TEACH Public Schools


July 15, 2020 Regular Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday July 15, 2020 at 5:00 PM


TEACH Public Schools
1846 W. Imperial Hwy. Los Angeles, CA 90047
Notice is hereby given that the order of consideration of matters on this agenda may be change without prior notice.
The Governing Board’s presiding officer reserves the right to impose reasonable time limits on public testimony to ensure that the agenda is completed.
Pursuant to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, any individual with a disability who requires reasonable accommodation to attend or participate in this meeting of the Governing Board may request assistance by contacting TEACH Public Schools during normal business hours at as far in advance as possible, but no later than 24 hours before the meeting.
For more information concerning this agenda or for materials relating to this meeting, please contact TEACH Public Schools, 1846 W. Imperial Highway. Los Angeles, CA 90047; phone: 323-872-0808; fax 323-389-4898.

Matt Brown is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: TEACH Board Meeting June 17, 2020
Time: Jun 17, 2020 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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Directors Present

A. Dragon (remote), J. Lobdell (remote), K. Piazza (remote), L. Butler (remote), L. Castillo (remote), S. Burrows (remote), S. Tucker (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

E. Robles (remote), F. Williams (remote), M. Brown (remote), M. Woodley (remote), R. Carranza, S. Lawson (remote), S. Rhee (remote), S. Torres (remote)

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Butler called a meeting of the board of directors of TEACH Public Schools to order on Wednesday Jul 15, 2020 at 5:07 PM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Public Comment

No Public Comments



Consent Items

S. Tucker made a motion to approve Consent Items.
S. Burrows seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Butler
S. Burrows
S. Tucker
K. Piazza
A. Dragon
J. Lobdell
L. Castillo
Board Members approved the following:
  1. July 15th, 2020 Board Meeting Agenda
  2. 2020-2021 Comprehensive School Safety Plan (TTCHS, TAT, TPES)


Approval of July 15, 2020 Regular Board Meeting Agenda

S. Tucker made a motion to approve July 15th, 2020 Board Meeting Agenda.
S. Burrows seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
L. Butler
J. Lobdell
L. Castillo
S. Tucker
A. Dragon
S. Burrows
K. Piazza
S. Tucker made a motion to approve the minutes from June 17, 2020 Regular Board Meeting on 06-17-20.
S. Burrows seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Roll Call
K. Piazza
L. Castillo
S. Burrows
A. Dragon
S. Tucker
L. Butler
J. Lobdell


June 17, 2020 Board Meeting Minutes

TABLED- Ms. Butler wanted to bring one concern before approving the consent items. She addressed that the June 17, 2020 board mins had not had additional board member questions that had been asked and any comments made which didn’t allow public records of them. Ms. Butler asked to update the June 17, 2020 mins with those questions and comments to resubmit at the August 12th, 2020 board meeting.


Comprehensive School Safety Plan

S. Tucker made a motion to approve TEACH Public Schools Comprehensive School Safety Plan.
S. Burrows seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Lobdell
L. Castillo
L. Butler
A. Dragon
K. Piazza
S. Burrows
S. Tucker



Fiscal Report

Mr. Brown informed the board members that the June Financials have not been finalized, allowing for additional 19-20 invoices to be processed before closing the books on the 19-20 fiscal year. He informed the board members that the June Finacial will be presented at the next board meeting. 


Budget Trailer Bill

Mr. Brown informed the board members on the approved budget trailer bill SB98.  He informed the members that one of the items that can possibly affect TEACH is the ADA cap on 20/21 funding. He informed them that schools will not receive ADA funding beyond what was received as of the last 19/20 school year. It will impact TEACH Prep as it adds 3rd grade in 20-21 and the Middle and High School as their enrollment should increase in 20-21.

He informed the board members that consider the updated Budget Trailer Bill we are working on revising the budget based on those facts and will be presented at the August 12, 2020 board meeting. He also informed the board members that the traditional LCAP is no longer required for this year but instead a Learning Continuity and Attendance Plan will require board approval at the September board meeting.  The final template from the CDE should be released by August 1.

Lori asked what are the litigation options with YMC for schools?
Mr. Brown informed her that YMC is exploring representing a small group of plaintiffs with the possible support of CCSA and the National Charter Schools Foundation which they have their own legal funds and team. YMC reach out to Mr. Brown in possibly of TEACH joining the plaintiff's group. But after considering at the pros and cons Mr. Brown wouldn’t recommend TEACH to join the litigation due to financial costs, time investment, and possible political ramifications.  

