Vida Charter School
Governance Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday August 20, 2019 at 4:30 PM
120 E Broad Way, Gettysburg PA 17325 Conference Room
Committee Members Present
A. Andyshak Hayes (remote), C. Miller, E. Nashelsky
Committee Members Absent
M. Rosenberger, N. Leeper
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
A. Andyshak Hayes called a meeting of the Governance Committee of Vida Charter School to order on Tuesday Aug 20, 2019 at 4:34 PM.
Approve Minutes
II. Governance
Revision of Attendance Policy
Ashley recommended the revised Attendance policy be submitted to the full board for a vote in the August meeting.
Transgender Student Policy
There were no further questions for clarification. This is a new policy and we will bring it back to governance next month before taking it to the full board.
Review of 2018-19 Annual Governance Committee Goals
The Governance committee reviewed its 2018-2019 annual goals. These goals are consistent with the ongoing work of the Governance Committee, and it is recommended that the committee continue to work on these particular goals.
There was some discussion of adding goals such as:
1) Goal related to planning and facilitating Annual Board Retreat and other required board trainings
2) Inviting impacted communities when a board policy is discussed which is important to or affects them personally
2019-2020 goals will be refined in the September meeting and presented to the full board.
There was some discussion of adding goals such as:
1) Goal related to planning and facilitating Annual Board Retreat and other required board trainings
2) Inviting impacted communities when a board policy is discussed which is important to or affects them personally
2019-2020 goals will be refined in the September meeting and presented to the full board.
Nominate Committee Chair
Ashley Andyshak Hayes is willing to serve as the Governance Committee chair.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:29 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
A. Andyshak Hayes