Stargate School
Governance Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday March 20, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Stargate Secondary Library
Directors Present
D. Fox, L. Hosfelt, L. Paquette, M. Faulkner, R. AuYeung (remote), S. Howorko, S. Schafer
Directors Absent
Guests Present
C. Rundquist, M. Anderson, R. Greene, W. Granger
I. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Roll Call
Reading of Stargate Mission
Recognitions and Appreciations
- Meryl recognized the knowledge bowl who won the 3A state championship, as well as the staff and parents. Cynthia Liu and Jacob Green advanced to the next round of the North American Computational Linguistics Open Competition.
- Danielle recognized Karen Wolfer and Sandy Francis for their work and undertaking with staffing changes in the elementary building. She also recognized Jenn Roach and Robin Greene for their work in ensuring our students are safe, despite hard decisions. Lastly, she recognized the work of all those involved in the After Prom Committee and their hard work to ensure our students have a fun and safe place to celebrate after prom.
- Lisa recognized Officer Couture for creating a culture of safety and being a recognized leader in Colorado for his efforts to promote Safe2Tell in our community, acknowledging the efforts of all the leadership. She also recognized the boys' and girls' high school basketball coaches for their success on and off the court, especially for creating a strong sense of family among all of the athletes.
- Samantha recognized Lisa and Danielle for all the work they did with the work with Carleen on the Bylaws. She also recognized Student Nick Hofer for receiving the Colorado Athletic Director's Association scholarship.
- Lindsey recognized Jerry Jou and Gabbie Umekubo for their participation in the Adams 12 High School Juried Art Show earlier this month. Gabbie received an honorable mention and Jerry Lou finished first in the district.
- Shaun recognized the middle school olympiad teams, Ms. McVey and Ms. Meyers. 49 different HOSA teams competed. 37 finished in the top 10 in their events and 27 qualified for nationals. He also recognized the boys basketball team who made it to Sweet 16, and sixth grader, James Waldron who took first place in the history and geography bee at the International Academic Competitions. He will compete in the National Championships on Memorial Day weekend in Orlando.
- Ray recognized the HS Science Olympiad participants. There were 5 first place teams, 4 second place teams, 3 third place teams, 1 fourth place team and 1 sixth place team. He also recognized Ms. McVey and Ms. Meyers for their work with these students.
- Our facilities team, Doug, Ed, Steven and Alberto were recognized for having the school safe for return after the snow storm that left us with 2 snowdays.
Board News and Events
- Shaun attended the boys basketball sweet 16 game and board events.
- Lindsey attended the SAC meeting and board events.
- Samantha attended board events.
- Lisa attended the Safe2Tell Gold Star award ceremony and Boys' and Girls' high school basketball banquets and board events.
- Danielle attended the Safe2Tell Gold Star awards ceremony, after-prom committee meetings and board events.
- Meryl attended board events.
II. Approve Consent Agenda Items
Approve Consent Agenda
Executive Session (WG) Minutes
Executive Session (RG) Minutes
III. School Operations
Staff Report, Dr. Cynthia Rundquist
- Dr. Cynthia Rundquist shared an update on the progress of the ad hoc committee for the adoption of the for K-8 Math Curriculum
- Discussed Curriculum Adoption Policy and how it relates to the need for a single textbook.
- Potential need for a modified policy to eliminate the intensive time constraint that this policy ties us to.
- Discussed modifying the Curriculum Adoption Policy based on what was learned through this process of curriculum.
- Potential tiered policy based on the scope of the curriculum change
- Cynthia brought forth a teacher's question about their summer reading list to see if it needs to be approved by the board.
- This is not something the board needs to have input on
Executive Director Operations and Finance Report
Mr. Wayne Granger, presented the Executive Director of Operations and Finance Report
- Pilot program for the 2 week vegetarian lunches starts after we get back from Spring Break.
- Website will be the same through the rest of the year. Rollout will wait until next year when a team is trained.
- Alt compliance is underway
- Training video was sent out about new radios due to no more PD days.
- Discussed a means to ensure this is viewed by everyone, due to seriousness and necessity.
