Stargate School


Governance Meeting

Date and Time

Wednesday September 13, 2023 at 6:00 PM


Stargate Secondary Library

Directors Present

D. Fox, L. Paquette, M. Faulkner (remote), R. AuYeung, S. Howorko, S. Schafer

Directors Absent

L. Hosfelt

Guests Present

M. Anderson, R. Greene, Rob Cable, W. Granger

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

D. Fox called a meeting of the board of directors of Stargate School to order on Wednesday Sep 13, 2023 at 6:01 PM.


Roll Call


Reading of Stargate Mission


Recognitions and Appreciations

  • Samantha recognized the Foundation, specifically Apryl Sweat, as well as Lynne, Wayne and Doug for their work in making the parking lot successful.
  • Shaun recognized Brad Pippert for his sports photography work. Every track meet and cross country meet, Brad has been there with his camera and delivering great action shots of our students that he then shares with parents. He has created some wonderful mementos of these experiences and his work is valued. 
  • Lindsey recognized everyone who has a hand in communications this year and the counselors who did great scheduling work to meet so many accommodations. 
  • Danielle recognized Ms. Anderson for being the only staff member to apply for the staff SAC open seat, as well as recognized Lumakar Challa and Jessica LeNeave who both applied for the 2 open parent positions.
  • Ray recognized Mark Hoopes for continuing to manage our technology needs during board meetings. We appreciate his dedication to Stargate

2 Parent recognitions: 

Both applauded the efforts of Wayne Granger regarding the traffic flow and drop off success. 




Board News and Events

Samantha: Robin's Coffee Chat

Shaun: Back to School Event

Lindsey: Elementary Lunch Duty

Danielle: Wayne's Parking Lot Chat, Robin's Coffee Chat, Back to School Night


II. Approve Consent Agenda Items


Approve Consent Agenda

D. Fox made a motion to approve the Consent Agenda for items for September 13, 2023.
R. AuYeung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



D. Fox made a motion to approve the minutes from Governance Meeting on 08-09-23.
R. AuYeung seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. School Operations


Executive Director Operations and Finance Report

Executive Director Operations and Finance Report Presented by Mr. Wayne Granger -

  • Difficulty getting bids for the gym sound system. One company coming on 9/27, we need 3 bids, per Stargate's Competitive Bidding Policy.
  • 7 additional staff members trained in supporting the new lunch system. The current constraint is with what is offer verses what is served. Tweaking in elementary - kids will be using keypads instead of barcodes.
  • .5 Eagle's Landing and .5 lunch support position was posted - Received 4 applicants. 
  • Additional hires were made to increase the size of Eagle's Landing. 6 of 7 hires are students. All will receive training before tending to the waitlist.
  • Enrollment - budget is at 1594 FTE (full time equivalent). Current enrollment is at 1569. 
    • There are waitlists for secondary but class sizes wouldn’t be manageable if we increased to accommodate waitlist. 
    • There is currently no waitlist for kindergarten. Statewide is seeing a decline in birth rates. Discussed the long term strategy to manage this change, suggested marketing outside of the district - working with private preschools, sending out mailers, getting out into the community (farmers market), etc.
  • Opportunity to participate in the Adams county video project. It would be a professional 60 second video about Stargate. The video would be hosted in the Adams County webpage for a year with the direct link to the Stargate page. Stargate would have access and ownership to this video.
    • $6-8k for production of video and hosting for 1 year. 
    • Would take 3-5 weeks to get footage & create.
  • Charter renewal is underway with walkthroughs planned 
  • Survey results from the School Kick Off shows staff feel positive about this school year to come! 



Executive Director Academics Report

Executive Director Academics Report Presented by Dr. Robin Greene -

  • Admin is establishing a team of early adopters to be trained in the SEL curriculum. The plan is to develop the scope and sequence and use feedback to make adjustments for year 2, which will be used in both elementary and secondary. 
  • The Ministry of Education in Japan participated in the SEL training with the secondary staff to use elements in their education.
  • UIP will include staff satisfaction, CMAS and MAPS data will be used as support.
  • Identified areas for growth in math and literacy for the School Performance Framework (SPF), addressed Key Performance Indicators (KPI) from last year for growth on MAPS in elementary.
  • Expecting a walk through for the Charter Renewal on November 7th.
  • Continuing to focus on building respectful and trusting culture based on need from the Reimagine report. 
    • Sharing news that everyone can use, giving staff “shout outs”, continuing to tie it back to "what are you FOR?" 
    • Admin continues to receive responses from staff that this year feels different in a positive way. To build trust and provide transparency, email updates are honest about what is challenging.
    • First Coffee Chat was successful with a large turn out and great discussion.
  • Board discussed the effects of decreasing class size. Posed the question - what would it look like if we went smaller in K-5? Many things would need to be discussed to begin to consider this in the future.


