Alta Public Schools


Board meeting of the Alta Public Schools Board of Directors

Date and Time

Tuesday June 11, 2019 at 7:00 PM


4210 E. Gage Ave., Bell, CA 90201

Directors Present

A. Chavarria, G. Tanner, J. Pelayo, M. Porras

Directors Absent


Guests Present

L. Vargas

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Tanner called a meeting of the board of directors of Alta Public Schools to order on Tuesday Jun 11, 2019 at 7:00 PM.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Board meeting Minutes of 2/12/19

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively


Approve Minutes of 3/27/19

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively


Approval of LCAP for Academia Moderna

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively


Approval of LCAP for Prepa Tec Los Angeles Middle School

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively
Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively


Approve LCAP for Prepa Tec Los Angeles High School

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively


Approve the Federal Addendum for Academia Moderna

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively


Approve the Federal Addendum for Prepa Tech Los Angeles Middle School

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively


Approve the Federal Addendum for Prepa Tech Los Angeles High School

Item was motioned for approval by Ms. Mary Poras and seconded by Ms. Chavarria. All  were in favor none apposed. Items A thru H were approved collectively

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comments were made

IV. Superintendent Report


Student and Staff Recognition

Recognition of students and staff members of the month for outstanding implementation of APS's mission and vision related to the IB Profile

Mrs.Marquez recognized Prepa Tec Middle School student Gael Hernandez. He was recognized demonstrating all the IB attributes and having a growth mindset and loving to take on challenges. Gael strives to meet grade level standards and works collaboratively with his peers. Mrs. Marquez also recognized  Staff member, Luigi  Aguilar, custodian for the Stafford site and bus driver for Alta Public Schools. Luigi is an unsung hero at Prepa Tec. He wears  multiple hats and greets our students with a warm smile and friendly personality as hes picking them up or taking them on sporting events. From helping a teacher with hanging a banner or cleaning up a spill in the hallway. his diligence ensures that our kids are in a safe and clean school. 

Mr. Aguirre, Prepa Tec High School, Principal recognized his student Alisa Najera for being a risk taker and being open minded. Her teachers describe her as  a caring student that listens attentively to what other have to say. She is  a principled student that approaches all situations with an open mind. Mr. Aguirre also recognized Dr. Marcus Knoll. He has been a God send. He had substituted with us in the past and when the need arose to step in to the counselor role he did so admirably. He assisted us in completing our AP, SBAC, and ELPAC exams.  More importantly he is ensuring our students are getting signed up for the summer program. One teacher said he always has a smile on his face and treats everyone with respect and kindness.  She went on to say that he demonstrates all the IB atributes but if she had to choose one it would be caring. According to one student he is always supportive and greats me in the morning making my day. He is always helping and putting a smile on all our students. 

Mr. Adam Warren, principal at Academia Moderna recognized second grade student, Nicholas Ortiz. He displays all the IB attributes both in and out of the class. During the academic year he as grown both socially and academically. He is both principled and reflective.  The Staff member recognized was Ms. Lorena Raya. She is the Sped Clerk at Academia Moderna.  During our testing season, she coordinated. 

All that were recognized received a certificate and a gift card. 


Superintendent Report

Dr.   Valenzuela 
Plans for the 9th grade class to stay with two 8th grade classes at the   Stafford site have gone extremely well. Mandatory meetings with parents to notify them of the change were done to ensure that parents were notified. Overall parents were fine with the change.  The hiring process is going well we still have about 8  positions to fill. Our principals have been working diligently and scheduling interviews back to back to find the right candidates. Academia has only 1 position to fill. 
A board member asked why were not positions filled out yet. Dr. Valenzuela explained that for the difficult teaching positions of SPED, Math and Chemistry it is very common and they just have not found the quality candidate they are looking for. 

He suggested that we think creatively to attract the kind of quality teachers we want with a possible bonus for staying long term. Right now it is difficult to attract the right candidate especially in the climate the charter school  world is in. Our salary scale is very competitive and is included in the budget the board will approve  tonight. 

A professional development plan has been created for the 2019-2020 school year. This plan focuses on two things. One is how teachers can use their team time or prep time, which is 90 minutes on block schedule days at the middle and high school and 60 minutes a day at the elementary, effectively to improve student performance. The other focus is our IB Program. The PYP program will be visited this  upcoming school year  on October 31st  and November 1st.

At the high school we are completely authorized. A process that normally takes two years was completed in 9 months. At the middle school we are working hard to get our authorization. The goal is that by June 30th of  next year we will be PYP, MYP and DP authorized.
The leaders will also be going on training at the end of June.  They will also be going to IB training in Keystone. An administrator evaluation to  determine if we are meeting the IB goals. 

