Vida Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday May 23, 2016 at 6:30 PM
Vida Charter School Gymnasium
Trustees Present
A. Kittelberger, C. Bowen, J. Arnold, J. Brandauer, L. Leonard, M. Rosenberger, S. White
Trustees Absent
D. Marritz, M. Novoa
Ex Officio Members Present
C. Maldonado
Non Voting Members Present
C. Maldonado
Guests Present
Alicia Lair, Amelia Contreras, Aurora Contreras, Kim Hissong, Matt Kittleberger, Moises Ruiz, Paul Kellett, Rosa Barron, Ryan Schraum, Will Kittleberger
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
S. White called a meeting of the board of trustees of Vida Charter School to order on Monday May 23, 2016 at 6:38 PM.
Announcement of executive session
A. Kittleberger noted that the board held an executive session prior to the regularly scheduled board meeting beginning at 5:30, exited at 6:27 and was for the purpose of discussing confidential personnel matters.
Approve Minutes
C. Bowen made a motion to approve minutes from the special meeting held on 05-09-16 Special Board Meeting on 05-09-16.
J. Arnold seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
PTO Report
PTO Joined Amazon Smiles- So when making a purchase anyone should select us so we can get the 5% from the purchases. May 3rd we have Teacher Appreciation- Looking for a local place to deliver, and want to support local business. We have our election going on now. Nomination papers will be going home. Election is in our May meeting. Our Spring T-shirt sale will be coming home soon as well. We want them back by Mayfair. We added totes this time as well. Great for teacher gifts. Mayfair was May 13th- Potluck again this year with a few new activities, like a family photobooth for a Dollar! Door prizes as well. Art Show and Art project area with Art teacher. School spirit week was May 9 - May 13th.
Public Comment
There were no comments.
Board Priorities Update
Vida’s board has supported administrative work through resource allocation and policy. Through our partnership, the board and the executive director have made the following accomplishments in the 2015-2016 school year.
- Equity and involvement is improving.
- Data and assessments mean that students are “caught” in time to learn what they’ve missed.
- For the first time, half of Vida’s teachers are native Spanish speakers. The director has made enormous efforts to recruit bilingual native speakers and now more than half the staff are native Spanish speakers. Approximately 60% of the teachers are bilingual and all of the teacher assistants are bilingual.
- Our students have strong bi-cultural identification. Our Spanish speaking students are not ashamed to be Hispanic. The involvement of our Spanish speaking families in the school is growing steadily.
- Vida’s data is still too new to determine if achievement gaps are closing, but the dual language model is now structured to help teachers and students close gaps.
- Vida’s curriculum has been fully aligned – horizontally and vertically – with the PA Common Core and Vida’s mission.
- Our executive director has clarified our standards about what students need to know each year and how each year will build on the last.
- Because assessment is paired to Vida’s aligned curriculum, the school has infrastructure in place to address student learning gaps as they occur and to adjust teaching accordingly.
- For the first time, Vida is regularly using nationally normed tests that are given independent of each other in both English and Spanish in order to track student learning. (i.e., we no longer test reading with a story in English and then test with the same story in Spanish). Vida’s testing data will provide a way for teachers to track individual student and grade-level cohort learning from year to year.
3. Vida has made changes to the structure of the school day to focus value on learning and student time on-task.
- Vida has lengthened the school day to equal that of other schools in our region.
- Vida has introduced language and cultural equity. Every student spends fully half of each day in each language. Morning announcements alternate daily between Spanish and English as do assemblies.
- Vida has regularized the language in which each subject is taught. Classroom teachers divide the core subjects between them: ELA, and math are taught in English; SLA, science and social studies are taught in Spanish. Because subjects are divided between teachers, the grade-level teaching teams know exactly where each student is in each subject at every point during the year. Another advantage to this new division of subjects is increased accountability for student time spent on subjects like math and science.
