Vida Charter School
Finance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Friday December 16, 2016 at 3:30 PM
Vida Charter School - conference room
Committee Members Present
J. Brandauer, M. Davis, N. McGowan
Committee Members Absent
Guests Present
Ryan Schumm(phone
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
J. Brandauer called a meeting of the Finance Committee of Vida Charter School to order on Friday Dec 16, 2016 at 3:37 PM.
Approve Minutes
M. Davis made a motion to approve minutes from the Finance Committee Meeting on 11-21-16 Finance Committee Meeting on 11-21-16.
N. McGowan seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
II. New Business
Call to Public
No members of the public were in attendance.
Enrollment Report/Treasurer's Report/Monthly Business Report
NMcGowan reported that enrollment is stable at 244.
Reimbursement rates from school districts are still outstanding and make forecasting our financial situation somewhat difficult. RSchumm expects them to be released by the end of January. School Districts are asked to report what reimbursements should be to them, but these calculations are not mandatory to report to State Dept of Ed. Only 2 of 6 of 'sending' districts for Vida completed those reports (GASD did not). Accordingly, we will have wait for the state's calculations for more accurate predictions.
Recent news of $600M budget shortfall should not be an issue as the state has already eliminated most direct contributions to charter schools.
Reimbursement rates from school districts are still outstanding and make forecasting our financial situation somewhat difficult. RSchumm expects them to be released by the end of January. School Districts are asked to report what reimbursements should be to them, but these calculations are not mandatory to report to State Dept of Ed. Only 2 of 6 of 'sending' districts for Vida completed those reports (GASD did not). Accordingly, we will have wait for the state's calculations for more accurate predictions.
Recent news of $600M budget shortfall should not be an issue as the state has already eliminated most direct contributions to charter schools.
November Financials
The committee discussed the monthly financials from November. RSchumm indicated that income is likely very accurate on and may be up by a few percentage points (depending on final reimbursement rates).
The deficit prediction in the financials synopsis for the month is quite conservative - may be overstated by about $75k. This is mostly due to some savings in health insurance, personnel costs, and some additional savings with LIU due to changes in services provided.
The committee reviewed current expenditures and concluded that there are few and relatively small opportunities for savings (transportation being one - MDavis will report on this in January).
RSchumm expressed that the board ought not to exert pressure on to the Administration to save money as the issue we are facing is one of underenrollment, not a expenditures.
The committee debated the possiblilties of re-enrolling students who moved to Chambersburg. The financial implications of this were discussed in terms of income vs. expenditures (transportation, supplies, etc.). RSchumm also offered other considerations, chief among them the issue of equity and legal/financial implications.
MDavis reported that, according to Amelia Contreras, there has been an efflux of Latino families from Adams Cty. to the Chambersburg area. This may be an important consideration in terms of student recruitment in the mid to long term.
The deficit prediction in the financials synopsis for the month is quite conservative - may be overstated by about $75k. This is mostly due to some savings in health insurance, personnel costs, and some additional savings with LIU due to changes in services provided.
The committee reviewed current expenditures and concluded that there are few and relatively small opportunities for savings (transportation being one - MDavis will report on this in January).
RSchumm expressed that the board ought not to exert pressure on to the Administration to save money as the issue we are facing is one of underenrollment, not a expenditures.
The committee debated the possiblilties of re-enrolling students who moved to Chambersburg. The financial implications of this were discussed in terms of income vs. expenditures (transportation, supplies, etc.). RSchumm also offered other considerations, chief among them the issue of equity and legal/financial implications.
MDavis reported that, according to Amelia Contreras, there has been an efflux of Latino families from Adams Cty. to the Chambersburg area. This may be an important consideration in terms of student recruitment in the mid to long term.
J. Brandauer made a motion to forward November financials to the board for approval.
M. Davis seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
RSchumm reported that the audit is still not completely processed. Reasons: 1) Auditor got a late start; 2) calculations of GASB68 (governmental accounting standards board - PSERS retirement cost) presents additional work which had to be outsourced and caused a delay. Vida will not incur any extra cost due to this outsourcing.
JBrandauer requested that Charter Choices recommend an auditor which is able to handle this in house for next year's audit.
JBrandauer requested that Charter Choices recommend an auditor which is able to handle this in house for next year's audit.
Reviewed/revised Financial procedures manual
NMcGowan led a discussion of how the revision of the financial procedures manual is progressing. Currently, the Finance committee's target is to re-do overview by the January meeting.
Further goals:
- Accounts payable by February meeting
- Accounts receivable by March meeting
- Purchasing by April meeting
- Review remaining items in May and determine a suitable course of action with a goal of having a new manual in place by the start of new school year.
Further goals:
- Accounts payable by February meeting
- Accounts receivable by March meeting
- Purchasing by April meeting
- Review remaining items in May and determine a suitable course of action with a goal of having a new manual in place by the start of new school year.
Review contracts and termination dates/terms
The committee reviewed existing contracts with an eye towards potential savings. Overall, the committee found very little flexibility in expenditures.
Review and Recommend Risk Management Strategy
The committee discussed the scope and value of a risk manual.
NMcGowan is still requesting Quickbooks from Charter Choices and having difficulty with the installation. The committee explored ways to get this issue resolved.
Allocation of marketing budget
MDavis asked how we should reflect the approved marketing budget in the present budget. RSchumm layed out two options:
1) Revise budget now;
2) Capture students that are being recruited by marketing plan and update budget in the spring. This would simply require consistent and clear communcation with the board.
The committee also discussed potential changes in the administrative structure of Vida and discussed the financial implications of such changes.
1) Revise budget now;
2) Capture students that are being recruited by marketing plan and update budget in the spring. This would simply require consistent and clear communcation with the board.
The committee also discussed potential changes in the administrative structure of Vida and discussed the financial implications of such changes.
III. Old Business/Updates
Budget conversation with teachers/staff
The committee discussed the value of a conversation of board members with teaching and administrative staff regarding the budgeting process.
Annual goals review
The committee reviewed the annual goals set earlier this year and discussed progress on those goals, as well as potential changes. None were suggested.
Insurance rollover
NMcGowan reported that the dental insurance rollover is complete and synchronized with rollover of other programs.
IV. Looking ahead
The committee briefly discussed agenda items for the January meeting.
V. Closing Items
Next meeting - Jan 17, 3:30 - 5:00 PM
Adjourn Meeting
N. McGowan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
M. Davis seconded the motion.
The committee VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 5:07 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
J. Brandauer