Stargate School


Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday February 28, 2024 at 6:00 PM


Stargate Secondary Library

Directors Present

D. Fox, L. Hosfelt, L. Paquette, M. Faulkner, R. AuYeung, S. Howorko, S. Schafer (remote)

Directors Absent


Guests Present

A. Fundaro, J. Roach, M. Anderson, R. Greene, W. Granger

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Hosfelt called a meeting of the board of directors of Stargate School to order on Wednesday Feb 28, 2024 at 6:06 PM.


Roll Call


Reading of the Stargate Mission

Read by Lindsey Paquette


Recognitions and Appreciations

  • Lindsey recognized the teachers who helped with the spelling bee - Ms. ZC, Mrs. Vaughan, Mrs. Byrne, Mrs. Ware and Mrs. Hanna. She also recognized Ms. Delevoryas for her work on this trimester's music program.
  • Danielle recognized Lindsey for all she has done from multi-year updates for KPI's, the enrollment and demographics data, Mission and Vision work, she is an asset to the Board.
  • Meryl recognized Ms. Delevoryas for the music performance and for the facilities team who quickly helped with and fixed the last minute stage issues
  • Lisa recognized Griffin Schafer and Ashley Wilkinson for their work on the Winterfest 5k, for preparing the trail and organizing it all. She also recognized the parents who provided costumes and decorations for the elementary music concert.
  • Samantha recognized the staff and families that attended and supported Stargate during the presentation at the Adams 12 Board meeting.
  • Ray recognized Mr. Howe and all he's doing for the robotics team, aiding in many teams going to State!
  • Shaun recognized Rebecca Hubbard for speaking about her family's experience at Stargate during the Adams 12 board meeting. He also recognized Stargate's counselors for their preparation for the upcoming school year, with specific recognition to Dr. Millmore for his exemplary service as a counselor, including his work at the prospective secondary parents night in December. 
  • A parent recognized Wayne & Robin and the leadership team for the work they did on the charter renewal, noting the "look forward" tone with the Adams 12 School Board


Board News and Events

  • Shaun attended the Adams 12 Five Star School District board meeting, Stargate Boys Basketball game, Winterfest 5k, and One-act plays festival.
  • Ray attended the Adams 12 Board meetings for charter presentation and charter extension.
  • Samantha attended Adams 12 Board meetings for charter presentation and charter extension, Winterfest 5k and League of Charter Conference.
  • Lisa attended the Adams 12 Board meetings for charter presentation and charter extension, Winterfest 5k, League of Charter Conference and elementary music presentation.
  • Danielle attended the Adams 12 Board meeting for charter presentation, 3rd grade Valentine's Day party and League of Charter Conference.
  • Lindsey attended the Adams 12 Board meeting for charter presentation and charter extension, elementary spelling bee, Dr. Matt Zakresky presentation and League of Charter Conference.
  • Meryl attended the elementary music presentation.


II. Approve Consent Agenda Items


Approve Consent Agenda

D. Fox made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda for items for February 28, 2024.
L. Paquette seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.



D. Fox made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Meeting on 01-10-24.
L. Paquette seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.

III. School Operations


Operations Staff Report, Jenn Roach, Human Resources Manager

Jenn Roach, Human Resources Manager, discussed the upcoming 360 Review.

  • Decision to leave the questions as they have been in the past due to continuity.
  • This review will go out for the 5 core leaders:
    • Reviews for Wayne, Robin and Jenn will be sent to all staff. Reviews for Rob will be sent to secondary staff, and reviews for Karen will be sent to elementary staff.
  • Discussed timeline - Will potentially send out in the beginning of March. Need to allow enough time for teachers to respond. 
    • Once received, Jenn will redact any identifying information before compiling data and sharing with leadership.
  • Feedback will help leadership determine their strengths and areas of growth which will drive goals for next year.


Academics Staff Report, Angela Fundaro, Director of Student Services

Angela Fundaro, Director of Student Services shared a snapshot of our learning services.

  • Currently employed: 
    • Elementary:
      • 1 social worker
      • 1 BCBA (board certified behavior analyst)
      • 1 case manager
      • 1 full time para
    • Secondary:
      • 1 psychologist
      • 1 learning specialist
      • 5 paras
    • K-12:
      • 1 speech pathologist
      • 1 occupational therapist 
      • 1 Culturally Linguistic Diverse Education
    • Hiring another Section 504 coordinator for the 2024-2025 school year to help manage the case load for continuity. 
  • Roughly 5% of Stargate students are currently on an IEP.
    • Staff receive monthly trainings and weekly team meetings
  • Roughly 8% of Stargate students are currently receive section 504 services.
    • Nationwide average is 3%, Colorado average is 3.4%, Adams 12 average is 5.5%
  • Teaches are trained on Child Find multiple times throughout the year
    •  Child Find is a tool to help identify children suspected of having a developmental delay.


Executive Director Operations and Finance Report



Vegetarian options will be offered as a 2 week pilot with no charge to collect data and then will move forward based on results.



