Vida Charter School
Governance Committee Meeting
Date and Time
Monday December 14, 2015 at 4:30 PM
Committee Members Present
C. Maldonado, D. Marritz
Committee Members Absent
K. Cunniffe Peña
Guests Present
A. Kittelberger, Kathy Hewitt(ex officio)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
Call to the Public
II. Governance
Board member recruitment
Committee checked on next steps from its last meeting.
Has the translated interest form been posted to the web? No. AKittelberger will prompt KCunniffe Peña to send the final 2-language version to CMaldonado for immediate posting.
Are board minutes being translated? This is on CMaldonad's list to start with December 2015 meeting.
The committee discussed potential candidates and agreed that there is a high priority for bilingual board members.
The committee agreed that hgh need areas were professional expertise in technology, marketing, HR.
The committee agreed that prospective board members contacted in Jan/Feb 2015 and who indicated "maybe later" should be re-contacted in this recruitment cycle.
CMaldonado has been working to identify some native Spanish speakers.
DMarritz will contact Amelia Contreras, former board member, for possible board candidates.
Procedures related to board candidacy
The committee did not get to this agenda item.
Governance committee annual calendar
The committee did not get to this agenda item.
III. Closing Items
Next Steps - identify and assign
CMaldonado will continue to work on recruiting prospective board members in the Spanish-speaking community.
DMarritz will confer with Ameila Contreras for board member suggestions.
No members of the public were present.