Stargate School
Governance Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday October 23, 2024 at 7:00 PM
Secondary Library
Directors Present
B. Paul, K. Lindgren, L. Challa, L. Griffin, L. Hosfelt, L. Paquette, M. Faulkner, S. Howorko
Directors Absent
Guests Present
1 community member (remote), 2 staff, 2 community members, M. Anderson, R. Greene
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Reading of Stargate Mission
Recognitions and Appreciations
Board News and Events
Lisa H- elementary music concert, middle school volleyball games
Lisa G - high school volleyball games and high school cross country events
Lindsey - CAGT conference
Meryl - CAGT conference, middle school volleyball games
Bibi - 30th anniversary committee meeting, PRA board meeting and work session
II. Approve Consent Agenda Items
Approve Consent Agenda
Minutes for Governance Board Meeting held October 10, 2024
III. School Operations
Executive Director of Academics Report
Staff Report: Athletics
Dave Logan presented an update on athletics and the activities busing pilot:
- 175 middle school and high school students participated in fall sports
- 21 student athletes are participating at different district high schools in tennis, golf, football, and flag football
- The Finance Committee was involved in busing discussions. Plans are preliminary, as the school needs further study and documentation. Meetings were held with local and national charter busing services. Charter buses work in 5-8 hour windows; we need at least 8 hours to provide transportation to and from games. District prices are also expensive, and we only have limited access - mostly only on Saturdays.
- The pilot program will operate for high school basketball season and spring sports with the potential to expand if things go well. The threshold for providing a bus is currently for games that are at least 30 miles from the school. The shortest trip in the upcoming basketball schedule would cost $1,200-$1,500, totaling about $10,000 for basketball season and $20,000 for the school year with current plans. The pilot program will be reevaluated throughout season as several logistical issues will need to be considered.
Staff Report: IT and Data Access
Stargate email accounts are given to all employees, including coaches. The school can have as many emails as determined to be necessary. Our account has a finite amount of space in Google.
With CORA requests, if committee and community members are given emails, then we have to produce those records.
Inactive accounts are disabled, not deleted. If deleted, all data is also deleted.
A recent audit of the Board drive was completed to ensure only Board members have access.
Discussed potential liability for giving committee members Stargate email accounts.
Discussed possibility of liaison and committee chair using a shared account.
Discussed concern about committee members using Stargate email to communicate outside of their scopes.
In absence of school policies, we defer to Adams 12 policy.
Suggested creating committee emails with a shared password versus creating individual accounts for committee chairs.
IV. Public Comment
Public Comment
no public comment
Public Comment Response
V. Committee Reports
Written Committee Reports
- Discussed potential additional efforts to increase participation in election:
- incentivize kids to encourage parent participation
- increase awareness of election at events
- continue efforts made this election cycle
VI. Action Items
2024-2025 Committee Handbook
Updated communication section to define access to committee email address accessible by Board Liaison(s) and Committee Chair(s).
Discussed succession plan and added language regarding Recruiting Committee support in circumstances when a successor is not identified.
Committee Charters and Goals
Slight adjustments made to Finance Committee charter. Election, FAC, and Recruiting did not have any changes to their charters.
VII. Discussion Items
Data Access Policy
Policy created to advise how Board documents are managed; outlined procedures for audit of Governance Board files.
Discussed development of operational data access policy parallel to Board policy. Board members will continue to work with Richard Raehel to refine language.
Determined that a group email will be created for committees (such as The Board liaisons and Committee Chairs will have access to the password for the email account.
Board Member Assignments
Updated assignments to involve new Board member.
Strategic Plan Tracking
Updates will be made next month.
VIII. Future Planning
Next Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet
Reviewed November agenda.
Next Admin Sync Meeting
Upcoming Events
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- EDA Report October 2024.pdf
- 2024.09.09 SAC Agenda.pdf
Bibi - Stacy Tempas and members of the 30th anniversary committee.
Karla - Robin and team for ability to attend the CAGT conference. Cleaning crew for a great job cleaning the facilities.
Meryl - 6th grade teachers who have helped students transition to middle school.
Lindsey - Lisa Griffin and Lumakar for preparing the Stakeholder Presentation.
Lisa G - Staff and community members who contributed to the Stakeholder Presentation. Chaperones of overnight field trips. Mr. Holter for helping seniors complete college applications.
Samantha - Members and others involved in the Bond Committee. Dave Logan for his work on the busing pilot. Richard Raehel for his help with policy development and CORA requests.
Lisa - Middle school volleyball coaches and Dave Logan for a successful volleyball season. Lisa and Lumakar for their work on the Stakeholder Presentation. Election and Recruiting Committees for all their work during the SAC election cycle.
Lumakar - Fundraising team who facilitated the recent Fun Run. Lisa Griffin for her work on the Stakeholder Presentation.