Redesign Schools Louisiana


RSL Regular Board Meeting

Date and Time

Saturday June 25, 2022 at 9:00 AM


Dalton Elementary

3605 Ontario Blvd

Baton Rouge, LA 70805

Directors Present

A. McGaha, M. Mullen, P. Baldwin

Directors Absent

G. Pope, J. Chatelain, J. Miller, N. Gillam, R. Orso

Guests Present

A. Beck, A. Eason, M. McNamara

I. Opening Items


Call the Meeting to Order

Beck Spoke 9:03 A.M.

Ashley's resignation effective June 26, 2022

Ashley spoke 9:05-board will ratify items

P. Baldwin called a meeting of the board of directors of Redesign Schools Louisiana to order on Saturday Jun 25, 2022 at 9:07 AM.


Record Attendance and Guests


Motion to approve the minutes from the June 18, 2022 Budget Hearing and May 21, 2022 RSL Regular Board Meeting

Beck spoke 9:12 am-Correct absence of members from last meeting (Justin)

Pam spoke 9:14 am -Ratify by acclamation with voting to occur on next meeting 

Motion to approve the minutes from RSL 2022-2023 Budget Hearing Meeting on 06-18-22.

approved by Acclamation 

The board VOTED to approve the motion.

II. Items scheduled for receipt/information


Introduction of 22-23 Principals

Leroy Turner spoke 9:15 am -introduction

Georgia Gross spoke 9:17 am-introduction

Nicole Jones spoke 9:18 am-introduction

Marie Mullen spoke 9:20 am-question for principals

Leroy Turner spoke 9:20 am- community involvement

Megan McNamara spoke 9:20 am- leadership

Pam spoke 9:24 am-Is Ms. Jones official?

Group spoke 9:24 am- YES!


Superintendent's Academic Presentation

Beck spoke 9:25 am-impact on Louisiana education, growth, impact on the community

Mcnamara spoke 9:31 am- no lower positions

Mullen spoke 9:31 am- thank you Dr. Beck

Mcgaha spoke 9:32 am- excited to move in the right direction

Beck spoke 9:32 am- finances have improved

Mullen spoke 9:34 am- testament to leadership

Jones spoke 9:34 am- schools never felt deprived financially

Beck spoke 9:35 am- exited for good things to come

Mcgaha spoke 9:35 am- been here since the beginning and happy about internal promotion 

III. Items scheduled for action


Motion to Approve the 22-23 RSL Annual Budget

Denise spoke 9:36 am - voting must be in person

Denise spoke 9:36 am - conservative approach to budget

Beck spoke 9:38 am - state part for Dalton? why is it more?

Denise spoke 9:39 am - because of pre-k?

McGaha spoke 9:39 am - what is max enrollment in the classroom?

Beck spoke 9:40 am - max is 25

McGaha spoke 9:40 am - small classes weren't great for finances

McNamara spoke 9:40 am - plan for federal dollars to lessen

Baldwin spoke 9:42 am - what is the difference between finances Dalton vs. Lanier?

Beck spoke 9:43 am -Dalton is considered in need of intervention (more funds) 

Denise spoke 9:44 am - Headstart for Dalton brings in revenue

Mullen spoke 9:45 am- how many in pre-k?

Beck spoke 9:46 am- 20 at Lanier, may end RSL pre-k at Dalton due to outside Headstart vendor

McGaha 9:48 am - what is the difference in salaries between schools

Beck 9:49 am - salaries percentage depends on enrollment

Baldwin 9:50 am- can MFP be put at top of spreadsheet?

McGaha 9:50 am- budget was conducted differently in the past

McNamara 9:51 am - MFP will be different based on the formula, Mckinney-Vento can effect

Mullen 9:52 am- who will forecast budget for the future

Beck 9:53 am- has forecasted for the future

McNamara 9:54 am - what will the future look like, need on paper 3-5 year plan

Beck 9:55 am- Losing Esser has plan

McGaha 9:56 am- Denise has planned for cash flow, thank you

Beck 9:56 am - Will continue to check funds

McNamara 9:58 am- systemize programming/services across schools

Mullen 9:59 am- Prepare for students moving across schools

Beck 9:59 am - everything will balance out


Budget ratified by acclamation 


Motion to Approve the 22-23 Student Handbook

Square spoke 10:02 am: changes in student handbook

Beck spoke 10:03 am: schedule change

McNamara 10:03 am: planning time

Baldwin 10:05 am: Who are the Title IX person

Beck 10:05 am: Title IX is not right, need to change contacts

Mullen 10:05 am: Disciplinary shifts?

