Stargate School


Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday November 29, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Stargate Secondary Library

Directors Present

K. Brisseau, L. Hosfelt, L. Paquette, R. AuYeung, S. Howorko, S. Schafer

Directors Absent

M. Faulkner

Guests Present

Cynthia Rundquist, Karen Wolfer, M. Anderson, R. Greene, W. Granger

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Hosfelt called a meeting of the board of directors of Stargate School to order on Wednesday Nov 29, 2023 at 6:01 PM.


Roll Call


Reading of Stargate Mission

S. Howorko read the Mission


Recognitions and Appreciations

  • Ray recognized Wayne, Jenn and Stacy for putting the Month of Thanks together.
  • Samantha recognized Lindsey for the work on the Strategic Plan, Stacy and Wayne for their work on the Giving Campaign.
  • Lisa recognized Kathy Elliott and DAC Members for their support durning the charter renewal process.
  • Danielle recognized Robin, Wayne and all those who have had input on the charter renewal.
  • Shaun recognized Jeff Spletzer and Dana O'Neill for their work on the Burpee Mile.
  • Lindsey recognized Wayne, Robin, Rob, Karen and all those working on the charter renewal.


Board News and Events

  • Lindsey: Charter renewal interviews and SAC meeting
  • Shaun: The Burpee Mile, the Cross Country Team banquet, the play "Clue", staff pancake breakfast and Coffee Chat
    Danielle: Charter renewal interviews, 3rd grade halloween party and 3rd grade music program 
  • Lisa: Charter renewal interviews
  • Samantha: Charter renewal interviews and Coffee Chat

II. Approve Consent Agenda Items


Approve Consent Agenda

K. Brisseau made a motion to remove the agenda from the consent agenda.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.

Move Operations Report (3B to 3E) which allows Academics Staff Report from Karen Wolfer (3D becomes 3C) and Academics Staff Report from Cynthia Rundquist (3E becomes 3D) to move up in respect of time to Karen and Cynthia.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Hosfelt made a motion to approve the consent agenda for November 29, 2023.
K. Brisseau seconded the motion.

Consent agenda contains minutes from October 25th meeting only.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
L. Hosfelt made a motion to approve the agenda for Governance Meeting held November 29, 2023.
S. Howorko seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



K. Brisseau made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Meeting on 10-25-23.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. School Operations


Audit Presentation - Jim Hinkle

Mr. Jim Hinkle presented the Financial Audit

  • Brief overview of audit process - Looked at source documents and checked that they are operating as designed. 
  • Look for material weaknesses in the design of the system. No insufficiencies or material weaknesses found. 
  • Unmodified opinion: Financial statements have been prepared in accordance with best practices. 
  • Biggest change from last year is pension obligations. Unfunded liability grew. Pera’s investments went down in 2022 to 2023. The state made a contribution to the unfunded liability gap. 
  • No disagreements or difficulties in the audit. No adjustments to the financial books, no errors needed past adjustment. It was a clean audit. From an audit standpoint, Stargate's accounting department provided open transparency and provided anything that was needed to complete the audit. 


Executive Director Operations and Finance Report

Mr. Wayne Granger presented the Executive Director of Operations and Finance Report

  • Discussed the need for a more robust communication system:
    • Current radios are functional but very basic and need upgraded. Will apply for a grant to purchase a system called School Safe that allows first responders to talk directly to the school to avoid the multi-person call system.
      • Radios may not be covered with the grant. If it is not covered, the radios would need to be purchased for $50k-$100k. 
    • Collected feedback from staff regarding the school's public address (PA) system. PA system was deemed to be undersized and inadequate. There's a need for redundant systems and obtaining estimates for improvements.
  • Updates to Lunch Program:
    • 2 new elementary aids, 1 to replace a vacancy, 1 to fill a position 
    • Survey will be sent to the community to see who is interested in a vegetarian option. Currently working with charter choice operative and MY Kids Lunch to determine the options.
  • Month of Thanks is going very well! Lots of opportunities to meet and recognize staff and their hard work.
  • October count came in at 1,573, which is 22 kids below projected budget. Will provide update to budget in January to reflect changes in projection and impact to funds.
  • Prospect Ridge Academy uses Meeting Owl to project their meetings which is a 360 camera. PRA has an extra device they're potentially willing to sell at a discount, likely ~$500. 


