Vida Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday May 22, 2017 at 6:30 PM


Vida Charter School Eisenhower Building

Trustees Present

C. Bowen, D. Marritz, F. Dutrisac, J. Arnold, J. Brandauer, L. Leonard, M. Rosenberger

Trustees Absent

E. Diaz

Trustees who left before the meeting adjourned

D. Marritz

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Davis

Non Voting Members Present

M. Davis

Guests Present

Jackie Kapfhammer, Lauri Lebo, Maribel Gonzalez, Rhonda Jacoby, Tania Reyes

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Leonard called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Monday May 22, 2017 at 6:35 PM.
Lynn Leonard began with a statement in anticipation of comments relating to the petition filed with NLRB. There are specific and complex rules governing this process and as such the board is committed to ensuring that it abides by those rules. Therefore, it is limited in the discussions it can have and the actions it can take. The Board is following the advice of its legal counsel and will take all comments and questions under advisement. 
Lynn Leonard then read a statement reiterating the Board's commitment to the long-term stability of Vida Charter School, its leadership, the educational team, and the core mission of Vida Charter School.


Approve Minutes

J. Brandauer made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Board Meeting on 05-01-17 Special Board Meeting on 05-01-17.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Announcement of Executive Session

The board held an executive session from 5:30pm to 6:25pm to discuss confidential personnel and legal matters.


Public comment and Invitation to Vote in Board Member Election

No public comments were made.


Director's report

Ms. Davis discussed many current items relating to school operations including academic progress update, summer camps at Vida, and building updates. Also discussed was the recent Spring concert, upcoming field day, and contracts coming due for renewal. On the human resources side, interviews are underway for the Director of Operations while resumes are still being collected for the Director of Student Services. Applications for Spanish teachers continue to be accepted on an ongoing basis.


Board Priorities

Lynn Leonard read a statement in response to questions asked at last month's board meeting. 

II. Finance Committee


Approve Monthly Financials

D. Marritz made a motion to approve the April 2017 monthly financials as provided by Charter Choices.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
M. Rosenberger
C. Bowen
J. Brandauer
J. Arnold
L. Leonard
E. Diaz
F. Dutrisac
D. Marritz


Finance Committee Meeting Update

D. Marritz left.


Approve Contract with Laurel Labor Advisors

M. Rosenberger made a motion to approve the contract with Laurel Labor Advisors to provide consulting services in relation to the petition filed with the NLRB.
J. Arnold seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Contract with Charter Choices

M. Rosenberger made a motion to table this vote until the June 5th board meeting.
J. Brandauer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve proposal to host Summer Spanish and Entrepreneurial Camps at Vida

C. Bowen made a motion to approve $5000 for Vida staff to host two summer camps at Vida, including a 2 week Spanish camp and a 2 week entrepreneurial camp.
F. Dutrisac seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Academic Excellence Committee


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting Update


Review Academic Progress: Reading

Maribel Gonzalez presented academic progress data. She noted that K-2 students were tested in Spanish and the results show they are performing at grade level as predicted. Results were also presented for grades 3-6 in reading and math. Growth was shown across the board in reading, with exceptionally high growth rates in 4th and 6th grade reading. Math scores showed moderate and expected growth. As the new math curriculum continues to be rolled out across all grade levels, scores are expected to rise correspondingly. Overall, this was a positive year of growth in all academic areas for all grades.

IV. Personnel


Acknowledge Resignation of Nivea Mercado

The Board thanks Ms. Mercado for her service and contributions to Vida. We wish her well in her future endeavors.

V. Governance Committee


Governance Committee Meeting Update

The committee continues to review policies that need to be created or revised. It will plan to bring them to the full board when ready.
Laurie Lebo, member of the public, made a request to the board to know the size of the Laurel Labor Contract. She also requested a copy of the Board's statement read at the beginning of the meeting. The Board took her comments under advisement and will respond to the requests at its next meeting on June 5. 


Announce & Approve Results of Board Election

C. Bowen made a motion to accept the results of the 2017 Board Member Election.
F. Dutrisac seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Marritz
L. Leonard
F. Dutrisac
J. Arnold
E. Diaz
J. Brandauer
M. Rosenberger
C. Bowen
The results of the board member election are as follows:
There were a total of 53 voters comprised of Vida staff, parents, and board members. Greg Murry received 39 votes, Rakhsana Rahmen received 34 votes, and Melissa Rosenberger received 37 votes. The board wishes to thank all participants and organizers of the election.
The Board notes that is will enter into executive session for brief consultation on legal matters at the conclusion of the meeting.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

M. Rosenberger made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Rosenberger