- Vida’s daily schedule has been optimized and standardized for the amount of instructional time given to each subject area. For example, students now have one hour of math, LA, science & health, and social studies each day. The new schedule has made the special subject areas – art and music – predictable and it provides a way for the art and music teachers to integrate classroom content with their lessons. Teachers can rely on the availability of teaching time and students are spending more time on-task.
- Vida has implemented a schoolwide (cross grade level) homework policy.
- Teacher professional development is more targeted and more directly applicable to teacher needs. Because subjects are assigned to teachers (vs. co-teaching all subjects), teachers can focus their PD on the specific subjects he or she teaches.
- Vida’s school day is designed for continuous learning. Students start the day with seat work as they arrive at school and no longer have to assemble in the cafeteria before going to their classroom. Morning meetings and end-of-day activities provide a clear beginning and ending to the day for students and teachers.
- The school has become a learning community across all grade levels and students are ready to learn. They understand how they can participate as positive members of their learning community.
- Students are solving their own problems and fewer students need extra assistance to solve problems in the classroom. We see this through decreased referrals to both the guidance counselor and the executive director.
- Teachers are reporting an increase in students’ intrinsic motivation, and where extra assistance is needed, Vida has become more consistent and supportive of children’s needs.
- The students are actively using peer mediators.
5. Vida has increased its use of data for instructional programming and decision-making.
- Teachers are now tracking student learning data as part of their regular practice. They are keeping records that can be used for school wide data analysis through the school’s data management system.
- Vida’s term-appointed data coach has assessed major student learning outcomes in math and reading and has identified grade level targets for student improvement. The work of the data coach has - and will continue to - inform teacher goal-setting and instruction. Additionally, the school’s learning data is informing curriculum purchases as Vida better understands where the instructional program is effective and where content is being missed.
- Using data to track progress, teachers at each grade level worked to raise every student’s reading level by four levels this year. Four levels per grade is a standard for student yearly progress in reading. The assessments are still being analyzed, but early results are promising.
- Teacher Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) have been meeting regularly. The PLCs have helped Vida to: focus instructional programs, differentiate instruction for students, and understand student-by-student learning outcomes and growth.
- Teachers in all classrooms use “brain breaks” between subjects as a regular part of teaching.
- Either PE or “music and movement” is in the schedule for every child, every day.
- Recess is a regular, scheduled part of every child’s day.
- Next year, Spanish teachers will teach science and health as an integrated subject to increase the time spent teaching students about healthy lifestyles.
- As of this year, Vida has one computer (or tablet) for each child in grades 4 to 6.
- Vida’s network can support a consistent level of connectivity and connection speed in the classrooms. With reliable and fast connections, teachers are able to use technology regularly in instruction. Last year, teachers only used computers periodically for instruction because the network couldn’t reliably support them.
- With the addition of technology in classrooms, students are getting differentiated instruction daily instead of a few times per week.
- With additional computer-based learning modules, teachers can now rapidly monitor student growth and learning.
- Teachers and students are using new tools for building learning communities like Google Classroom.
II. Academic Excellence
New Math Curriculum Purchase
C. Maldonado noted that the teachers, staff and administration have requested that the board approved the implementation of Math in Focus for level K-6. Based on the highly renowned and respected math program from Singapore, Math in Focus shows rigor and depth in its content, as well as great use of the concrete-pictorial-abstract learning. Problem solving is a key focus of the curriculum, as well as a strong emphasis in conceptual understanding of math.
L. Leonard noted that based upon the request, the 2016-17 budget has allowed for the purchase of this curriculum not to exceed the amount of $30,000.00.
L. Leonard noted that based upon the request, the 2016-17 budget has allowed for the purchase of this curriculum not to exceed the amount of $30,000.00.
L. Leonard made a motion to to purchase Math in Focus for level K-6, not to exceed $30,000.00 for purchase and implementation in the 2016-17 school year.