Lori informed Mr. Brown that she attended a webinar wit CCSA and they spoke very highly that they believe that something will be done for the ADA cap. Lori asks for more information on who will be helping the principals with the Learning Continuity and ADA Plan? Mr. Brown informed her that it will be stakeholders including parents, teachers, and leadership team.


2020-2021 School Calendar and Instructional Minutes

S. Burrows made a motion to approve the 2020-2021 School Calendar and Instructional Minutes.
L. Castillo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Lobdell
A. Dragon
S. Tucker
K. Piazza
L. Castillo
L. Butler
S. Burrows
Mr. Robles presented the 2020-21 academic calendar. He informed the board members that instructional minutes are less than normal per SB98.  He also informed the members that the leadership team has decided to subtract 5 days from the institutional calendar. It will now be 180 instead of 185. The week was removed in December and will be added to July as teacher professional development.  He updated the board members on how TEACH is meeting all the instructional minute requirements.

Dr. Carranza informed the members that at any time if things go back to normal and we have kids on campus that exceed these minutes they can possibly go up and go back to a regular full day. Lori asked the principals and the teachers that were on the call how they felt about the 2 weeks instead of 1 week of professional development? They all responded “yes” for the 2 weeks. James asks when will the 2 week's professional development happen? Ms. Torres informed him that it will take place either on Zoom- virtually or in person. Mr. Lund asked if there will be an option in coming in?  Dr. Carranza informed everyone that the initial plan is for teachers to be on campus every day of the week unless things change starting July 27th, 2020 to ensure they have all the materials and supplies to teach to their students.

Ms. Butler thanked everyone who communicated how they felt and how TEACH should reopen the next school year. Ms. Castillo asked if the 5 days that have been removed; will they be considered furlough days for staff members? Mr. Brown informed her that we do not have contracts, just offer letters of at will employment.  No furlough days will be required as those instructional days have become professional development days.


Fall 2020 School Opening Planning

Dr. Carranza informed the board members that TEACH has been planning to start school on August 10 with the Distance Learning model. He informed the board members that TEACH had the intention of having students come twice a week with strict compliance guidelines (plexiglass and all the PPE requirements). Due to the increase in the COVID data Teach has decided to plan using minimal instruction time with having accountability for all staff. He informed the board members that they will be attendance accountability for the 20/21 school year, grading and for the staff to deliver quality/ rigorous education to all students and families. He informed the member that it is expected for all schools to have the same start and end time. The principals created a schedule with only 50% of the students coming on campus twice a week of instruction and the additional will be receiving services online. As of today due to the COVID increase, the team has decided to be online for two days and the other days will be provided with educational opportunities to continue their learning at their own pace with the teachers making consistent communication with the student online and independently. He informed the board members that the session times are 8 am- 1 pm Mon- Thursday with Friday focusing on independent support. Mr. Lund asks if "we are doing an online virtual session, why can't we have 30 students per session instead of 15?" Ms. Torres responded during the principal update session for TEACH Academy of Technologies. Spencer asks for clarity, "If for the month of August, we will begin virtually and revisit monthly the reopening plan? Dr. Carranza responded, "yes due to the attendance reporting purposes". Lori asks for clarity that 50% of the students will attend virtually using their Chromebooks receiving instruction and the other will be working without direct instruction on subject related assignments? Dr. Carranza informed her "that is correct and you will get more instructions from the principals during their report. But the goal is to make sure the teachers stay in direct contact to provide support online and offline". She asks if the staff will physically return July 27th, 2020? Dr. Carranza responded, "yes it has been our decision to have staff start July 27th daily unless things change and we are asked to stay at home ".  L.Butler asks for an update on the PPE supplies? Mr. Brown informed the board members that the disposable, reusable mask and disinfected solutions have already been ordered and received.  We are waiting on the plexiglass, which we are considering waiting until September with the campus possibly not being open, but the PPE will be ready when the school physically becomes open. Butler asks what's the plan for handling staff concerns with being back on campus? Dr. Carranza informed the board members that we are going to provide all the necessary tools and supplies to ensure their are safe. Plexiglass is expected to be installed in all the offices and classrooms. In support of safety, we are not planning to host a large meeting/group sessions. All teachers will have their own classroom to themselves if they choose to get together as a department it will be with the social distance guidelines of staying 6 feet away from each other with a mask on. Mr. Cornell asks if LA County will make testing available for teachers? Dr. Carranza informed him that as an educational institution that we are not authorized to make it mandatory. Shawnna informed toe board members that additional items that are in process of being ordered in support of the teachers being on campus are face shields, hand sanitizers, and gloves for all classrooms and hallways, thermometers so everyone can get screened before entering the facility, social distancing signs and outside handwashing stations. Lori asks about the technology? Dr. Carranza informed the board members that we are in the process of ordering additional computers so that every student will have a computer at home. Starting July 27th, 2020 all sites will begin computer distribution. Butler asks, who will the students and families contact for troubleshooting issues? Enrique informed the board members that the IT coordinator will be responded to any issue along with a goggle voice that will be available to the families once they receive the Chromebook along with an email. There will be a survey sent out to the families to see how many of them need a Chromebook or hotspots. Castillo mentioned that she notice that teachers who used Chromebooks were having issues with the zoom and other platforms that prohibit them from using all the features. She asks has anyone reached out to the students to make sure they have access to all the learning platforms that TEACH offers? Enrique informed the board members that all systems or software that are needed will already be download into the computer. The only thing the student will need to do is create their zoom account. Butler asks how many hotspots are on hand or being ordered? Enrique informed the board members that we are ordering about 200 of them with a maximum of 400 to order. Lori asks when can we expect to see a written plan? Mr. Williams informed the board members that he has a plan per site. He is working on adding the new COVID restrictions to them. He informed the board members that they will receive it next week. S.Tucker informed everyone that you should be encouraged to get COVID tested although it's not mandatory.  S.Tucker asks if the 240 mins synchronous instruction or a combination of asynchronous? Dr. Carranza informed her that the principals will talk more about it in their report. 


