Frayser Community Schools
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 5:30 PM
3389 Dawn Memphis, TN 38127
Directors Present
A. Cathey, A. Jacobo (remote), E. Henneghan, K. Adams, T. Hartwell (remote), V. Thompson
Directors Absent
K. Potts, L. Robinson, R. Peterson
Guests Present
L. Warren
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
E. Henneghan called a meeting of the board of directors of Frayser Community Schools to order on Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 5:45 PM.
Approve Minutes
K. Adams made a motion to approve minutes from the Board Meeting on 04-09-19 Board Meeting on 04-09-19.
A. Cathey seconded the motion.
The motion did not carry.
Roll Call | |
K. Adams |
V. Thompson |
K. Potts |
E. Henneghan |
R. Peterson |
L. Robinson |
A. Cathey |
II. Remember the Vision
Transition Fair
Dr. Bobby White shared information about:
- Transition fair
- Levels for our students
- Parents interaction at the fair
III. Academic Excellence
Elective Focus Decision
Dr. Bobby White shared information about:
- Mr. Brett Lawson choosing new electives
- New opportunity for the students to explore
- Credit recovery
- Vote next month with Mr. Lawson
- Elective focus decision
IV. CEO Support And Eval
2018-2019 Process
Mr. Erik Henneghan shared information regarding:
- Everyone has completed the CEO eval
- Next steps
- Send out CEO memos to Dr. Bobby White
- Goals for the next school year
- Feedback from the board members
- Memo done for Dr. White by the next meeting
V. Development
5th Year Anniversary
Mr. Erik Henneghan shared information about:
- 5 year anniversary May 23rd
- Sponsors (two support sponsors)
- Goal of attendees
- Board members purchases
- 100% board giving for the year
- Special project funds
VI. Finance
Updated Financials
Mr. Theo Hartwell shared the financial report:
- 2018-2019 Previous VS current forecast update
- The school is no longer in the red
- Budget VS Actuals
- Enrollment numbers and changes in the schools
- Monthly cash balance
- How reimbursements works (grants)
- Lost of 16 students
- FCS dash board
- School budget
VII. Governance
E. Henneghan made a motion to New board member Mr. Cedrick Houston.
K. Adams seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Ms. Arlinda Fair :
- Dr. Bobby White gave remarks about Mr. Cedrick Houston
- Background information about Mr. Cedrick Houston
- Summer retreat date June 27th from 1 to 5
- Board on Track retreat is in July
- Bylaws (recommendation)
- Vote on bylaws next meeting
VIII. Other Business
End of Year Events
MLK - Graduation May 18th 2 pm at Vollintine Baptist Church (4177 New Allen RD)
Westside Middle School - Promotional day May 20th 9:30 am at Westside Middle
Westside Middle School - May Day May 22nd
Humes Middle School - Prom May 22nd 6 to 8:30 pm
Humes Middle School promotional day - May 23rd at 10 am
Westside Middle School - Promotional day May 20th 9:30 am at Westside Middle
Westside Middle School - May Day May 22nd
Humes Middle School - Prom May 22nd 6 to 8:30 pm
Humes Middle School promotional day - May 23rd at 10 am
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
E. Henneghan made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
V. Thompson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 7:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
L. Warren