Vida Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday October 24, 2016 at 6:30 PM
Vida Charter School Eisenhower Building
Trustees Present
A. Kittelberger, C. Bowen, E. Diaz, J. Arnold, J. Brandauer, L. Leonard, M. Rosenberger, S. White
Trustees Absent
D. Marritz
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Davis
Non Voting Members Present
M. Davis
Guests Present
Kathy Hewitt
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
S. White called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Monday Oct 24, 2016 at 6:32 PM.
Approve Minutes
J. Brandauer made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 09-26-16 Board Meeting on 09-26-16.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Announcement of Executive Session
L. Leonard noted that the board held an executive session earlier today from 5:35 to 6:25 to discuss confidential personnel issues.
Public comment
There were none.
Director's report
Executive Director's Report for October, 2016
We have collected some initial data from all teachers. The data submitted was not consistent and needs to be streamlined. The faculty was asked to submit specific format but not everyone followed it. Nonetheless, we are able to make some sense from that data. Here are some of the items we as a faculty have identified as instructional issues to be improved:1-Reading levels are low. Primarily fluency, vocabulary and comprehension: Intervention: a. Teachers have received staff development on strategies for reading, presenting vocabularyand modeling comprehension. The staff development was provided by Maria Gellman reading specialist. It took two days.b. Teachers are being asked to use the strategies learned. c. We are kicking off an initiative for reading as follows: Goals: i. To cultivate a love for reading from all our students and, ii.To advance our student's fluency and comprehension. The initiative has a wide range and is not limited to the school setting or to a native-language education. Here is how we plan to proceed: Every two months we will set a goal of reading minutes that our students will need to reach. The first goal is 100,000 minutes! If the students reach the goal, Principal Davis will have to do something outrageously funny. We will have a final count of minutes every two months. We are hoping that parents will join us in keeping track of the minutes at home and encouraging our students to read. The reading minutes can be tracked on the reading calendars our students already have.
We have collected some initial data from all teachers. The data submitted was not consistent and needs to be streamlined. The faculty was asked to submit specific format but not everyone followed it. Nonetheless, we are able to make some sense from that data. Here are some of the items we as a faculty have identified as instructional issues to be improved:1-Reading levels are low. Primarily fluency, vocabulary and comprehension: Intervention: a. Teachers have received staff development on strategies for reading, presenting vocabularyand modeling comprehension. The staff development was provided by Maria Gellman reading specialist. It took two days.b. Teachers are being asked to use the strategies learned. c. We are kicking off an initiative for reading as follows: Goals: i. To cultivate a love for reading from all our students and, ii.To advance our student's fluency and comprehension. The initiative has a wide range and is not limited to the school setting or to a native-language education. Here is how we plan to proceed: Every two months we will set a goal of reading minutes that our students will need to reach. The first goal is 100,000 minutes! If the students reach the goal, Principal Davis will have to do something outrageously funny. We will have a final count of minutes every two months. We are hoping that parents will join us in keeping track of the minutes at home and encouraging our students to read. The reading minutes can be tracked on the reading calendars our students already have.
We are also opening the library for students and teachers soon and will have themes for the students to follow while they are in the library reading. Also, on October 28 we are holding a reading school assembly to instigate the urgency of reading to the students and will have an assembly. 2-Students are having difficulty solving math word problems: Intervention: a. Math Team and Executive Director met to strategize on how to teach solving word problems. The Math Team has decided to utilize the same strategy across the board. We will be measuring the effectiveness of this strategy next month. 3. Students in the upper grades are having difficulty multiplying:Teacher have discuss strategies that they can utilized in the classroom to advance the students on the multiplication tables. 4. We need support from parents at home: We are planning to have sessions throughout the year to partnership with parents in supporting our students academically.
As final note also students that have been identified as struggling and are being CT. All students receiving interventions are being monitored for progress.
Student climate and safety
We have achieved a great deal of culture change. Students, teachers and faculty have continuously and consistently use the self-control messages and strategies with our students. This has created a culture of self-control. Our second programming has begun with the "citizenship" core value Therefore, we have only three referrals until now.
Building and grounds
We have put signs outside school for the empty spots.
The paper products have been secured for $3,200.oo for the rest of the year.
Due to staff changes Vida have to advertised for a substitute nurse, two assistants and two teachers, one for Kindergarten English and one anticipated for next year 3rd grade Spanish.
Special Ed Audit
We have formed a team. The members are: Ms. Malone, Ms. McGowan, Ms. Turner, Ms. Mallagan, Ms. Gellman and Ms. Davis.