S. White seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
M. Novoa |
M. Rosenberger |
D. Marritz |
A. Kittelberger |
J. Arnold |
C. Bowen |
S. White |
J. Brandauer |
L. Leonard |
Dual Language Pre-School
C. Maldonado noted that Vida will have a classroom available for a dual language preschool and have a prepared a registration form for El Jardin, a preschool for ages 3-5. Registration forms can be obtained at the school office.
III. Finance
Vida Budget 2016-17, presentation and Q&A
L. Leonard introduced Ryan Schraum of Charter Choices, to present the proposed 2016-17 Vida Charter School Budget which is a follows:
VIDA Charter 2017 Draft Budget Income Local Revenues Total Local Revenues 3,153,492.99 Total State Revenues 22,726.75 Total Federal Revenues 86,900.07 Total Misc Revenue 1,749.97 Total Income 3,264,869.78 Expense Total Personnel Costs 2,101,817.55 Total Contracted Services 352,374.08 Total Site Costs 467,471.71 Total Fixed Assets 35,000.00 Total Other Expenses 176,254.45 Total Supplies 95,263.00 Total Activities 20,977.72 Total Expense 3,249,158.53 Net Income 15,711.26.
In addition to the budget, R. Schraum discussed history of Vida Charter School finances, the current charter school environment, legislative issues and the processes involved in budget preparation and are outlined herein:
- A Look Back
- VIDA Fund Balance History
- Fiscal Year 2016
- State of the Charter School Nation
- 2017 Budget
- Realities & Priorities – Education Budgeting Balancing Act
- Context
- Goals & Initiatives
L. Leonard provided clarification of the fund balances stating that during our re-charter process, the Vida Charter School Board of Trustees and administration specifically withheld spending due to the uncertainty of the re-charter process The funds were then released for additional purchases, as necessary, following the recharter. In addition, L. Leonard noted the increased costs for contracted services are a due to the smaller size of the Vida Charter School; in larger charter schools (350-400 student range) the services are contained within the school with the appropriate staff on hand, but due to our size, we contract many of these services out to others, namely the LIU.
VIDA Charter 2017 Draft Budget Income Local Revenues Total Local Revenues 3,153,492.99 Total State Revenues 22,726.75 Total Federal Revenues 86,900.07 Total Misc Revenue 1,749.97 Total Income 3,264,869.78 Expense Total Personnel Costs 2,101,817.55 Total Contracted Services 352,374.08 Total Site Costs 467,471.71 Total Fixed Assets 35,000.00 Total Other Expenses 176,254.45 Total Supplies 95,263.00 Total Activities 20,977.72 Total Expense 3,249,158.53 Net Income 15,711.26.
In addition to the budget, R. Schraum discussed history of Vida Charter School finances, the current charter school environment, legislative issues and the processes involved in budget preparation and are outlined herein:
- A Look Back
- VIDA Fund Balance History
- Fiscal Year 2016
- State of the Charter School Nation
- 2017 Budget
- Realities & Priorities – Education Budgeting Balancing Act
- Context
- Goals & Initiatives
L. Leonard provided clarification of the fund balances stating that during our re-charter process, the Vida Charter School Board of Trustees and administration specifically withheld spending due to the uncertainty of the re-charter process The funds were then released for additional purchases, as necessary, following the recharter. In addition, L. Leonard noted the increased costs for contracted services are a due to the smaller size of the Vida Charter School; in larger charter schools (350-400 student range) the services are contained within the school with the appropriate staff on hand, but due to our size, we contract many of these services out to others, namely the LIU.
Authorize presentation of Vida Budget 2016-17
J. Brandauer made a motion to present the proposed 2016-17 Vida Charter School budget for review for 30 days before the adoption on June 22, 2016, the regularly scheduled board meeting.
L. Leonard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
A. Kittleberger noted that the proposed 2016-17 budget will be available for public review on the school website and at the Vida Charter School office.