Executive Director Academics Report

Dr. Robin Greene presented the Executive Director of Academics Report

  • Professional learning over the next several months will focus around differentiation.
  • MTSS process for secondary is new this year with a larger volume of testing - offering more testing dates to accommodate. Both processes can be found in the linked report.
  • Superintendent and Adams 12 board member will be touring the building on December 5th. 
  • Board asked if there was a way to track how people are hearing about Stargate? If we could we collect names and contact during prospective parent night, along with a welcome table? 
  • Discussed the comparison of amount of incoming applications this year to previous years. Currently ahead by about a hundred applicants compared to last year at this time.



Academics Staff Report: Karen Wolfer, Elementary Principal

Ms. Karen Wolfer, elementary principal, presented the Academics Staff Report

  • Shared exciting events:
    • Trimester 1 music concert was a success!
    • Lots of field trips in various grades
    • Halloween parade
    • Perspective parent nights have been well attended
  • MTSS process is fine tuned 
    • Identify the student's need, collect data for 6 weeks and come back to put a plan in place to deliver what is best for the student. 
    • PLCs allow for Dr. Rundquist to support teachers efforts towards differentiation. 
  • Classrooms are implementing the Social Emotional Learning curriculum, Sources of Strength, with emotion thermometers and “cozy corners” for students to regulate without missing instruction.


Academics Staff Report: Cynthia Rundquist, Director of Curriculum and Instruction - Gifted Emphasis

Dr. Cynthia Rundquist, Director of Curriculum and Instruction presented a report on Advanced Learning Plans (ALPs) 


  • Greatest area of need for compliance sake is parent signatures. Elementary teachers have been shown how to collect parent signatures on ALPs in Infinite Campus. After 3 attempts to get a parent signature, the teacher can go in and remove the flag that is on the account, stating that all 3 attempts were made.
  • The number of ALPs grow daily.
  • Goals for K-8 are created with the collaboration of teacher, student and parents. Parents collaborate with each goal for which they're identified with 1 affective goal. 
  • Teachers will receive consistent training to develop the best goals for students on ALPs.
    • ALP's can have interest-based goal
    • Use supplemental services (Battle of the Books, etc) to further develop and personalize goals and outcomes.
    • Focus ALP around what students want to do to make them more meaningful to students so they become alive in the classroom.
      • District started Essential Thinking Skills (21 Century Skills). Looking to potentially pilot this program in 1st grade.


IV. Public Comment


Public Comment

  • Coach: Discussed the benefits of athletics outweighing the costs. Asked questions regarding the plans for athletic programs at Stargate. 
  • Student: Shared personal experience of athletics at Stargate and impact it had.
  • Parent: Shared compliments of basketball coach, shared sentiment to prioritize athletics. 
  • Parent: Shared what athletics taught him and how it impacted him as a student.
  • Parent: Shared concerns over the gym space and bussing to sports events.
  • Parent: Shared concerns over decreased school spirit over time and bussing.
  • Parent: Shared impact of sports and Stargate coach on her family.


Public Comment Response

Mr. Granger has reached out to the coach to set up time to talk about the athletics program.

V. Committee Reports


Recruiting Committee Update


Amy Pierre-Johnson is leaving, therefore an open staff position will be available for SAC. Danielle will work with Robin to get communication out to staff for anyone who may be interested in fulfilling the remaining months for this seat.


School Accountability

  • Shared KPI Report
    • Increase in Responsible Leadership and Exceptional Staff, decrease in Financial Stability due to metrics differing throughout the year.
  • Discussed proposed changes to both parent and staff survey questions.
  • Discussed the calendar and the collection of data from both staff and community.
  • Suggestion to utilize the Social Research Lab to help drive the development of the questions.


