Vida Charter School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 21, 2016 at 6:30 PM EST
Vida Charter School Eisenhower Building
I. | Opening Items | |
Opening Items
A. | Record Attendance and Guests | |
B. | Call the Meeting to Order | |
C. | Approve Minutes | |
D. | Announcement of Executive Session | |
E. | Public comment | |
F. | Director's report | |
G. | Board Priorities | |
Goals |
II. | Governance Committee | |
A. | Governance Committee Meeting Update | |
B. | Approve Quarterly Report for Authorizers | |
The governance committee drafted and sent their quarterly report to our authorizers. Thanks to the committee for documenting your work so thoroughly. |
C. | Process for Updating Board Calendar and Creating Board Manual | |
III. | Finance Committee | |
A. | Approve Monthly Financials | |
B. | Finance Committee Meeting Update | |
C. | Progress and Efforts toward Enrollment and Revenue | |
IV. | Academic Excellence Committee | |
Academic Excellence
A. | Academic Excellence Committee Meeting Update | |
B. | Student Academic Progress Update | |
C. | Recommend teacher satisfaction survey | |
Administration to instructional staff in early December 2016. |
V. | Personnel | |
A. | Approve Hire of Maria Maldonado as Long-Term Substitute for remaining 2016-17 School Year | |
B. | Approve Hire of Margie Staley as Kindergarten teacher for remaining 2016-17 school year | |
C. | Approve opening of "Instructional Tutor" position and Job Description | |
D. | Acknowledge Resignation of Aidelise Montalvo | |
VI. | Other Business | |
A. | Approve Executive Director's 2016-17 Goals | |
B. | Approve Board Goals for 2016-17 | |
C. | Approve 2016-17 Marketing Plan | |
D. | Interim Reflection and Exchange on ED Progress and Performance | |
E. | Announce Staff/Board Luncheon | |
We have tentatively scheduled the board/staff luncheon for Thursday, December 22 when there is early dismissal for students. Melissa R. has suggested doing an icebreaker activity with staff and we will consider catering options for the meal. Please consider whether you'd like to help coordinate this lunch. If anyone is available and interested, we could also schedule a board member training session for use of BoardonTrack before or after the luncheon. Please indicate your interest in this.
F. | New GASD School Day Start and End Times | |
GASD is considering altering start and end times for students next year. Attached is information provided publicly at their meeting last week. Please review and consider how this may affect Vida for next year. |
VII. | Closing Items | |
A. | Adjourn Meeting |