Finance meeting update
S. White reported the Finance Committee met on 5-16-16 at 3:30 to 4:30 and reports that they:
1. Reviewed the 2016-17 Budget and recommends adoption at the June 22, board meeting. The new budget will allow for $15,711.25 in Net Income, based upon enrollment of 271 students and a consistent tuition rates paid by the districts. It is noted that 64% of the budget is being spent on salaries and benefits. 2. Reviewed April Financials. The committee questioned some categories of expenditures, but those will be corrected. We received numerous bills from the LIU for contracted services. 3. Discussed the Special Education and Gifted Proposal: CM provided a Proposal to Purchase Services from LIU for an Instructional advisor 1/week and a teacher 2 days/week for a total of $64,300, which is approx. what we are currently paying less benefits and taxes, based upon 2015-16 costs and the costs will be adjusted to provide for the 2016-17 school year. CM will check to see what that variance will be before adoption of proposal. 4. Discussed the the math curriculum. Much research has been completed to determine that a new curriculum is necessary and wishes to purchase Math in Focus, Singapore Math as the new math curriculum. The PD portion is not to exceed $3,000.00 and the grade level course work not to exceed the amount of $28,000, for a total not to exceed $32,000.00. 5. Charter Choices has recommended the update of policies concerning grant money that we use that need to be adopted so that they may be included within our next audit in order to satisfy PDE. They are as follows: Procurement Using Grants Funds, Allocation of Non-Personnel Costs to Grants, Drawdowns and Reimbursement Requirements, Allowable Use of Funds and Adherence to Uniform Grant Guidance, Cash Management, Conflict of Interest and Allowability of Costs. It is the recommendation of FC to adopt these policies. 6. Enrollment is currently 241 students. 7. Tuition Reimbursement: One teacher has requested reimbursement. 7. Lease Renewel: CM and Shawn Kerns, Esq. and Ryan Schraum of Charter Choices are reviewing the lease and plan to have ready for the June 22 board meeting for adoption. 8. Scholastic Book Revenue: The fall Book Fair resulted in costs being paid by Vida and based upon sales we were granted the opportunity to purchase books for our reading room. 9. Current Costs associated with the RTK were in the amount of $5,072.00 for March and there may have been additional fees incurred in Jan and Feb however the exact amount were not broken out of the monthly invoices during those times. 10. The board went into executive session to discuss personnel/financial issues.
1. Reviewed the 2016-17 Budget and recommends adoption at the June 22, board meeting. The new budget will allow for $15,711.25 in Net Income, based upon enrollment of 271 students and a consistent tuition rates paid by the districts. It is noted that 64% of the budget is being spent on salaries and benefits. 2. Reviewed April Financials. The committee questioned some categories of expenditures, but those will be corrected. We received numerous bills from the LIU for contracted services. 3. Discussed the Special Education and Gifted Proposal: CM provided a Proposal to Purchase Services from LIU for an Instructional advisor 1/week and a teacher 2 days/week for a total of $64,300, which is approx. what we are currently paying less benefits and taxes, based upon 2015-16 costs and the costs will be adjusted to provide for the 2016-17 school year. CM will check to see what that variance will be before adoption of proposal. 4. Discussed the the math curriculum. Much research has been completed to determine that a new curriculum is necessary and wishes to purchase Math in Focus, Singapore Math as the new math curriculum. The PD portion is not to exceed $3,000.00 and the grade level course work not to exceed the amount of $28,000, for a total not to exceed $32,000.00. 5. Charter Choices has recommended the update of policies concerning grant money that we use that need to be adopted so that they may be included within our next audit in order to satisfy PDE. They are as follows: Procurement Using Grants Funds, Allocation of Non-Personnel Costs to Grants, Drawdowns and Reimbursement Requirements, Allowable Use of Funds and Adherence to Uniform Grant Guidance, Cash Management, Conflict of Interest and Allowability of Costs. It is the recommendation of FC to adopt these policies. 6. Enrollment is currently 241 students. 7. Tuition Reimbursement: One teacher has requested reimbursement. 7. Lease Renewel: CM and Shawn Kerns, Esq. and Ryan Schraum of Charter Choices are reviewing the lease and plan to have ready for the June 22 board meeting for adoption. 8. Scholastic Book Revenue: The fall Book Fair resulted in costs being paid by Vida and based upon sales we were granted the opportunity to purchase books for our reading room. 9. Current Costs associated with the RTK were in the amount of $5,072.00 for March and there may have been additional fees incurred in Jan and Feb however the exact amount were not broken out of the monthly invoices during those times. 10. The board went into executive session to discuss personnel/financial issues.
