Vida Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday July 28, 2016 at 6:30 PM
Eisenhower Building; Remote attendance by dialing 717-253-9033.
Trustees Present
A. Kittelberger (remote), C. Bowen, E. Diaz, J. Brandauer, M. Rosenberger, S. White (remote)
Trustees Absent
D. Marritz, J. Arnold, L. Leonard
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Davis
Non Voting Members Present
M. Davis
Guests Present
Kathy Hewitt
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
C. Bowen called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Thursday Jul 28, 2016 at 6:33 PM.
Approve Minutes
The proposed minutes have been prepared, however existing errors need to be rectified and thus the approval of 6-22-2016 minutes will take place in the August regular scheduled board meeting.
Public Comments
There were none.
Director's Report
Current Issues:
Hiring two new employees. One is the Counselor position and the RTI.
We have conducted interviews for the counselor position and will be making a decision July 28th .
We are n the process of setting up interviews for the RTI position to take place Monday August 1st.
We need to resolve the cleaning issues and hire the appropriate company.
M. Davis has met with Wayne Crosby and he has explained the level of cleaning required by Gettysburg.
M. Davis has approved the IT sets-ups for several new classrooms for the amount of $ 4200.00
We have ordered one conference table and chairs.
We are still waiting on Gettysburg to install the mountings for the projectors in the new classes. The LIU/IT has proceeded with some wiring and needs time to finish the job.
M. Davis has had several discussions with different teachers and we are creating academic groups categorized by subjects. The groups will meet on Wednesdays and will formulate goals and a plan of action that will include data to measure academic growth. This will be in addition to benchmarks assessments.
The Staff Development plan has been designed and sent to all the faculty members.
The Induction Plan is still on the works. Maria Gellman has been coordinating the Vida ‘s part of the induction plan.
We have received the materials for the new math curriculum and are awaiting training during the Staff Development.
We are also planning a DATA/ PLC session at the end of each month.
M. Davis still trying to reach the LIU in regards to the Special Ed contract with the LIU. This is one piece I’ll be working on.
M. Davis has met with Maribel Gonzales and have designed a data process for the year.
One change is the PLC/Data meeting once a month and we will be designing an assessment plan during the year to evaluate the academic level as benchmarks.
The subjects groups will work on attaining academic growth and will be evaluated every quarter.
Enrollment, since the arrival of M. Davis
1 definite K enrollment
2 possible K enrollments
We have 18 more spots available
Two ads were advertised in the Hannover Evening Sun on the 24th , and soon on August 2nd and 9th. The ads are in both languages.
Maribel Gonzales has taken the NMS/ Roster and she is in-putting all students names so that the system will be up and running at the start of the school.
Hiring two new employees. One is the Counselor position and the RTI.
We have conducted interviews for the counselor position and will be making a decision July 28th .
We are n the process of setting up interviews for the RTI position to take place Monday August 1st.
We need to resolve the cleaning issues and hire the appropriate company.
M. Davis has met with Wayne Crosby and he has explained the level of cleaning required by Gettysburg.
M. Davis has approved the IT sets-ups for several new classrooms for the amount of $ 4200.00
We have ordered one conference table and chairs.
We are still waiting on Gettysburg to install the mountings for the projectors in the new classes. The LIU/IT has proceeded with some wiring and needs time to finish the job.
M. Davis has had several discussions with different teachers and we are creating academic groups categorized by subjects. The groups will meet on Wednesdays and will formulate goals and a plan of action that will include data to measure academic growth. This will be in addition to benchmarks assessments.
The Staff Development plan has been designed and sent to all the faculty members.
The Induction Plan is still on the works. Maria Gellman has been coordinating the Vida ‘s part of the induction plan.
We have received the materials for the new math curriculum and are awaiting training during the Staff Development.
We are also planning a DATA/ PLC session at the end of each month.
M. Davis still trying to reach the LIU in regards to the Special Ed contract with the LIU. This is one piece I’ll be working on.
M. Davis has met with Maribel Gonzales and have designed a data process for the year.
One change is the PLC/Data meeting once a month and we will be designing an assessment plan during the year to evaluate the academic level as benchmarks.
The subjects groups will work on attaining academic growth and will be evaluated every quarter.
Enrollment, since the arrival of M. Davis
1 definite K enrollment
2 possible K enrollments
We have 18 more spots available
Two ads were advertised in the Hannover Evening Sun on the 24th , and soon on August 2nd and 9th. The ads are in both languages.
Maribel Gonzales has taken the NMS/ Roster and she is in-putting all students names so that the system will be up and running at the start of the school.
II. Other Business
Janitorial Bids
A. Kittelberger made a motion to hire of ASJ for the 2016-17 SY for janitorial services.
S. White seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
A. Kittelberger |
M. Rosenberger |
L. Leonard |
J. Arnold |
J. Brandauer |
D. Marritz |
S. White |
C. Bowen |
E. Diaz |
E & B Transportation Contract for 2016-2017
C. Bowen made a motion to accept a contract with E & B Transporation for busing of Hanover students for the 2016-17 SY.
M. Rosenberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Counselor position description update
A. Kittelberger made a motion to approve change in Guidance Counselor Position description.
M. Rosenberger seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Amanda Staub & Minerva Mendoza's Resignation letters
The board accepts the resignation of Minerva Gonzelaz and Amanda Staub and appreciates the service of both individuals for their willingness to serve Vida in any capacity as necessary.
Website calendar has been updated
M. Davis notes that changes have been updated to the school website.
Lease reimbursement
J. Brandauer made a motion to approve the 2015-16 Application for Lease Reimbursement Program.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
III. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
M. Rosenberger motioned to move into executive session at 7:42 to discuss personnel matters, seconded by J. Brandauer. Board exited executive session at 8:13.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. White