No questions from the board.
M. Porras made a motion to approve the Superintendent report.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Academic Excellence Committee Report

Information for the Board from the Academic Excellence Committee
Ms. Poras reported that students will be attending summer school  in collaboration with Mission Academy. Since it is an online program the work will be performed online. However we will also have teachers on site available for assistance. We will be establishing a tracking protocol to check in with students to see their progress with students. We are confident that they will accomplish more than one class. Students will be attending 830 to 11:30. YPI will also be offering classes thru APEX which they will be able to take  one course at a time.

Another item discussed was reducing lap top time to increase student engagement with teachers especially since we did not see our students improve in their scores. Discussions of a pilot group to see if that would be beneficial for our students.

Another item discussed was the collaboration with pacific care clinic. Although students that have insurance they will still have some support. It is important especially at the middle and high school since we do not have onsite support. As we move forward and look at our budget we will be looking into how we can address these issues that are impacting our students.  

Lastly, Culminations are happening this week for  Academia Moderna and Prepa Tec Middle School. Academia Moderna's Kinder culmination ceremony will be held this Friday June 14th at 9am and the 5th grade culmination ceremony will be held at 11:30 am. The Prepa Tec Middle School Culmination ceremony will be held this Saturday June 15th at 10 am


Approve Contract for Services from The Aptus Group

The Special Education services independent contract was brought forward for board approval since the contract exceeds the 50,000 limit. An additional 3 agency quotes. were also provided. We recommend that the board approve The Aptus group contract. 
M. Porras made a motion to approve the Aptus contract for all three Special education service contracts for the 2019-2020 school year.
A. Chavarria seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Public Hearing for the Adoption of Prepa Tec Los Angeles High School Textbooks

We had samples of the text books to be used for the upcoming 2019-2020 school year. Since  we use public funds we are having public comment. A public hearing was opened at 7:53 for the adoption of Prepa Tec High School text books. There were 6 to 8 text books as well as online text books. The selection was reviewed by both teachers and administrators. Everyone agreed that the text books did meet the standard requirements. Some text books will be online and others will be physical books. Since we are not a williams school we are part of the williams lawsuit and our students are not required to have one text book per student. However we will have two text books which are Government and Economics. They  will also have online and web.

The selection process included teachers feedback with looking into ensuring that the curriculum would align with state standard and as well as support for our EL students. They have been successful at other school and were used at Mr. Aguirre's previous school. The web based textbooks were recommended by the IB program and are supported thru them as well.  The math content will be web based and have access to additional resources. Students do have the ability to take  notes. 
Hearing closed at 8:01 pm


Approve DP Textbooks for Prepa Tec Los Angeles High School

M. Porras made a motion to Approve the 9 text books listed on the attachment.
G. Tanner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of IB Policies

Teachers and committee chairs helped determine IB policies and procedures with regard to academic honesty, assessment, language, and admissions. All teachers had an opportunity to give us feedback. We have researched and came up with our own policies and procedures, which need to be in place for our authorization. The IB programme will not micromanage what is in our policies and procedures. They have given us the tools to create our own. Thru Kayleen and her guidance and thru everyone s input and approval we have created our own IB Policies and Procedures. Dr. Valenzuela would like to recommend that the board approve these policies and procedures. 

Mr. Reyes was part of the global engagement committee. He felt it was a great experience to work with and hear from the teachers and their point of view and experience. It was a very collaborative experience
J. Pelayo made a motion to approve the IB policies and procedures.
A. Chavarria seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Notice of Possible Change in SELPA for Academia Moderna

J. Pelayo made a motion to Approve the one year and a day notice of change in selpa to LAUSD.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
Mrs. Rachel Villalobos presented a notification to  change selpas. Currently Academia Moderna and Prepa Tec Middle School are with LAUSD and the high school is with El Dorado  Charter. One of the things that we looked at was analyzing our students needs. Right now we do not have anyone on due process, students in residential facilities,or  students having to attend a private school, Because we do not have these type of students our internal SPED fund is taking a huge hit. Mrs. Villalobos requested that the board approve to give LAUSD the one year and a day notice that we will no longer be with their selpa. We have already researched and found about 6 or 7 selpas that are willing to grow and take on additional charter schools.

Mr. Spencer from Charter Impact explained that essentially that by changing selpas the organization could potentially get back hundreds of thousands of dollars to be able to provide additional resources for our students.

If the board approves it gives us permission to send the one year and a  day notice that we are leaving the current selpas. 