Approve April 2016 Financials
S. White made a motion to accept the April financials as presented.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Treasurer's Report
April 30, 2016 Prepared by: Lynn Leonard
**Contracted Services: Total contracted services are over budget due partly to special education (over budget by $54,000) and legal expenses (over budget by $12,000, due in part Shawn attending board meetings, search process and RTK requests). Total fees from January to April for processing RTK requests is around $6,500.
***Total Expenses: This variance indicates we have overspent by about $86,000. Fortunately, an $86,000 surplus was built into the budget, making it possible that we will experience a slight operating loss (worst case scenario -$14,000) but more likely break even at the end of the year.
3. Enrollment and Attendance Summary: 241 students enrolled
4. State Budget Update
5. Corrections/Recommendations: Several items in the check detail were incorrectly labeled as conferences and will be reassigned for next month.
6. On the Horizon: The finance committee will be reviewing and recommending health and dental insurance quotes and plans for board approval next month.
- Balance Sheet Summary
- Total assets: $1.56 million ($367,000 less than the beginning of the FY)
- Total liabilities: $282,000 ($67,000 less than beginning of the FY)
- Total equity: $1.9 million ($300,000 less than the beginning of the FY)
- Current YTD operating loss: -$28,000
- Projected EOY operating loss: -$14,000
- Summary of fund balance:
- $973,271 Fund balance per 06.30.15 audit (committed + unassigned)
- ($300,000) Projected loss for the year (includes any potential operating loss, modulars, curriculum, tech, etc.)
2. Profit and Loss Statement Summary:
Budget Category YTD actual YTD budget Variance
Total Income 2.38 million 2.39 million (12,000)
Personnel 1.63 million 1.58 million 57,000*
Contracted Services 301,000 267,000 34,000**
Site Costs 240,000 245,000 (5,400)
Fixed Assets 42,000 29,000 13,000
Other Expenses 123,000 138,000 (14,600)
Supplies 60,000 51,000 8,700
Activities 6,600 13,000 (6,400)
Total Expenses: 2.41 million 2.33 million 86,000***
Net Income (29,000) 69,000 (84,000)
*Personnel: Overspend due to increased hiring of staff during the year and partly due to the fact that there were 3 pay periods in April for staff.Budget Category YTD actual YTD budget Variance
Total Income 2.38 million 2.39 million (12,000)
Personnel 1.63 million 1.58 million 57,000*
Contracted Services 301,000 267,000 34,000**
Site Costs 240,000 245,000 (5,400)
Fixed Assets 42,000 29,000 13,000
Other Expenses 123,000 138,000 (14,600)
Supplies 60,000 51,000 8,700
Activities 6,600 13,000 (6,400)
Total Expenses: 2.41 million 2.33 million 86,000***
Net Income (29,000) 69,000 (84,000)
**Contracted Services: Total contracted services are over budget due partly to special education (over budget by $54,000) and legal expenses (over budget by $12,000, due in part Shawn attending board meetings, search process and RTK requests). Total fees from January to April for processing RTK requests is around $6,500.
***Total Expenses: This variance indicates we have overspent by about $86,000. Fortunately, an $86,000 surplus was built into the budget, making it possible that we will experience a slight operating loss (worst case scenario -$14,000) but more likely break even at the end of the year.
3. Enrollment and Attendance Summary: 241 students enrolled
4. State Budget Update
5. Corrections/Recommendations: Several items in the check detail were incorrectly labeled as conferences and will be reassigned for next month.
6. On the Horizon: The finance committee will be reviewing and recommending health and dental insurance quotes and plans for board approval next month.