L. Paquette made a motion to approve the staff and parent survey questions, as discussed.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
  • Discussed changes in KPI, specifically retention. 
    • Staff retention is up from last measure
      • Discussed the benchmark to be used, 
      • Suggested looking at industry standards 
      • Where does coaching staff falls into the retention standard?
  • Discussed the financial policy and which measure of cash on hand to use. 
    • Measure will likely change based on the financial policy discussed below.


VI. Action Items


Financial Audit Approval

S. Howorko made a motion to approve June 30, 2023 audit.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Financial Policies and Procedures

S. Howorko made a motion to approve the financial policy and procedures, as presented.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.

Finance commitee and Wayne made minimal edits, updated the reserve policy to reference a different reserve policy. 

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Finance Committee Charter

S. Howorko made a motion to approve the finance charter, as presented.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.

Minimal changes to align with what is actually done, updated titles and confidentiality to be consistent with other charters.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Fundraising Allocation Committee Charter

S. Howorko made a motion to approve the Fundraising Allocation Charter, as presented.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Elections Committee Charter

K. Brisseau made a motion to approve the Elections Committee Charter, as presented.
L. Paquette seconded the motion.

Removed language that contradicts 1.6 Election Policy. Updated confidential information for consistency with other charters.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Reserve Strategy Revisions

S. Howorko made a motion to approve Board Policy 2.4, Reserve Strategy first reading.
L. Paquette seconded the motion.
  • Needed to update the days cash on hand in the UIP. 
    • 125 days is the appropriate days cash on hand. 
    • 145 could be max, exceeding it will make the Board aware and figure out how to get money back into the classroom.
  • Should the reserve fall before 100 days, the board will need to have a plan to restore the funds.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FAC Requests

S. Howorko made a motion to approve up to $70,000 from fundraising for robotics.
L. Hosfelt seconded the motion.
  • Discussion regarding where the money would go to (not just for competitions, but programming at Stargate as well), new robots that are compatible with what is used in competitions.
  • Do we need to budget for this going forward to expand? How can we make this sustainable? Long term strategies, sponsorships and fundraising?
  • Discussed the longevity of the robots, etc.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. Howorko made a motion to approve up to $10,000 for after prom from fundraising.
R. AuYeung seconded the motion.
  • $10k request for after prom. 
    • $8k for event space, $2k for prizes


The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
S. Howorko made a motion to approve up to $2,200 from fundraising to go to drawing tablets.
R. AuYeung seconded the motion.

Mr. Allen needs 38 drawing tablets for his graphic design class. Requesting $2,200 which is cheaper than textbooks

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VII. Discussion Items


Strategic Plan Development

  • Seeking to determine a shared understanding of what the mission and vision are. Will create a working group that will produce any proposed changes to the Mission and Vision to be voted on by the community in the spring.
  • Intentions are to:
    • Define proposed changes to Mission & Vision Statements, to be voted on by the community along with any by-law changes
    • Increase alignment for our Mission & Vision among stakeholders
    • Clarify Mission & Vision in our communications internally, externally, and to the District
  • Working session will be January 10th at 5pm before the board meeting.
  • Will utilize Social Research Lab to help in sending survey and coding results.
  • Lindsey and Danielle will create a survey to send to the community to capture thoughts on the Mission and Vision. Results will drive work session work on January 10th. 
L. Paquette made a motion to allocate up to $2,000 for the payment to Social Research Lab for the work on the Mission and Vision, with potential edits.
S. Howorko seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Reimagine Updates

Transparency to show the recommendations and the progress currently made.


Bylaw Revisions Update

Lisa and Danielle will meet with Carleen and begin work on the potential changes to the Bylaws.


Training Update

SPED/Title XI will be before the Adams 12 Board meeting February 7th from 6pm to 7pm

VIII. Future Planning


Next Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet

  • Committee written reports
  • Policy updates
  • Fundraising allocations
  • Supplemental budget
  • Strategic Plan/Reimagine updates
  • Charter renewal update


Next Admin Sync Meeting

Samantha and Ray will attend on December 18th at 8:30am


Upcoming Events

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:09 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
K. Brisseau
Documents used during the meeting
  • Robotics Request August 2023.pdf
  • Recommendations tracking.pdf