed financial disclosure documents
All BOT must complete Financial Disclosure Documents and are to be filed with the administration
Approve employee health insurance plan for 2/1/15-6/30/15.
C. Maldonado requested the BOT to approve the Health Insurance Plan Renewal for 5 months.
C. Bowen made a motion to approve the renewal of the Health Insurance Plan for 5 months.
K. Cunniffe Peña seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Update on the Exude study on salary comparisons
C. Maldonado states that the eXude study on compensation is underway.
V. Governance
Governance Committee
K. Cunniffe reported that the Governance Committee is a great group of individuals with a broad range of leadership skills and includes our GASD representative, Kathy Hewitt. K. Cunniffe provided: 1. School Employees Governed by the Public School Code - FAQ's. 2. The minutes for the Governance Committee on 1-12-15: a. Overview of goals of the GC and BOT. Prospective candidates will provide sensitive information and confidentiality is strictly required. It is the hope of the BOT that our complete board will reflect the demographics of VIDA. b. Recruitment Strategies and Procedures: the GC will need to produce a list of potential board members candidates to the BOT by end of February. K. Cunniffe will provide a packet of info. for potential board candidates. Next meeting of GC will be 2-18-15. K. Cunniffe also presented the attorney notes to questions raised by the GC.
VI. New Business
Introduction of sick bank policy for employees
L. Leonard presented a list of pro and cons on Donation of Sick Leave. Administration and Finance Committee will investigate further. A consultation with a HR firm to determine best course of action may be in order. L. Leonard noted that a decision will need to be made by June so departing employees may donate if appropriate.
Management of costs related to maintenance of required state clearances
L. Leonard stated that the cost of Clearance Certificates will be approx. $50.00, which could become expensive to VIDA, if VIDA is to provide for parents, volunteers, teachers, etc.; however, prospective board members will need to provide these certificates for BOT candidacy. It is the desire of the BOT and C. Maldonado to NOT let the costs of clearances prohibit the candidates processes and thus will be paid if a request is received.
Purchases budgeted policy: first reading
L. Leonard stated that this is the first reading of the Purchases Budgeted Policy. There are no substantive changes.
Capitalization policy: first reading
L. Leonard states that this if the first reading of the Capitilization Policy.
Procurement card policy: first reading
L. Leonard states that this is the first reading of the Procurement Card Policy.
Refining systems for recording Exec.Director time away from school
A. Kittleberger requested a way to refine the system for recording time that the ED is away from school.
Adding a new Assistant Sra. María Ester Estrada de Fonseca
C. Maldonado presented the needs for another classroom assistant and requested the board to approve the employment of the Sra. Maria Estrada for 1 semester. The assistant needs will be looked at again next year.
L. Leonard made a motion to approve adding a new assistant for 1 semester, Sra. Maria Estrada.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
VII. Other Business
Sign Re-Charter Document
A. Kittleberger noted that the Re-Charter Documents were signed on 1-5-15 and copies are on file and forwarded to the authorizing districts.
Finalizing work on Leave of Absence Policy
A. Kittleberger noted that we need to contact legal counsel and complete the Leave of Absence Policy.
Report on usage of tuition reimbursement policy
C. Maldonado stated that the Tuition Reimbursement budget item may possibly have a positive balance at the end of the 2014-15 SY.
Renew PCPCS membership
L. Leonard stated that the PCPCPS membership has expired. The BOT decided to discuss in working session on 2-7-15.
Board Working Session, Feb. 7, time TBD
A. Kittleberger state that the BOT will have a working session on 2-7-15 for the purpose of discussing some matters in depth. It is noted that no substanative decisions will be made.
Update on Comprehensive/Strategic Plan
C. Maldonado has provided an update on the Comprehensive/Strategic Plan. We are on a correct timeline and we will be completed in December as required by PDE.
Executive Session on 1-3-15 from 4:30 - 5:32
A. Kittleberger stated that the BOT had an executive session on 1-30-15 from 4:30 to 5:32 to discuss legal and personnel matters.
VIII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:18 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. White