First Reading: Uniform Grants Guidance Policy
A, Kittleberger noted the first reading of the following policies, which will provide financial oversight and guidance for Vida Charter School in relation to Uniform Grants as requested by PDE:
- Allocation of Non Personnel Costs to Grants
- Allowability of Cost
- Cash Management
- Conflict of Interest
- Drawdowns and Reimbursement Requests
- Procurements Using Grant Funds
- Allocation of Non Personnel Costs to Grants
- Allowability of Cost
- Cash Management
- Conflict of Interest
- Drawdowns and Reimbursement Requests
- Procurements Using Grant Funds
Eisenhower Building Lease 2016-2021
C. Maldonado reported that the lease is currently not available for vote at this time and still in negotiations with GASD and Shawn Kerns, Esq. A. Kittleberger suggests that board members should contact Shawn with concerns and it is to be tabled discussions at this time.
IV. Other Business
Re-appoint teaching staff for the 2016-17 school year
C. Bowen made a motion to appoint the following staff for re-appointment for the 2016-17 school year, Sra. CaƱedo, Sra. Cost, Sra. Cuadrado, Sr. Fonseca, Sra. Garibay, Sra. Gellman, Sra. Gonzalez, Sr. Haffey, Sra. Kapfhammer, Sra. Kerrison, Sra. Maneval, Sra. Mills, Srta. Phiel, Sra. Reyes, Sr. Steiner, Srta. Varas and Sra. Staub.
L. Leonard seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Appoint new teaching staff for 2016-17
C. Bowen made a motion to appoint Elana F Nashelsky for the 2016-17 school year.
D. Marritz seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Accept resignations (if applicable)
L. Leonard made a motion to accept the resignation of Ana Gradilla effective June 2, 2016.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Change in Teaching Assistants Structure
C. Maldonado reported that the pay structure of the teaching assistants has been revised from annual salaries to hourly paid and will go into effect for any hire made after July 1, 2016.
Executive Director Search Update
L. Leonard noted that the board has spent a great deal of time, due diligence and coordination of many issues concerning the appointment of a new executive director. At this time, there are no major items to report but the board may call a special meeting to appoint the executive director before the next regular board meeting (June 22, 2016). The board will provide updates as soon as they are available.
V. Governance
Governance report to authorizers due June 2016
C. Bowen noted that the quarterly report will be sent to our authorizers in June.
Announcement of and acceptance of board member election results
J. Brandauer reports that the election results are as follows-117 votes were cast: 48 for Paul Kellett, 68 for Elizabeth Diaz. Congratulations to Elizabeth Diaz, she will be sworn in at the June 22, 2016 regularly scheduled meeting. J. Brandauer thanks both candidates for their participation and their willingness to serve Vida Charter School. It is appreciated. L. Leonard noted her thanks to the Governance Committee for their hard work in preparing a slate of candidates for election.
J. Brandauer also thanks M. Novoa for his service to Vida Charter School.
J. Brandauer also thanks M. Novoa for his service to Vida Charter School.
VI. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
C. Bowen added that she appreciated the board priorities report, as these are the reasons why she is a director.
C. Maldonado reported that 5th grade student, Ben Fischer placed 15th in the nation in the NatGeo Bee held in Washington, DC. on May 23-25, 2016 at the Washington Plaza Hotel. The finalists were from the ages of 10-14, came from all 50 states, Washington DC, Atlantic Territories, Pacific Territories and Department of Defense Dependents Schools. Congratulations to Ben and family!
C. Maldonado reported that 5th grade student, Ben Fischer placed 15th in the nation in the NatGeo Bee held in Washington, DC. on May 23-25, 2016 at the Washington Plaza Hotel. The finalists were from the ages of 10-14, came from all 50 states, Washington DC, Atlantic Territories, Pacific Territories and Department of Defense Dependents Schools. Congratulations to Ben and family!
J. Brandauer made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
C. Bowen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
S. White