Academics Staff Report

Academics Report Presented by Secondary Principal, Rob Cable:

  • Senior Sunrise is now a stamped in traditions. Will end the year in Senior Sunset to book end the year.
  • High School Club Carnival was put on to showcase the clubs offered in high school or discuss starting a new one. Club captains market in the gym every HS student got to talk to members.
    • 56 clubs have started this year. 340 students expressed interest in joining a club to connect outside the classroom. Clubs range from mock debate to recycling club.
  • Middle School now offers Academic Enrichment. Each Wednesday, students meet in Homeroom to discuss their passion connection. Students think through their passions with teachers who offer options to kids. There is no homework or grades given, just time to connect with a teacher and peers who are passionate about the same thing. 
    • There are currently 17 options ranging from gardening to book club to jewelry making to Anime
  • Over 275 secondary students are participating in fall athletics. 
  • Teachers have spent time together vertically aligning career profile assessments through the Naviance application to help students identify their strengths and learn pathways to get to chosen career. 
  • Secondary Homerooms will be implementing a new and improved ICAP curriculum and Sources of Strength curriculum.
  • Homecoming is currently taking place!
    • Students won in the well attended Staff vs Students Volleyball Game
    • Homecoming dance is Saturday. Kudos to Shelly Krill and Erin Nertz who worked tirelessly to make this week successfully happen.
  • MAPS testing is complete in Reading, Language Usage, Science and Math. Added Language Usage as another data point. 
  • Juniors take the PSAT on October 14th
  • HS will take National Merit Scholarship qualifying assessment, it is not state mandated, but encouraged.
  • At the high school awards ceremony next week, 285 sophomores, juniors and seniors who earned an academic letter last year will be recognized.
  • Board asked about ICAP regarding co-concurrent enrollment. Students can be sent off campus for classes that aren't offered on site. Currently not close to what was budgeted for off campus classes because a lot can be offered on campus. A lot of students are taking Future Forward and the cost is being taken out of that same budget.
  • Board asked how ICAP for middle school will get positioned for middle schoolers. Mr. Cable explained it will be scaffolded down and focused on what students like to do, focusing on what they are good at, including interests, self reflection and personality profile. Students are not committed to a career track. 


IV. Public Comment


Public Comment Response


V. Committee Reports



Tien Tong presented report for the elections committee:

  • Elections committee recommendation is to cancel the election and declare 3 applicants/candidates as elected by acclamation. Candidate vote by School Accountability Committee will be shared with the Board.
  • Remaining staff seat available will be for 1 year. Recruiting will continue to communicate with Robin to encourage staff nomination. 




Danielle presented the Recruiting Committee report:


3 Applicants - 2 parents and 1 staff applied for the 2 parent and 2 staff positions. Discussed plan for the open staff seat and suggested declariing the 3 current nominations by acclamation.

D. Fox made a motion to cancel the Fall SAC election and declare the 3 applicants for School Accountability Committee seats elected by acclamation.
L. Paquette seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


School Accountability

  • UIP:
    • Robin and Therese Morin reviewed prior UIP, have to address goals from last year. The first draft is due at the October 2nd SAC meeting. Official due date is on October 15. The board will need to vote on it before then. Will need to add an open meeting to the Executive Session on October 11th. 
  • KPI June 30th Update: 3 updated categories, all 3 trended upwards.
    • Financial stability metrics were updated to reflect the current thresholds. With new KPIs and thresholds, we are at 3.0 and met all thresholds.
    • Exceptional Staff: 100% completion of annual reviews, was an increase from last year.
    • Engaged community: Election participation 25% from spring election. Not having a fall election will not ding us, we will just hold score from Spring 2023 to Spring 2024.
    • Some metrics from last year's report need to be retired. 


  • Social Lab Research:
    • Outsourcing the survey process to an organization called the Social Research Lab. Wayne worked with them prior.
    • Highlights: Have worked with other schools, have capacity and experience to undertake Stargate, quick turn around, can use our questions for year over year comparisons, mange the survey distribution and collection. Will create output of raw data and a professional report.
    • Lindsey will get more information on how we pay for the capacity due to the size of our school with their pay what you can system.
    • Responsibility to communicate with stakeholders is still on us
    • Social Lab Research can advise on questions but will look for trend lines
    • SAC will bring the questions to the Board for approval

VI. Action Items


Community Handbook

S. Howorko made a motion to approve the 2023-2024 Community Handbook as discussed.
D. Fox seconded the motion.

Community Handbook

Requested to fix the comments before it goes out to the community.