Approve Notice of Possible Change in SELPA for Prepa Tec Los Angeles Middle School

J. Pelayo made a motion to approve the notice of possible change in selpa to LAUSD.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approve Notice of Possible Change in SELPA for Prepa Tec Los Angeles High School

J. Pelayo made a motion to the notice of possible change in selpa to LAUSD.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Finance Report


Revised Credit Card Holders List & Credit Limits

There was a change the credit card limits effective July 1st. We are also terminating three cards. Due to changes or shifts in duties we have expanded both Mrs. Mendez and Mr. Reyes credit card limit. The credit limit with Umma bank is fifty thousand. We have assigned forty five thousand and left a cushion of 5 thousand. Mr. Reyes has reviewed and approved. 

An explanation for the thought process behind the increase in credit was requested by Mr. Tanner.  Mr. Reed explained that since we will not have an operations manager on the ground taking care of the daily  needs that can come up quickly. We wanted to ensure that Mr. Reyes card would be able to handle the additional responsibilities that can come up. 

Mrs. Mendez will also have an increase to five thousand
M. Porras made a motion to approve the new credit card agreements.
A. Chavarria seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Revised Signature Cards for Alta's Bank Accounts

The proposal is to change the signatures. Mr. Reyes signature  would be Kept. Mr. Bainbridge signature would be added since he is the finance chair. Mrs. Mendez would also be added to the authorizers. Given Charter Impacts model, there will be a check book for emergency checks to be written out for employee termination or emergency situations. Mrs. Mendez would be the person on the  ground that can do it if Mr. Reyes is unavailable. 
A. Chavarria made a motion to Approve the changes in authorizer signatures.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Certification of Signatures for AMCS, PTLAM, & PTLAH

An annual practice of the certification signatures with lausd. All principals board members, CEO and instructional leader have already provided their signature. 
J. Pelayo made a motion to approve the certification of signatures for AMCS, PTMS, and PTHS.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Financial Update and Finance Committee Report

Financial report which the general budget. The general overview would be the following. We are expecting an increase of 3.5 % increase. The blue shaded budget has a decrease from prior years since the one time funding from the state will not be grated this year for things like professional development for teachers. In regards to the STERS. There will be a significant reduction from 18 % to a possible 16% if the state approves. 

A summarized multi year budget plan that was handed to the board. We are budgeting  on a consolidated with a 2.4 million dollar surplus budgeted on a little over 1200 students. One of the riskier areas is enrollment and the students you hope will enroll but have not yet enrolled. Lastly if you scroll down to the bottom in the gray box we projecting ending the year with a 1.8 million fun balance. Things of closing of the facility for the middle school. By doing this it would free up the schools credit line. 

The last thing is that we expect to see a decrease in cash flow in September, which is normal, due to text book purchases and stocking up on supplies to name a few. As well as teacher salaries which begin to get paid in August, yet your state checks do not come in until late September thru Early December. 

How does the PENSEC money affect the high school?  Pensec money comes in normally in October and any school that is expanding a  grade level would receive that money.  Since we are limited to the smallest grade level in the school. PENSEC money is not included in the budget. 

The Carter School Facility Improvement grant is the gran money that comes in in January. This grant is intended to offset the cost of the middle school building project. If we were not to receive the grant money our ending budget would decrease to about a 1 million at the end of the next fiscal year.

For Academia Moderna budget we have budgeted  a four hundred and sixteen thousand dollars for the year. We have  included the bond covenant requirements. We are projecting to have 64 days of cash on hand for the next school year. 

For the Middle  School Prepa Tec Middle School the low point of funding is that we expect the all the accounts payables to be paid in full by the next fiscal year. 

Prepa Tec High School the importance of this one is the negative  fun balance is within the high school. We  are budgeting a surplus of three hundred thousand dollars.. We expect to pull the school out of the negative fun balance this school year. Our mark or goal is to hit and end the upcoming school  year in a positive fun balance. If we can hit the 3% fun balance as recommended by the  state than we are not just going from positive to negative we are also meeting the states recommendation. Which would meant that they would not be bringing up this point.. The instructional team will also be looking at expenses to ensure that we do not exceed.   

Gheeta will be the long term contact with Charter Impact. 
J. Pelayo made a motion to approve the finance report.
G. Tanner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. CEO Report



Mr. Reyes wanted to share our governing board bylaws for the organization have been rewritten by our attorney and need to be approved by the board. We  have talked about a governing board committee. Both the old and new by laws are there for your review. Approval is not required now. However we are presenting it to the board for review to  begin working on it. Days will be assigned for review.

Mr. Reyes will be without a contract as of July 1st 2019.  The board was given a comparative Executive Director salaries scale sheet provided by Spencer from Charter Impact. This will be discussed during the next board meeting.

