Stargate School


Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday January 10, 2024 at 7:00 PM


Stargate Secondary Library

Directors Present

D. Fox, L. Hosfelt, L. Paquette, M. Faulkner, R. AuYeung, S. Howorko, S. Schafer

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Lynne Whitney, M. Anderson, R. Greene, W. Granger

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Hosfelt called a meeting of the board of directors of Stargate School to order on Wednesday Jan 10, 2024 at 7:05 PM.


Roll Call


Reading of Stargate Mission


Recognitions and Appreciations

  • Lindsey recognized Lynne and Sheila for a clean audit report, Robin, Wayne, Karen and Rob for the charter renewal
  • Ray recognized Lindsey for the Mission and Vision focus group
  • Meryl recognized the community members who did the Mission and Vision survey and those who attended the focus group
  • Danielle recognized every teacher who cheerfully came back after a two week break and welcomed the students back into their classes
  • Lisa recognized Maggie & Danielle for their work on the charter renewal document
  • Samantha recognized Brandon Holter for work he’s doing with ICAP and ALPS in Naviance
  • Shaun recognized the wonderful maintenance staff for their work in getting the building ready for second semester


Board News and Events

  • Lindsey and Ray attended and volunteered at the grilled cheese lunch
  • Meryl attended an incoming middle school night
  • Danielle attended the 3rd grade economics fair and the first grade winter party
  • Lisa attended the 3rd grade economics fair
  • Shaun attended a prospective parents night and varsity girls and boys basketball games

II. Approve Consent Agenda Items


Approve Consent Agenda

D. Fox made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda for items on January 10, 2024.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



D. Fox made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Meeting on 11-29-23.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. School Operations


Executive Director Operations and Finance Report

Mr. Granger, Executive Director of Operations and Finance, was unable to attend the meeting, but provided his report with written updates on facilities, safety and operations.


Executive Director Academics Report

Dr. Robin Greene presented the Executive Director of Academics Report

  • Discussed new hires in both the elementary and secondary buildings
  • Professional Development: 
    • Professional Development is in response to staff feedback about their needs 
      • Kim Bevill presented on the neuro-science and brain research specifically related to gifted and neurodivergent brains. She focuses on trauma-informed practices and differentiation of those practices.
      • Marsha Tate, brain-based researcher, will present to the staff in February. Her professional development will focus on how to differentiate through Project Based Learning.
      • Matt Zaresky will also present to the staff in February. He previously worked at The Dawson School and saw the pressure put on gifted students. He turned his focus to affirming the way the brain works, specifically how to cope with such pressures. His focus at the professional development will be to shares strategies to best support students who experience academic stress.
      • He will also present to the Stargate community in an evening session on February 22nd with the focus on why the gifted brain works the way it does with tips and tricks to self regulate with permission not to be perfect. More information to come.
  • Admissions:
    • Currently 847 applications more this year than last. *Number is adjusted from the attached report
    • Discussion regarding the potential reasoning for such an increase in applicants
    • Discussed the potential of having kindergarten classes as small as 20 students and the implications on rolling enrollment with smaller class sizes in kindergarten.
  • Charter Renewal:
    • The District Accountability Committee will be recommending a five-year renewal to the district board.
    • Executive Directors will be presenting to the Adams 12 board on Wednesday, January 17th.


Operations Staff Report, Lynne Whitney

Ms. Lynne Whitney presented the updated budget

  • Shared updated KPIs through December - financials are on track for the year. Key highlights include:
    • District is still providing funding based on last year’s October count. Property tax deadline is later than usual this year.
    • Expenses are currently trending where they should be at 45%
  • Interest is a significant source of income, providing a little bit of cushion
    • Current interest is $35k/month
    • Reimbursement from Zion (bond trustee) $85k
  • Received reimbursement for the first 3 months of food service this year.
    • Expect to have a 3 month delay each reimbursement period due to the significant undertaking by the state
    • Looking at impact relative to labor for the food program
  • Proposed Budget Changes: 
    • Biggest focus is to bring classified hourly wages up to the same as those at the district
    • Certified staff received a raise last year
    • League of Charter Schools dues went up. Deemed necessary to remain with them as they bear the weight of Mill Levy funding, etc.
    • Capital projects fund being assessed for future building/property repairs
  • Eagles Landing: 
    • Price increase will not occur until next school year
    • Currently hiring additional staff. Hopeful to make adjustments to waitlist as new staff completes onboarding.


IV. Public Comment


Public Comment



Public Comment Response


V. Committee Reports


Committee Written Reports

Finance, Recruiting and SAC minutes are provided.


Lisa will take over recruiting because Danielle will be re-running in the Spring Board election. 

VI. Action Items


Revised 2023-2024 Budget

S. Howorko made a motion to approve the revised 2023-2024 Budget.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. Howorko made a motion to approve the Fund Balance Resolution for FY2023-2024, as presented.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. Howorko made a motion to approve the Appropriation Resolution FY2023-2024, as presented.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Annual Meeting Notice Designation

L. Hosfelt made a motion to designate that board meeting notices will be posted to the school website calendar at least 24 hours prior to each meeting.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.

The method of publishing notice for Board meetings must be reviewed and approved annually.  There is no change from last year.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Fundraising Allocation to FAC

S. Howorko made a motion to allocate $40,000 from fundraising to Fundraising Allocation.
M. Faulkner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Policy 2.4 Reserve Strategy Second Reading

S. Howorko made a motion to approve Board Policy 2.4 Financial Reserve Strategy, second reading.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Discussion Items


Strategic Plan Development

Mission & Vision

  • Survey received 180 responses
  • Data from focus group will be back within 3 weeks. At that point, depending on how clear the direction is, potential next step will be to do draft a proposal of any changes.
  • Discussed the importance of involving all staff and hearing their thoughts.
    • Have they have had enough time to share their thoughts to avoid over surveying, etc.?
  • Robin is seeking to utilize student voice, is considering input of HS students a part Student Task Force.



Reimagine Updates

No current updates for Reimagine Updates. Updates are continual and shared within the Executive Directors reports each month at the board meetings.


Bylaw Revisions Update

Lisa and Danielle met with Carlene, consultant for Bylaw revisions.


No update yet as revisions have not been received. Once report is in hand, it will be shared with the board and discussed at the next meeting.


Board Self Evaluation

Discussed doing both traditional, SAC directed Board Evaluation as well as the evaluation offered through Board onTrack (BoT). 

  • Offered one year of a guided assessment through BoT
  • Discussed using both and potentially refining questions/process based on output by BoT
  • Danielle will work with Lindsey after next SAC meeting to discuss logistics to complete simultaneously 

VIII. Future Planning


Next Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet

Next board meeting is October 28th at 6pm


Next Admin Sync Meeting

  • Lisa and Ray will attend on January 29th at 8:30
  • Will skip admin sync for February


Upcoming Events

  • ED Presentation to Adams 12, January 17th at 7pm
  • Adams 12 Board vote on charter renewal - February 7th at the ESC. 
    • Title XI and SPED training will before at 6pm. Maggie will reserve a conference room.
  • League Charter Conference is February 27th & February 28th
    • Danielle and Lindsey will attend February 27th
    • Lisa and Samantha will attend February 28th


IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fox
Documents used during the meeting