The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Staff Handbook

Staff Handbook

No motion made 


Advised to seek legal council regarding Performance Improvement Plans process for transparency to staff to avoid being super specific without being vague. 



Evaluation Rubrics and Process

Evaluation Rubrics and Process

No motion made 


  • These evaluations mirror the Colorado School Quality Standards and customized to Stargate's specific situation. 
  • Discussed the evaluation being a 2 board member process instead of a full board. 
    • Concern over subjectivity, however this way of evaluating relies more on evidence as the tool was created to remove subjectivity. The Executive Directors provide the evidence, the board reviews the evidence together. 
    • The 2 members would then follow up with the full board after the Executive Session but the evaluation process would belong to the 2 members who work with them the closest (President and Treasurer).
  • Board discussed potential concern about the burden of Executive Directors collecting evidence for each indicator. 
    • Both Executive Directors share that they are comfortable with this way of evaluating. 
    • Board agreed that if indicator is achieved then no further action is needed by board.
  • Discussion regarding the financial evaluative aspects of the Executive Director of Operations and Finance since the board has fiduciary and financial responsibility. 
    • There are additional pieces that need to be added with regard to the financial responsibilities.
  • Will review with Executive Directors and approve at the Open Meeting before Executive Session on October 11th.


Board OnTrack

Board onTrack Package Differences

No motion made as decision is to remain on the Operations package ($5,995) instead of increasing to the Acceleration package ($9,000)


  • Decision based on new trainings being offered through the League of Charters
  • Board onTrack trainings not specifically tailored to our current needs.
  • We have a board self assessment tool already established and will use the assessment offered as needed. 
    • We will still get the analysis for a year, should we choose to use their board self assessment.

VII. Discussion Items


Strategic Planning Session


  • Discussion will be mostly based on Reimagine recommendations
  • Logistics: Recommendation for offsite location for Oct 7th. Best option is the Broomfield Community Center. Cost will be $150-200. Time: 9-3:30 with lunch break.
  • Agenda is attached.
    • Morning is to look at data, afternoon is to make strategies and actions. Plan is to think in 1, 3, 5 year time frames, to build off foundation based on Reimagine report, and establish timelines.
    • Wayne will present on overall governance
    • Robin will present on 504, IEP, title IX and how its implemented at Stargate


Reimagine Follow Up

Reminagine Report

No updates this month. Next month we will have more to report on it after Strategic Planning Session.


Mission and Vision Review

Discussed above in Strategic Planning meeting plans.


Bylaw Revisions Review Process

Currently in progress. Goal is to make it less specific and leave policies to create the bulk of the content which will allow edits to be made without rewriting Bylaws.


Committee Handbook Signatures

Signatures should be uploaded into the Committees folder


Stakeholder Presentation

  • Update on Mission and Vision work: What we've learned from data collected and Strategic Plan work
  • Celebrations our Mission in action: Student achievements, training, staff, etc.
  • Discuss work with Strategic Plan aligned with ReImagine Report recommendations
  • Committees: What do our committees do? Identify committee goals and achievements, our need to drive interest, can be framed in a way to match interest to committees.
  • Charter Renewal (need community to go to AD12 board meetings to talk positively about Stargate) Volunteers for charter renewal?
  • Refreshments & Raffles



Admissions Policy re: Hulstrom


Seek legal advise

VIII. Future Planning


Next Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet

  • Strategic Planning Session, October 7th, 9 - 3:30 at Broomfield Community Center
  • October 11th will begin at 5:00 with an Open Meeting and then Executive Session will be after.
  • Stakeholder Presentation, October 25th at 6:00pm
  • Governance Board Meeting, October 25th at 7:00pm


Next Admin Sync Meeting and Future Scheduling

  • October 2nd at 8:30, Danielle and Samantha will attend
  • Set up recurring meetings on the first Monday of each month to provide continuity and ensure availability in Robin and Wayne's schedules


Upcoming Events

  • Homecoming Dance, September 16th
  • High School Awards Ceremony, September 19th
  • Sources of Strength/Safe2Tell Parent Academy Night, September 21st
  • Governance Board Office Hours, September 22nd
  • Multi-Cultural Fest, September 29th


IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

D. Fox made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:12.
S. Howorko seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
D. Fox
Documents used during the meeting
  • KPI Report 6.30.23.pdf