Stargate School

Governance Board Meeting

Published on August 20, 2024 at 1:34 PM MDT
Amended on August 21, 2024 at 6:17 PM MDT

Date and Time

Wednesday August 21, 2024 at 6:00 PM MDT


      Purpose Presenter
I. Opening Items
  A. Call the Meeting to Order   Lindsey Paquette
  B. Roll Call   Lindsey Paquette
  C. Reading of Stargate Mission  

Stargate School will provide a differentiated program designed specifically to meet the needs of identified intellectually gifted learners in order to challenge each student’s academic abilities, support their unique emotional needs, promote individual character development and encourage a life-long love of learning.

  D. Recognitions and Appreciations Discuss All Board Members
  E. Board News and Events Discuss All Board Members
II. Approve Consent Agenda Items
  A. Approve Consent Agenda Vote Lindsey Paquette


2) Minutes for Governance Board Meeting held July 10, 2024

3) Rescind Policy 0.0 Bylaws (addressed in Articles of Incorporation)

4) Rescind Policy 1.2 Committee Charters (addressed n Bylaws)

5) Rescind Policy 1.3 Board Handbook (addressed in Bylaws)

6) Rescind Policy 1.9 Communication Pathways (merged into Policy 1.15)

7) Rescind Policy 3.1 Executive Limitations (addressed in ED contract)

8) Rescind Policy 3.2 Community Handbook (addressed in Bylaws)

9) Rescind Policy 3.3 Staff Handbook (addressed in Bylaws)

10) Rescind Policy 3.5 Employee Use of Computers, Internet, Email (included in Staff Handbook)

11) Revised Policy 1.6 Election Second Reading (**unless further changes are suggested - please advise by 8/17**)




  B. Minutes for Governance Board Meeting held July 10, 2024 Approve Minutes
    Minutes for Governance Meeting on July 10, 2024
  C. Approve Agenda for August 21, 2024 Governance Board Meeting
III. School Operations
  A. Financial Report FYI Lynne Whitney
  B. Executive Director of Academics Report FYI Robin Greene
IV. Public Comment

Public Comments Reminder: The board meeting is structured to allow the Governance Board to conduct its business in a timely manner. Comments may not be immediately addressed but may be considered as future agenda items. Anyone wishing to speak must sign-in before the public comment portion of the meeting. Comments are limited to 3 minutes each, and total time allotted for all public comments will not exceed 45 minutes. Those wishing to speak that do not get the opportunity to do so can submit their comments to or may attend the next board meeting to do so. Please note that time may not be donated to others and comments are expected to maintain professional courtesy, civility, and respect.

  A. Public Comment FYI
  B. Public Comment Response FYI
V. Committee Reports
  A. Written Committee Reports FYI

Finance Minutes

Fundraising Allocation


  B. Election Committee Report FYI

SAC election plan (Nominations 8/26-9/9; Election 9/16-9/30)

  C. Recruiting Committee Report FYI Danielle Fox
  D. SAC Report FYI Lumakar Challa

KPI moved to Sept

UIP Plan

Support for Strategic Planning

VI. Action Items
  A. Financial Policies and Procedures Handbook - Procurement Section Vote Samantha Howorko

Procurement Policy 08.21.24

In the absence of an Executive Director of Operations and Finance, it has been revised to appropriately align and define purchasing authority with current school needs and practice.

  B. Approve funds for purchase of IT hardware Vote Samantha Howorko

Replacement Chromebooks and PCs

  C. Fundraising Allocation to Principals Vote Samantha Howorko
  D. Fundraising Allocation for After Prom Vote Samantha Howorko
  E. Committee Handbook Vote

Committee Handbook

No changes from 2023-2024

  F. Recruiting Committee Charter Vote Bibi Paul

Recruiting Committee Charter 2024

added language addressing timing for consideration of Independent Director candidates

  G. Approve Election Committee Chair Vote Lisa Griffin
  H. Approve $2000 for Fall and Spring Election Vote Lisa Griffin
  I. Revised Policy 1.16 Public Records Request First Reading Vote Samantha Howorko
  J. 2024-2025 Board Handbook Vote Samantha Howorko
  K. Operational Analysis Proposals Vote Lindsey Paquette
VII. Discussion Items
  A. ED Evaluation Tool Discuss Meryl Faulkner

Stargate Executive Director Evaluation Tool - see minor edits on page one

TEMPLATE Executive Director Evaluation Sheet - Notice one additional tab on this template. This is for expectation 3.OF.

  B. Data Management Policy Discuss Samantha Howorko
  C. Strategic Planning Session Discuss Lindsey Paquette
  D. Mission and Vision FYI Lindsey Paquette
  E. Reimagine Updates FYI
VIII. Future Planning
  A. Next Board Meeting Agenda and Board Packet Discuss Lindsey Paquette
  B. Next Admin Sync Meeting Discuss Lindsey Paquette
  C. Upcoming Events Discuss
IX. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting Vote Lindsey Paquette