Annual Fiscal Policy Review

Mr. Brown informed the board members that LAUSD asks that the board of directors review the Fiscal Policy on an annual base which was reviewed in January after the oversight visit from the board. 
S. Burrows made a motion to approve Annual Fiscal Policy Review.
J. Lobdell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Lobdell
A. Dragon
K. Piazza
S. Burrows
L. Butler
S. Tucker
L. Castillo


Public Policy Charter School Merger

M. Brown informed the board members that TEACH Public Schools and Public Policy are considering a material revision where Public Policy will fall under TEACH Inc. There have been internal conversations with the YMC and LAUSD Charter School Division. There is a couple of different reasons TEACH Inc is exploring the option of the merge. M.Brown informed the board member that Public Policy is struggling with enrollment but wanted to partner with TEACH to help them grow. He informed the board members that Public Policy instructional model is very similar to TEACH's. S.Tucker informed the board members that she wants to merge Public Policy with TEACH is because she has a high level of confidence in the administration, principals, and the founder with being a witness on how they have to transform South LA. S. Tucker believes that both TEACH Inc and Public Policy are both aligned with each other. M. Brown explained what the process will look like. He informed the board members that PUblic Policy will remain its own LEA but operated by TEACH Public Schools as the CMO. The instructional model will remain the same, TEACH wouldn't need to revise any of the legal documents because it already been set up to operate more than one Charter School. After the board approves this resolution if done, the next step will be working towards the material revision with LAUSD Charter School Division and then eventually LAUSD school board. The plan is for Public Policy to fall under TEACH Inc. for the 21/22 school year. J.Lobdell asks what will be the advantage of TEACH Inc to merge with Public Policy? Mr.Brown informed the board members to increase our footprint, it will be another form of permanent feeder to TEACH Tech but wouldn't affect our current middle school. There have been conversations with Red Hook who has helped us with our facilities in LA, that has identified potential places. Additional the relation that has been ongoing with S. Tucker and M. Brown being one of the Executive Directors from Public Policy. S.Tucker informed the board members that 19/20 was Public Policy's renewal year. She informed the board members that based on where they are currently located is the reason the enrollment is struggling. S.Tuckers informed the board members that physically they are solid and the instructional program is strong. L. Butler asks if the merger was approved via material revision by LAUSD would students in middle school grades have 2 options to attend? He informed the board members that students will always have that choice, but the location of the schools wouldn't be that close where we will be recruiting the same communities/students. The goal would be having 2 feeder middle schools to TEACH Tech close enough. One option for Public Policy considered is maybe providing transportation from that location. L.Butler commented/asks about the internal discussion? She believes that at this time they are uninformed and will like more details and information to understand before moving to approve the material revision. L. Butler's concern in TEACH Inc gaining an additional school is them being able to grasp the heavy lifting that already exists in particular with academics. Ensuring that we are focusing on raising student achievement. L. Butler also mentioned that TEACH Inc. is also considering expanding into Las Vegas which will be opening also 21/22 which the same support group will be responsible for. With these multiple concerns, we also have to factor in the COVID-19 that may occur obstacles that may come our way. S. Burrows commented informing the team that we don't want to assume of debt considering that things can change instantly. We don't want this decision to affect our financial decision to TEACH Inc. His concerns are how the timeline my effected by the material revision and the finances do not go right, will it be revokable? Should we possibly wait until December when things are a little more shaken down?  M.Brown informed the board members that the resolution will be the start of the kickoff of the process, not the end. The due diligence will be more discussed in detail once or if the board approved the merging of TEACH Inc. and Public Policy. Matt address being able to handle the heavy load. He informed the board members that a lot of the load will be him and the Executive Team. He confidently feels that it is something that can be handled. Dr. Carranza informed the board members that this is just the initial stage for discussion in considering the merge. He feels its a great opportunity considering that Public Policy just got a new 5-year renewal and to expand TEACH Inc name. L.Butler asks if the board approves the resolution that means it's approving the submission of the material revision? M. Brown explained that once the material revision was developed that will need its own approval. He explained that as of today a vote is only necessary for the resolution and to be able to eventually submit NOT material revision. L.Butler asks for the resolution to be re-worded so that the language be reflected on what actually being voted for. M. Brown explained the vote is simply allowing TEACH to begin doing the due diligence. He recommended making a motion to table this item. L.Butler clarified that there will be a motion to approve to allow the TEACH staff to inquire/begin the due diligence of merging TEACH Inc. and Public Policy and NOT approving the resolution. 
S. Burrows made a motion to approve TEACH Inc staff to further inquire about merging with Public Policy Charter School and NOT approving the resolution.
J. Lobdell seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Tucker
K. Piazza
A. Dragon
S. Burrows
L. Butler
J. Lobdell
L. Castillo