Finally the bond underwriter wants us to have  a policy that basically outlines how we should be disclosing to the bond holders our information. It would include  our calendar full disclosure requirements, reviewing and disclosing disclosure documents, reviewing the annual status of compliance, undertaking the filing of disclosures. These practices are things that we are already doing an on annual basis. 
G. Tanner made a motion to Approve the continuum disclosure compliance policy.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


School Development

The 8001 Santa Fe phone conference status. Part of the  incentive grant  allows part of the regulations allows for reimbursement of materials and professional development that is a federal grant overseen by CFFA. Any money used  from this federal money is regulated  by federal law. If any money is used to pay wages then it must be thru the labor laws  which normally increases about 33% . We submitted to be reimbursed about 56 thousand dollars. Of that money a small percentage was used for dumping soil from the construction site. As we do work we apply for reimbursement.  We were reimbursed for 10  invoices. Out of those invoices three  are questioned by the attorneys. The work for hauling away the dirt from the compacted site site triggered the prevailing wages clause.  Since this is so small and minimal in the scope of the work we will be fine. The underwriters, attorneys and ourselves will be working to prove that we did not trigger the clause. Other charter schools have used the same funds. We are still planning on using the 2.7 million on will be expected to be used for professional services like general contractors, attorney fees, architects. Magnolia Charter used the same grant and swill be sharing what they did to ensure that we will be fine.

In the high school labs will be created in four classrooms to be converted to two labs. One science lab and one arts lab. The only quote that was submitted was for 500,000.  The proposal to the board is that Mr. Reyes would personally get the plumbing and concrete contractors. He believes that the project can go down to 200,000 dollars. All estimates or quotes would come to the board for approval.  Several contractors came to check out the jobb. However due to our time line of when the  project must start  and finish within a specific time frame. Since this is their busiest seasons bids were not submitted. 

We are still working with 3 additional contractors and answering additional questions for them to submit their final quote. We are already have city approval for the permits. 



Outreach and retention the board was shown our enrollment trends within the last four years. Last year we had a significant drop in enrollment trend. We also reviewed our current enrollment trend. We are steadily increasing additional enrollment numbers and will continue to focus our work over the summer to continue our efforts. Academia Moderna has always been our strongest school. We have began to track in January our trends. 
The middle school is being affected  due to several factors like turnover, split campus, environment . The high school is steadily is increasing. 

The enrollment process is increasing due to additional presence within the community. as well as our newsletter. There was a $10,000  investment per school. We have already seen a return in our investments. If we receive 3 or 4 students then we would have already paid itself. Already we have gotten about 15 students sign up. 
Food contracts for our schools: We are bringing up our contract for student meals. This year we have used fresh start and royal dining. Due to student dislike of the food provided by royal dining. Mr. Reyes recommends that we continue to use and expansion of Fresh Start food services. They even out  with all the prices. The kids are eating fresh start.
J. Pelayo made a motion to Keep fresh start and get rid or revolution foods.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
The organization has a wellness policy was approved a few years back. Every year we have a state audit and they recommended that we add additional language indicating that we will provide nutritional meals and physical activities. Ms. Poras will provide a sample of a data worksheet to record monthly activity per student. This data will be measured and reported publicly every three year. 
M. Porras made a motion to add additional recommendations to our current wellness policy.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Human Relations Report

Ms. Mendez shared the employee retention grid. In 2017 the percentage dropped. We hope that additional training and new pay  scale we will be able to retain more teachers. The only exception is the middle school is due to have significant staff changes due to single subject shift in teaching.    

   -Approve of Board Policy regarding EC §44258.3 - establishes a Credential Advisory Committee to allow teachers to teach     departmental subjects outside of their existing credential
We would like to receive approval for a change Educational code CTC ED policy. Approving the policy gives us the ability to change what subject would be approved. There is a committee and approval process and documentation. This is something new. for example in Academia Moderna we need a spanish teacher  this would allow us to have a multiple subject teacher teach spanish at the elementary level. Most spanish teachers want to teach spanish at the high school teacher.  

J.Tanner made a motion to Approve of Board Policy regarding EC §44258.3
M.Poras  seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
b. Recommendation to Approve substitute teacher staffing services provider:
   - Excel Professional Staffing Services 
   - 21st Century Staffing
    -Education Team
    - Professional Tutors of America
    -Teachers on Reserve

M. Poras motioned to approve the substitute teacher service providers. G. Tanner seconded the motion. The board voted unanimously to approve.  
C.  FYI to have all Alta Public School mail delivered to 2410 Broadway Walnut Park, CA 90255
    - HR Department will have a pick up/delivery process in place 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

G. Tanner made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
G. Tanner
