Stargate School


Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday October 11, 2023 at 5:00 PM

Directors Present

D. Fox, L. Hosfelt, L. Paquette, M. Faulkner, R. AuYeung, S. Howorko, S. Schafer

Directors Absent


Guests Present

R. Greene, W. Granger

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

L. Hosfelt called a meeting of the board of directors of Stargate School to order on Wednesday Oct 11, 2023 at 5:05 PM.


Roll Call


Reading of Stargate Mission

Samantha read aloud the Mission

II. Public Comment


Public Comment Response


III. Action Items


Admissions Policy

Admissions Policy


Discussion regarding in-coming 9th grade students from Hulstrom being given priority over in-district students: 


Current data (for the 2023-2024 school year) shows there were: 

• 39 offered spots in 9th grade (This number is more than what is available, but done so to account for attrition) 

• 15 Hulstrom students applied: 

◦ 6 students accepted a spot 

◦ 6 declined a spot 

◦ 3 are currently on the waitlist 

• Based on current numbers, Admissions coordinator doesn't believe that there will 

be a large number of Hulstrom students that get in because they are only above in District, not above siblings, etc. 

• This policy change originated from a conversation regarding the relationship we have with Hulstrom. 

• Other side to consider - it may feel as if we're not being equitable to other students in the district. 

• Regardless of decision, we will revisit the policy at the beginning of the 2024-2025 school year and  make edits at that time after a further evaluation of data

•  Discussed any impact this decision could have on our Contract Renewal with the District, 

• Legal council said it's already in our approved policy, did not advise one way or another. 


After vote: 

• Republish policy and communicate as necessary
• Admin and Admissions will do due diligence and reach out to any current applicant who is a current 8th grade student from Hulstrom. 

S. Howorko made a motion to remove item 5d from the admissions policy approved on 7/19.
R. AuYeung seconded the motion.
  • Shaun - doesn't like the after the fact part - it's already been approved and doesn't want to appear wishy-washy. 
  • Lindsey - in a difficult position, our decision making is damaged. Didn't make the decision with the data which makes both ways difficult. Either way, we are in a bad position. May reflect poorly on us either way. 73 other applicants outside of Hulstrom deserve a spot.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call
S. Schafer
M. Faulkner
L. Paquette
D. Fox
R. AuYeung
L. Hosfelt
S. Howorko
L. Hosfelt made a motion to move the UIP above the Executive Director Evaluations on the agenda.
D. Fox seconded the motion.

Unable to move the UIP on top of the ED goals in minutes, however UIP was discussed before ED Evals.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Executive Directors Evaluations

Executive Directors Evaluations


• Discussed concerns about evaluations and inclusions of goals.

• Since this evaluation was built paralleled to Quality Principal Standards and 

Randa, it could potentially show that the evaluative expectations are too much and overly cumbersome for EDs, admin and staff. 

• Discussed what is determined as appropriate data and responsibilities of evaluators

•Mid year we will all meet together to see what has been accomplished, how to 

push to next levels

• Discussed adding more to Indicator 3.OF.A to add audit corrections and bond covenants.

• Made changes for it to be all-encompassing of the financial aspect of the role. 


M. Faulkner made a motion to approve the Executive Director goals, as discussed.
S. Schafer seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.





• SAC approved the UIP that is to be submitted to the state. 

• Chose 3 Targets for the focus of the year: 

◦ Ensuring the SEL programming meets the needs of our students. 

◾ Increase 5%ile points and 55% of students will rate that they feel a sense of belonging and feeling that they matter. 

◦ CMAS median growth percentile increase 

◾ Of the students taking CMAS, MGP (Median student growth percentiles) should increase 2%ile points. 

◦ Parent satisfaction with affective and academic programming 

◾ 80% will report that they strongly agree or agree they are satisfied 

with SEL and programming. 

• Goals were selected based on previous UIPs and SEL has been a through line. 

• Parent satisfaction has been low, based on overall years 

data, strategically focus on our parents. 

• Board asked why is only Special Pops mentioned when discussing Sources of 

Strength and not those in ALP. Will add to UIP. 

• Called out the focus of differentiation already being done that needs to be added. 

L. Paquette made a motion to approve the UIP, as discussed.
S. Howorko seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

IV. Discussion Items


Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan


Format for presentation was discussed, with a Focus on Living our Mission - Our Staff, Our Staff and Our Community

V. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:59 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fox