Executive Director Academics Report


  • Instructional Materials policy review is still under construction, will have further update at April meeting.
  • Admissions 
    • K - Enrollment capacity is at 92, lowest number to run to maintain budget is 80. Originally 99 students had applied and qualified. 87 students are proposed for enrollment. Currently no students on waitlist.
    • 1st - 4th grades are over the 100 student capacity. Sitting 1-2 students over.
    •  5th grade is capped at 130, currently 127 students enrolled. 20 students on waitlist.
    • Middle school is capped at 138, currently 136-138 students enrolled. Each grade has a hefty waitlist.
    • 9th grade is capped at 140, 149 enrolled. Expected attrition of ~10 students loss. 70 students on waitlist
    • 10th grade is capped at 140, 142 enrolled. 17 students on waitlist.
    • 11th grade is capped at 140, 138 enrolled. 5 students on waitlist.
    • 12th grade is capped at 140, 113 enrolled. Do not carry a waitlist for 12th grade. 
  • Discussed:
    • Having another round of testing for students coming in
    • Open-enrollment (not closing enrollment after October count) 
      • No landing on answer yet. Will need to engage the staff for further discussion
    • Looking at Naglieri General Abilities Test (N-GAT) as another test to accompany the CogAT test 



IV. Public Comment


Public Comment



Public Comment Response

V. Committee Reports


SAC: KPI Report and Demographic & Enrollment Data

KPI Report

  • Positive change in Exceptional Staff (was 2.35, went to 2.72) 
    • Attributed to 100% of teachers receiving the gifted teacher training
    • Changed retention rates since last KPI report
  • Positive change in Differentiated Learning Environment (was 2.51, went to 2.81)
    • Student growth rate saw a huge increased in growth ad achievement in the elementary and middle schools
  • Very minor dip in Financial Stability (was 2.70, went to 2.63) as numbers change throughout the year

Enrollment & Demographic Data

  • Notable trends: 
    • Increase of 21 students since last year 
    • 5.3% decrease in identified GT students, 
    • 9.9% Free and Reduced Lunch - likely that more families are reporting overall


Written Committee Reports

  • FAC
  • Finance minutes
  • Recruiting 
    • Recruiting efforts for the Spring Board election are underway
    • There are no others on the recruiting committee, currently seeking new members for both elections and recruiting 
    • Meet & Greet before the State of the School
    • Candidate Forum will be April 30th at 6pm, possibly utilize meeting owl
    • Samantha will work with Lisa on the recruiting committee

VI. Action Items


SAC Appointment

D. Fox made a motion to approve Virginia Pierce to fulfill the remaining staff seat for the School Accountability Committee.
L. Paquette seconded the motion.

Virginia Pierce shared about herself and her desires to be on SAC. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


2024-2025 School Calendar

2024-2025 Calendar

  • Some minor changes from the District calendar.
  • District start day is August 12th, Stargate will begin August 13th
  • Identifying the best fit for conference days involved staff by utilizing feedback from leadership teams
  • There was a resounding desire from staff to not go past Memorial Day. To make this happen, changes were made to PD days in February, March and May. 
  • Current calendar contains 164 student contact days. A minimum of 160 days is required.
    • Discussed what would be done in the case of extreme snow days/unexpected days off. 
      • Will remove PD days to become contact days or extend calendar year should there be an excess of days off that are not planned for. 
L. Hosfelt made a motion to approve the 2024-2025 calendar, as discussed.
S. Howorko seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Revised Policy 1.10 Board Orientation First Reading

Board Orientation First Reading


Most updates are related the new course website to match what we had before. 


R. AuYeung made a motion to approve the Revised Policy 1.10 Board Orientation First Reading, as discussed.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Discussion Items


Board Self-Evaluation


Board Self-Evaluation - Board OnTrack



Discussed the need for 2 board members (Lindsey and Danielle) to analyze the questions and discuss a potential update for next year.


Strategic Plan Development

Mission & Vision Discussion:

  • Propose: What group of people is the best to choose to turn this into drafted mission and vision statements? 
  • 2 Board members, members of the Admin Team, Teacher Leadership team (consider secondary after Mission and Vision are drafted)
  • Rough draft brought to March 13th meeting for review, decide what will be put on the ballot, which will be approved at April meeting
  • Admin Sync will be utilized to create a Mission and Vision draft  - Samantha and Lindsey will come to that meeting with ideas of a draft.
  • Board members to send their ideas to Lindsey and Samantha



Reimagine Updates

  • Shaun drafted a Portrait of Board Member and Portrait of Stargate parent. 
  • Request for Wayne and Robin to create their portraits for their respective positions.
  • Revamp Board complaint form


Bylaw Revisions Update

Bylaw Revisions

  • Initial thoughts and conversations:
    • Discussed what "members" is with focus on part-time staff
    • SAC Members - to no longer require an election
    • Board Composition - Preserve a parent majority; kept up to 5 parent positions and up to 4 independents
    • Will schedule a Work Session with Carleen (legal counsel) to discuss her suggested changes, potentially March 13th.


League Conference Follow Up

Samantha, Lisa, Danielle, Lindsey, Robin, Wayne and Jenn shared their learnings and takeaways from the League of Charter School Conference February 27th & February 28th 



30-Year Celebration Committee

Draft ideas

Put a call out for committee members, Wayne will be point person/make google form


State of the School Planning

Plan to stick with same format as last year:

  • Staff recognition for years at Stargate
  • Previously board had divided topics and presented committee updates
  • Introduce bylaw changes after state of school
  • Teacher of the year award in different categories
    • Include adroit for award creation

VIII. Future Planning


Next Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet


5pm ES Wayne Eval 

6pm Working session with Carleen



5pm ES Robin Eval

6pm Business meeting



Next Admin Sync Meeting

Samantha and Lindsey will attend Admin Sync on March 11th, time to be determined.


Upcoming Events

Coffee chat on March 11th at 5:30



IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:52 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fox