WACA Agreement 2020-2021

J. Lobdell made a motion to approve WACA 2020-2021 Agreement.
S. Burrows seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
J. Lobdell
K. Piazza
A. Dragon
L. Castillo
L. Butler
S. Burrows
S. Tucker
Mr. Williams informed the board members that WACA provides safe passage to allow our kids to go to school. He informed the board members that we initially start using this company due to the gang violence in the area. The services arrange from painting, gardening, etc. The purpose of allowing WACA to do so allows the community to see their own putting back into the community. J.Lobdell and L.Butler commented appreciating that we have a company giving back to the community and acknowledging that TEACH Tech added WACA into the Safety Plan. L.Butler asks for the anticipated cost for year 1? He informed the board members that the cost presented was for 1 person per day that rounds out to be $25 hr and with more people about $15 per person except for the director. 

IV. School Site Reports


TEACH Academy of Technologies


TEACH Tech Charter High School

Dr. Woodley informed the board members we are currently at 425 projected enrollment. As a result of the budget cuts we ended with 370 so we will be over-budgeted. We have maintained the following enrollment efforts: Open House, Mailers, Orientations, Canvasing, and Welcome Packet.


As far as summer bridge we had 90 families say they were going to attend but only 39 students show up to summer bridge. I am not sure what happened? Maybe families said they want to attend and then changed their minds. We passed out laptops to families in need of a summer bridge.


This is a list of our summer priorities, we are now in the crunch time. We just had our floor redone in the main office and we are repainting the main office to make a more welcoming environment. I am focusing on ordering curriculum from McGraw Hill and ordering sanitizing products. We are almost fully staffed. We need 2 Math teachers and 1 RSP teacher.


TEACH Preparatory Elementary School

Mrs. Rhee informed the board members that TEACH Preparatory Elementary School due to the cap on enrollment from the state had to make adjustments and instead of growing to a minimum of 215 students, we are anticipating an enrollment number around 180-190 this school year.  TEACH hired 1 new teacher for 2nd grade and cut kindergarten into one class and transferred over the other kindergarten teacher into 2nd grade.  With the school starting online more technology such as the Chromebook and Ipads have been ordered to make sure we have enough devices for the number of students enrolled this school year.  

V. Closing Items


Upcoming Meetings

Shawnna informed the board members that the next scheduled board meeting will be August 12th or 19th, 2020. 




Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
L. Butler