McNamara 10:06 am: shifts in practice

Mullen 10:07 am- disciplinary goals? Can board see them?

McNamara 10:08 am: yes thorough Panorama Ed

Bode 10:09 am: data will help to improve classroom instruction 

Turner 10:09 am: teachers have questioned training and coaching, improving structure 

Beck 10:11 am: Title IX changes have been made in handbook

McNamara 10:11 am: academics need to take priority over behavior

Square 10:15 am: getting to root of behavior problems

McNamara 10:15 am: BCBA will help correct behavior issues 

Beck 10:17 am: discuss uniform policy and correction of Title IX

Mullen 10:17 am: will boys wear skirts

Beck 10:18 am: we are accepting an inclusive 

Square 10:20 am: consider students who are transition

McNamara 10:20 am: sweatshirts policy will be enforced 

Beck 10:21: Revised copy will go out 


Beck: Motion to ratify by acclamation 

Mullen: Correct grammar, spelling


Ratified by acclamation 



Motion to Approve the 22-23 Employee Handbook

Beck 10:23 am: Changes in number of sick days

Mullen 10:23 am: Highlighting?

Beck 10:23 am: yes changes are highlighted

Beck 10:24 am: breaks now built into calendar, staying after school for teacher collaboration 

Mullen 10:25 am: consistent schedule?

McNamara 10:26 am: yes there is a schedule

Mullen 10:27 am: what does teacher day look like?

McNamara 10:27 am: reviews teacher day

McGaha 10:29 am: Is six days enough?

Square 10:30 am: other tyoes of are leave available

Beck 10:32 am: Any questions?

McGaha 10:32 am: 401k increase in contributions?

Beck 10:33 am: Yes


Ratified by acclamation








Motion to Approve the 22-23 Emergency Plan for Lanier Elementary, Dalton Elementary, and Glen Oaks Middle

Beck 10:33 am: changes are on staff

McNamara 10:34 am: want to put this great policy in practice

Baldwin 10:35 am: Are plans all similar?

Beck 10:35 am: Yes

Baldwin 10:37 am: Guns on campus

Beck 10:38 am: not allowed

McGaha 10:39 am: Training?

McNamara 10:39 am: Yes


Ratified by acclamation 



Motion to Approve 22-23 RSL Transportation Plan

Beck 10:41 am: Continue using first student, no changes, will circle back to gas prices

Baldwin 10:42 am: Is there training for bus drivers?

McNamara 10:43 am: yes 

Turner 10:43 am: monitors on buses, cameras?

McNamara 10:44 am: some monitors, yes cameras?

Baldwin 10:45 am: set gas costs as open?

Beck 10 45: First student sets agreement 


Ratified by acclamation 



Motion to Approve RSL Title I Plans 21-22

Beck 10:46 am: Beck wanted to have plan so it would have details for schools

McNamara 10:50- change language to reflect literacy coach change


Ratifed by acclamation



Motion to Approve RSL Financial Policies

Beck 10:52 am: Denise discuss financial polies

Denise 10:52 am: we are required to have policy on shared expensed between three schools 

McGaha 10:56 am:  Do we have policy to address this?

Beck 10:57  am: Yes

McGaha 10:57 am: Yes we do have the policy, review of cash reconciliation?

Beck 10:59 am: switch of roles Mac to Beck

McNamara 10:59 am: multiple levels of oversight


Ratified by acclamation 

IV. Executive Session


Motion to Move into Executive Session

Moved into session: 11:09 am

V. Closing Items


Next Finance Committee Meeting: Sat., Aug 27, 2022 9:00am - 10:00am at Dalton Elementary


Next Regular Board Meeting: Date and Location: Sat., Aug 27, 2022 at 10:00am - 11:00am at Dalton Elementary


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 12:12 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
P. Baldwin