Ms. Mulligan and I have met two times with the auditors and have the materials. This audit necessitates to write some procedures and policies that we don't have. Those will also need to be approved by the Board.
Upcoming Events: 1. Reading Challenge Students vs. Principal Davis on October 28 and book character parade. 2. Day of the dead.on October 29As final note also students that have been identified as struggling and are being CT. All students receiving interventions are being monitored for progress.
Student climate and safety
We have achieved a great deal of culture change. Students, teachers and faculty have continuously and consistently use the self-control messages and strategies with our students. This has created a culture of self-control. Our second programming has begun with the "citizenship" core value Therefore, we have only three referrals until now.
Building and grounds
We have put signs outside school for the empty spots.
The paper products have been secured for $3,200.oo for the rest of the year.
Due to staff changes Vida have to advertised for a substitute nurse, two assistants and two teachers, one for Kindergarten English and one anticipated for next year 3rd grade Spanish.
Special Ed Audit
We have formed a team. The members are: Ms. Malone, Ms. McGowan, Ms. Turner, Ms. Mallagan, Ms. Gellman and Ms. Davis.
Ms. Mulligan and I have met two times with the auditors and have the materials. This audit necessitates to write some procedures and policies that we don't have. Those will also need to be approved by the Board.
Board Priorities
L. Leonard stated that she is setting Comprehensive Goals for the 2016-17 Academic School Year which incorporates the 3 year Comprehensive Plan to improve student achievement, deliver effective school management and foster community engagement.
II. Academic Excellence Committee
Academic Excellence committee update
A. Kittelberger updated the board through the Academic Excellence Committee minutes and notes that it is the first time that this committee can function properly as it now has the assessment data that can be evaluated to prove academic excellence.
Academic Excellence Committee Goals for 2016-17
The academic excellence committee recommends the board approve the following goal for the 2016-17 school year.
1. Systematize the collection, analysis, and reporting of student achievement data across subjects and grade levels.
2. Systematize the monitoring of all special services provided through Vida (speech, special education, gifted, occupational, academic intervention programs).
3. Create a baseline and measure elements of teacher satisfaction for purposes of teacher recruitment and retention.
4. Create a process to assess board academic program resource allocations for return on investment. Create a test-report on a single allocation that can inform budget discussions during this school year.
1. Systematize the collection, analysis, and reporting of student achievement data across subjects and grade levels.
2. Systematize the monitoring of all special services provided through Vida (speech, special education, gifted, occupational, academic intervention programs).
3. Create a baseline and measure elements of teacher satisfaction for purposes of teacher recruitment and retention.
4. Create a process to assess board academic program resource allocations for return on investment. Create a test-report on a single allocation that can inform budget discussions during this school year.
A. Kittelberger made a motion to approve the Academic Excellence Committee goals for the 2016-17 school year.
J. Brandauer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Governance Committee
Governance Committee Meeting Update
J. Arnold noted that the Governance Committee met earlier today at 4:30. Topic of discussion were Recruitment of new board members, editing the quarterly report of authorizers and discussion of the recent professional development board retreat.
Assess Board retreat and future retreats
The board felt that the recent board retreat was very productive and created an atmosphere of trust between the executive director and the board. Future retreats will be the responsibility of the Governance Committee.
