Vida Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM


Vida Charter School Eisenhower Building

Trustees Present

F. Dutrisac, J. Arnold, J. Brandauer, L. Leonard, M. Rosenberger, S. White

Trustees Absent

C. Bowen, D. Marritz, E. Diaz

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Davis

Non Voting Members Present

M. Davis

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

S. White called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Monday Mar 27, 2017 at 6:38 PM.


Approve Minutes

M. Rosenberger made a motion to approve minutes of February 27, 2017 Board Meeting on 02-27-17.
J. Arnold seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Announcement of Executive Session

L. Leonard noted that the board entered into an executive session today from 5:15 to 6:25 to discuss personnel issues.


Public comment

There were none.


Director's report

Executive Director Report
  1. Saturday Math Clinic will be closed after Saturday 25th. All students in the program received intense Math interventions and are now able to to perform basic operations and solve word problems.
Teachers have been providing the students with samples of PSSAs released by the PA Department of Education for practice and familiarization with the material.
In addition, we had a parent conference related to Math, reading and PSSA’s . We had about 20 families attending. During that conference we provided the parents with Math, reading and PSSAs information on curriculum and strategies they can use to support their children.
For next year we need to provide these conferences at the beginning, and during the middle of the year so that this may help parents be well informed.
The faculty is due with the next data about student achievement by the end of the month of March. Then, we will be able to show if there has been academic growth.
ESL training by CAL has been schedule for the month of April.
Next Wednesday we will be addressing the CT process and how to use it more effectively. However, we have addressed the report cards.
The new outside sign has been designed and approved by Dr. Redding, Superintendent of the GSD.
In addition, we have been advised that next year the GSD will not be providing a nurse for the building. We have interviewed a well recommended professional that is interested in a part-time position as a nurse.

Marketing Plan
We have canceled the Tri-state conference and will wait to reschedule it for next school year.
Business cards and letterhead have been designed and been order for printing.
All announcements by TV and radio are being aired as contracted. The billboards are up in both Spanish and English.
We are sending 8,000 flyers via Hanover Sun and 10,000 via Gettysburg Times the weekend of the 25th of March. In addition, we have distributed flyers in all Hanover and Gettysburg pre-school programs. Some flyers are also being distributed by parents.
We have received forty nine (49) interested potential parents. Thirty six (36) have completed their enrollment pockets.
The number of interested enrollees has somehow slowed down.
I have met with Kevin Corcoran from Charter Choices and discussed one possible scenario with an enrollment of 243 students. I have asked Kevin to make projections for 260 and 270. These two later ones will need to be worked out in terms of how many teachers and other staff we will need.
There will be more discussion as to this effect since right now the budget continues to be on a draft form.
We have received all nonsecure and secure materials and our School counselor and myself are making sure all is ready for the exams.
In addition, we now have healthy snacks and water for the students.
Moreover, we met last week to train and discuss the procedures and regulations with the faculty where they were provided with the PSSAs schedule and booklet with rules and student conduct information. All faculty have submitted their PSSAs training certificates.
Disciplinary Referrals
Currently, we have thirteen (13) disciplinary referrals. All teachers are using the responsive classroom, there was an assembly to discuss responsibility and a lesson plan for the teachers to model in their classrooms. Also, students will be planting a seed and taking care of their pots so that they can demonstrate responsibility. Furniture, and seeds were bought for this purpose.
The pots are arranged at the lobby.
We also provided the students with a Math Magic show that was presented by magician Brian Curry. The students really enjoyed this event. The purpose was to get the students excited about Math and start thinking about in a different way where math is applied to everything we do. Ms. Gonzales prepared and excellent presentation to the students called “ Math is everywhere”.
We will have the talent show on Thursday March 30th from 5:30 to 7:00.
Next week on Wednesday March 29th I will have lunch on the roof of the school to comply with the reading challenge students vs. Ms. Davis.



Board Priorities

L. Leonard noted the items listed above.

II. Governance Committee


Governance Committee Meeting Update

J. Arnold noted that the Governance Committee is continuing interview candidates throughout the year. The Governance Committee also gives feedback to M. Davis on policies and is continuing to update the Governance Committee Manual.


Lice Policy: First reading

M. Davis noted that this is a recommendation of the school nurses and is in accordance with the GASD policy.


Truancy Policy: First Reading

M. Davis noted that the law has changed and the policy needed updated.


School Visitation Policy: First reading

M. Davis made changes to the policy that S. Kerns, Esq. drafted and explained her reasoning for the changes and are subject to change. M. Davis noted that there was no policy currently in place and she expressed concerns from the teachers that their classrooms can not be disrupted without prior notice, M. Davis will get teacher's input and will report back to the board and may adjust the policy.

III. Finance Committee


Approve Monthly Financials

M. Rosenberger made a motion to approve the monthly financials,.
F. Dutrisac seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
D. Marritz
M. Rosenberger
S. White
J. Brandauer
L. Leonard
C. Bowen
J. Arnold
E. Diaz
F. Dutrisac


Finance Committee Meeting Update

J. Brandauer notes that we are 2/3 of the way through the current school year and that Vida Charter School was tracking toward a deficiency in the budget of approx. $300,000.00 due to lower than expected enrollment. He notes that our expenses were tracking in line with the budget. Charter Choices has advised that the reimbursement rates for the 2016-17 have increased 8.8% for students within the GASD which will result in a deficit of approx. $110,000.00. J. Brandauer also notes that the audit has been competed and will be voted on in April after review by the Finance Committee. The Finance Committee has approved the new RFP for the search for a new auditor for the 2017-18 school year. J. Brandauer also notes that Charter Choices and M. Davis have been working on drafting the 2017-18 budget. They have been reviewing last years budget and implementing changes where necessary to create a real and balanced budget for the 2017-18 school year. M. Davis also wishes to note that the teacher's salaries appear to have inequalities within their wages and she wishes to create a more level of income among the teachers.

IV. Academic Excellence Committee


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting Update

Academic Excellence did not meet this month and there is no update.

V. Personnel


Acknowledge Resignation of Minerva Medina

The board accepts the resignation of M. Medina and appreciates her service to Vida Charter School.

VI. Other Business


Executive Director Evaluation

L. Leonard noted that the board has completed the Executive Director Evaluation and the evaluation committee will discuss the findings with M. Davis.


Update on School Calendar 2017-18

L. Leonard noted that work is continuing on the school calendar and M. Davis is waiting for the GASD to complete their calendar so that integration with Vida can occur.


Looking Ahead to Next Month

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. White