Executive Director Academics Report
Dr. Robin Greene presented the Executive Director of Academics Report,
- There is now an offer going out to for the open middle school math teacher position
- March 11th PD Day: Teachers K-12 received 3 hours to deeply dig into the difference between honors and traditional
- Not just "more"
- Analyzed pacing
- Don't want lowered expectations of students in an honors class.
- Suggested to start with one subject but teachers wanted to look at it as a big picture so admin is supporting them in their needs to create these changes and providing ways to ensure time isn't an issue.
- This process was a teacher-driver initiative based on concerns about differentiating appropriately
- Will now be offering an honors and non-honors classes
- Counselors helping to keep class sizes low, ideally less than 30 students.
- Ensuring the protection of mental health for teachers and identifying ways to support them
- Further discussion is needed around applications for students who already completed kindergarten elsewhere
IV. Public Comment
Public Comment
Public Comment Response
V. Committee Reports
SAC - Parent survey follow up
- Survey had a 5 point scale this year compared to years previously, making it difficult to compare year over year trends.
- Discussed potential to dig into historical data. Need to find a way to make it workable before the State of the School presentation.
- Formal reports by SRL are largely narrative.
- Discussed what to share on the website to maintain confidentiality -
- Pull out charts and show any form of year over year data, along with consistency in questions.
- Discussed what to share on the website to maintain confidentiality -
- Discussed long-term partnership with SRL.
- Identified that anonymity is highly valuable
Written Committee Reports
Recruiting Report:
- Ready for board elections to open on April 8th
- Independent Member postings will go live to external community soon
VI. Action Items
Revised Policy 1.10 Board Orientation, Second Reading
Revised Annual Meeting Notice Designation
New Meeting Notice Designation has a back up plan for those do not have access to the internet to view the agenda. It now states that the agenda will also be posted on the main doors of the secondary building.
Revised 2024-2025 School Calendar
Calendar had a conflict with conferences. They were originally scheduled for the first week of October but are now scheduled for the second week of October.
Revised 2023-2024 Staff Handbook
New policy is an improvement and specifically caters to the employees
Legal has seen and assisted in the creation of this policy.
VII. Discussion Items
Strategic Plan Development: Mission/Vision Update
Mission and Vision Draft Update
Did not meet as initially planned to discuss during Admin Sync. Will make plans to meet and discuss these at a later date.
Reimagine Updates
- Shaun created a portrait of a board member and a parent.
- Discussed adding it to the Stakeholders presentation in the fall next year.
- Community/parent academy is in development progress
Bylaw Revisions Update
- Discussed:
- Modifying members section, specifically to include stipend and hourly employees
- Hourly employees would have specific amount of time worked over a certain amount of time
- Extending the timeline to fill a vacancy
- Is 30 days too much of a rush?
- Modifying members section, specifically to include stipend and hourly employees
- Change in necessary officer positions
- Potential to remove the necessity of vice president officer position, as it’s optional
- Separating Bylaws into sections for approvals to be voted on instead of an all or nothing approval
- Possibly break up into 1-4, section 5 and then all the last sections
State of the School Planning
Staff of the Year nomination forms will be sent out to all staff by next week.
Open Meetings Law Review
Danielle presented an overview of the Open Meetings Law
- 2 type of volunteer opportunities within the school
- Committee and student facing
- The impact of lack of volunteerism impacts functions from running successfully within the school
- Eddie's Nest and Elementary Lunch sign up are always in need of volunteers, otherwise they are not successful
- Potential to have parents sign a pledge, incentivize volunteers to track their hours by offering raffle
Legislative Updates
House Bill 1363 has provisions that would restrict a lot of the power within charter schools
- Revoke charter based on declining enrollment
- Remove automatic waivers we receive, which takes away our power to make our own decisions that best support our community.
- The Bill is currently sitting with education committee
- Suggested that the community reach out to state government officials to share their displeasure.
Charter Contract Update
Received redline from Carleen, will share out to review. No substantial changes.
VIII. Future Planning
Next Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet
Next Admin Sync Meeting
Danielle and Lisa will meet on Monday, March 25th at 8:30
Upcoming Events
CMAS & PSAT coming up after Spring Break
Lindsey Paquette read the Stargate Mission