Approve Annual Governance Committee Goals
J. Arnold made a motion to accept the Governance Committee goals for the 2016-17 School Year as outlined.
A. Kittelberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
IV. Finance Committee
Approve Monthly Financials
J. Brandauer made a motion to approve the monthly financials.
A. Kittelberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
M. Rosenberger |
D. Marritz |
J. Brandauer |
S. White |
J. Arnold |
A. Kittelberger |
C. Bowen |
L. Leonard |
E. Diaz |
J. Brandauer provided a Summary and Management Report from Charter Choices and is included herein:
October 19, 2016
Members of the Board of Trustees Vida Charter School This Summary and Management Report presents information we believe is important to you as members of the school board. With one full quarter of the 2016-17 school year complete, we are including analysis of Year To Date (YTD) revenues and expenditures relative to the approved Budget. There is a red flag with respect to enrollment being lower than budgeted, which has a ripple effect of lower revenues (~$394K lower) and a corresponding projected deficit of a proportional amount.(~$347K) as well. Highlights and Takeaways + Operating cash and Current Ratio are in healthy positions + School hiring and spending in line with budget - Enrollment levels below last year and below budget plan ? New school district reimbursement rates not confirmed but expected to increase ? 2015-16 independent audit got underway this week Balance Sheet: Current assets at Sep 30, 2016 decreased approximately $258K since last reporting period primarily as a result of normal lag in district payments and related reductions in Cash positions – which are still healthy. Overall assets decreased by $243K with overwhelming majority attributable to district payment factor, which should reverse in coming month. Current liabilities decreased by appx $212K due to decrease in Payroll Accrual line item. Overall liabilities decreased by the same amount, which is a normal reduction in Accrued Payroll liability associated with the end of the 2015-16 fiscal year. The schools’s Current Ratio – the availability of Current Assets to meet Current Liabilities – sits at 4.0, which is well above sector norms of 2.0 as a sign of financial health. Budget to Actual for 3 months ending Sep, 2016: Revenues for the year to date are lower than budget attributable to lower than planned enrollment. We are hopeful that finalized reimbursement rates from feeder school districts will be higher than the conservative budget case, which will help offset the blow of lower enrollment and revenue. Expenditures for the first quarter are higher than allocations but attributable to timing (e.g. front-loaded expenses such as Curriculum; necessary investments in Information Technology infrastructure). Looking ahead to the rest of the school year, expenditures should remain predictable and in line with projections, with forecasted expenditures tracking toward a final figure appx $47K below the budget plan, which is a positive mitigating factor for the shortfall in revenue.
October 19, 2016
Members of the Board of Trustees Vida Charter School This Summary and Management Report presents information we believe is important to you as members of the school board. With one full quarter of the 2016-17 school year complete, we are including analysis of Year To Date (YTD) revenues and expenditures relative to the approved Budget. There is a red flag with respect to enrollment being lower than budgeted, which has a ripple effect of lower revenues (~$394K lower) and a corresponding projected deficit of a proportional amount.(~$347K) as well. Highlights and Takeaways + Operating cash and Current Ratio are in healthy positions + School hiring and spending in line with budget - Enrollment levels below last year and below budget plan ? New school district reimbursement rates not confirmed but expected to increase ? 2015-16 independent audit got underway this week Balance Sheet: Current assets at Sep 30, 2016 decreased approximately $258K since last reporting period primarily as a result of normal lag in district payments and related reductions in Cash positions – which are still healthy. Overall assets decreased by $243K with overwhelming majority attributable to district payment factor, which should reverse in coming month. Current liabilities decreased by appx $212K due to decrease in Payroll Accrual line item. Overall liabilities decreased by the same amount, which is a normal reduction in Accrued Payroll liability associated with the end of the 2015-16 fiscal year. The schools’s Current Ratio – the availability of Current Assets to meet Current Liabilities – sits at 4.0, which is well above sector norms of 2.0 as a sign of financial health. Budget to Actual for 3 months ending Sep, 2016: Revenues for the year to date are lower than budget attributable to lower than planned enrollment. We are hopeful that finalized reimbursement rates from feeder school districts will be higher than the conservative budget case, which will help offset the blow of lower enrollment and revenue. Expenditures for the first quarter are higher than allocations but attributable to timing (e.g. front-loaded expenses such as Curriculum; necessary investments in Information Technology infrastructure). Looking ahead to the rest of the school year, expenditures should remain predictable and in line with projections, with forecasted expenditures tracking toward a final figure appx $47K below the budget plan, which is a positive mitigating factor for the shortfall in revenue.
J. Brandauer noted that the Treasurer's Report prepared by Vida Charter School reflects that our enrollment is the same as last month at 246
Finance Committee Meeting Update
J. Brandauer noted that the board was updated through the Finance Committee minutes.
Approve Annual Finance Committee Goals
J. Brandauer recommends postponing acceptance of Finance Committee goals until the November meeting.
V. Personnel
Approve change in compensation for TA's working as substitute teachers
A. Kittelberger made a motion to approve the teacher's assistants are called upon to work as substitute teachers they be compensated at the standard substitute teacher rate of $100/day.
M. Rosenberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Resignations: Acknowledge resignation of Emily Cost
L. Leonard noted that the board accepts the resignation of Emily Cost effective October 12, 2016
J. Brandauer made a motion to accept the resignation of Emily Cost effective October 12, 2016.
A. Kittelberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Approve Hire of Long-Term Substitute Teacher for remainder of 2016-17 school year
This item is postponed.
Personnel Hiring Process: Documentation and Verification
VI. Other Business
Discuss Board/Staff Luncheon
L. Leonard requests dates from M. Davis that would suit the school schedule.
Discuss Annual Board Goals 2016-17
This item has been postponed until November meeting.
VII. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
On October 25, 2016 the Gettysburg Area High School will be presenting "Paper Tigers", one high school unlikely success story.
C. Bowen made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
E. Diaz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:26 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. White