Vida Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday September 27, 2021 at 6:30 PM EDT
I. | Opening Items | |
A. | Record Attendance | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes | |
Approve minutes for Board Meeting on August 23, 2021 | ||
II. | Public Comment | |
A. | Public Comment | |
Opportunity for public members to address the Board of Trustees.. Please click here for public comment protocol
III. | Teacher Report | |
A. | Teacher Report | |
Mary Cañedo (5/6 Social Studies and English Language Arts Teacher) will be coming to speak to the Board about her experience with biliteracy curriculum
IV. | Voting Items | |
A. | Financials | |
Confidential Agreement
B. | Policy | |
C. | Board and Committee Leadership | |
V. | Academic Excellence | |
A. | Committee Goals | |
a. Provide an anonymous staff survey twice a year to track school climate with 90% completion rate. The ED will act on the results of the survey by celebrating successes and providing opportunities to address concerns.
b. All school discussion and analysis of student data will include desegregation of results in order to identify patterns and trends. |
B. | PSSA Data Review | |
Initial PSSA Data Review
VI. | CEO Support And Eval | |
A. | ED Report | |
VII. | Finance | |
A. | Lease | |
VIII. | Governance | |
A. | Quarterly Report | |
B. | Board Updates | |
Google Shared Drive
New Board members Training Act 55 Board members Skill Inventory |
C. | Committee Goals | |
1. Review bylaws and policies as needed. Invite impacted communities to give input on board policies that are important to them or that may affect them personally.
2. Recruit, orient, and support development of board members for upcoming elections, appointments, and leadership positions.
3. Create and implement clear and intentional processes for recruitment and onboarding new board members.
4. Schedule, plan, and facilitate board development and leadership activities throughout the year including the annual board retreat, board assessment and evaluation as well as required trainings.
IX. | Other Business | |
X. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |