Vida Charter School


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday February 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM


Vida Charter School Eisenhower Building

Trustees Present

C. Bowen, E. Diaz, F. Dutrisac, J. Arnold, J. Brandauer, L. Leonard, M. Rosenberger, S. White

Trustees Absent

D. Marritz

Ex Officio Members Present

M. Davis

Non Voting Members Present

M. Davis

Guests Present

Amy Mills, Kathy Hewitt, Maria Gellman, N. McGowan, Scott Walter

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Leonard called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Monday Feb 27, 2017 at 6:31 PM.


Approve Minutes

S. White requests the board to approve the minutes pending the inclusion of the January's Director's Report.  
J. Brandauer made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 01-23-17 pending the inclusion of the January's Director's Report.   Board Meeting on 01-23-17.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. White notes that F. Dutrisac is not a voting member at this time and is not included in the vote.


Announcement of Executive Session

L. Leonard announced that the board held an executive session earlier today from 5:30 to 6:17 for the discussion of personnel issues.


Public comment

There were none.


Director's report

Executive Director Report February 27, 2017
There have been five (5) sessions of the Math Clinic on Saturday. Twenty three (23) to thirty (30) students have attended and received Math interventions.
The program is based on mastering the basic operations and solving word problems. Most of the students except two (2) have now master subtraction of four (4) digits and had began to multiply. The upper grades are now multiplying.
Also, Monday 27th we will have an assembly called Magic Math to kick-off the math initiative provided by Brian Curry a magician that incorporates math in his presentation. In addition, we are implementing an enrichment program across the curriculum school wide. It will consist of having a word problem or an equation to solve everyday during the morning meeting.
Teachers and Staff Development
On Monday the 20th we had a whole day training in student engagement provided by Anne Swigard from Education Training Services located in Arizona. I’m please to report that teachers were pleased and learned a great deal. Some teachers are already implementing some of the strategies learned.
On Wednesday 23rd we had a crisis intervention training provided by the LIU.
Moreover, most teachers have been observed for a second time. The month of March will be allocated for post-conferences and final evaluations. Therefore, on the month of April we will be able to advance teacher’s contracts.
Lastly, the office staff still needs to be evaluated including the school counselor.

Potential Enrollment
There are forty seven (47) potential students in a list comprised by siblings and non-siblings.
Oh those forty seven (47), eighteen (18) have submitted enrollment packages.
As today, I’m working on putting together a schedule of classes and the number of enrollees.
Once we have that, we will be able to estimate the number of teachers and staff needed for next year.
Parent Survey
The parent survey is completed. There were 53 responses. Overall the survey shows positively with concerns primarily about the report cards format and information. Some other concerns have been already addressed internally.
The school counselor and myself have met to designed the PSSA’s schedule and proctors for the testing. All teachers and assistant teachers have been asked to take the proctor training.
The testing schedule has been posted on the website.
Marketing Plan
We continued to advertise on TV and radio. Moreover, the billboards in both Spanish and English are now showing.


Board Priorities

L. Leonard noted that the board should be addressing the OKR's in Board on Track.

II. Governance Committee


Governance Committee Meeting Update

J. Arnold noted that the Governance Committee is actively seeking additional board members.


Appoint Francine Dutrisac as New Board Member

J. Arnold noted that Francine Dutrisac was unanimously approved by the Governance Committee for referral to the full board.
M. Rosenberger made a motion to approve Francine Dutrisac for the remainder of the term vacated by Amanda Kittelberger.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
I, Francine Dutrisac, do solemnly swear that I will support, obey and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, and that I will discharge the duties of my office as a member of the Vida Charter School Board of Trustees with fidelity.
The Board of Trustees welcomes Francine the the Board and look forward to working with her. M. Davis will prepare a press release for the inclusion into the local papers.


Approve Governance Committee Quarterly Report

J. Brandauer made a motion to approve the Quarterly Governance Committee Report to be forwarded to our authorizing districts.
E. Diaz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Second Reading and Approval of Policy 601 Disposal of Property

C. Bowen made a motion to accept the Policy 601 Disposal of Property.
M. Rosenberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Review and Discuss Newly Formatted/Revised Board and Committee Calendar

L. Leonard discussed the revisions and additions made to the Board Committee Calendar.

III. Finance Committee


Approve Monthly Financials

J. Brandeauer noted that the financial outlook is much as the same as last several months. Total enrollment is currently at 244 students and the Finance Committee is receiving recruitment updates for M. Davis regularly. We are within 0.4% of our spending. Enrollment is the controlling factor in the amount of income received by participating school districts.


Finance Committee Meeting Update

J. Brandauer noted that Charter Choices has provided a template for the approval of a new auditor. (RFP)  The audit is based on a fiscal year from 7-1 to 6-30. The field work is to be completed this year by 9-30-17 for receipt of actual audit by 12-31-17. J. Brandauer will request Charter Choices to forward the RFP to the accounting firms listed. 


Change of Agenda to add the RFP Approval for New Auditor

C. Bowen made a motion to add the.
J. Arnold seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of the execution of RFP for the Appointment of New Auditor

M. Rosenberger made a motion to approve the RFP for New Auditor.
D. Marritz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Audit discussion

J. Brandauer noted that the audit is not yet completed and a draft copy has been given to J. Brandauer and Charter Choices and it appears that there are no recommendations on said copy.

IV. Academic Excellence Committee


Academic Excellence Committee Meeting Update

c. Bowen noted that there will be no meeting in March. She also notes that the Academic Excellence Committee appreciates the excellent work of the teachers and executive director for the establishment of procedure to enhance the education of our children.


Parent surveys

M. Davis noted that the parent surveys have been returned and are mostly positive and resulted in 25% return rate. An issue that has been brought forth is the communication from teachers to parents/student. Additional comments were made directly to the Ex. Dir. and M. Davis is working to resolve those issues. There were 53 responses  and notes that 50% of the households have more than 1 child attending Vida. It is noted that paper copies were provided to households without internet access.

V. Personnel


Approve Hire of Executive Secretary

M. Davis noted that there were 21 candidates for the position of Executive Secretary. 3 interviews were held and the individual chosen, Nivea Mercado has many necessary qualifications and was asked to perform tasks as part of her interview process.
M. Rosenberger made a motion to approve the hire of Nivea Mercado as the Executive Secretary, effective immediately.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
E. Diaz
J. Arnold
C. Bowen
J. Brandauer
M. Rosenberger
F. Dutrisac
L. Leonard
S. White
D. Marritz

VI. Other Business


Update on Executive Director Evaluation

L. Leonard noted that M. Davis has completed her portion of the CEO Evaluation and that the board is continuing its work.

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

L. Leonard provided the opportunity for the public to address questions that they may have and there were none.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:27 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
S. White


Looking Back and Looking Ahead