Alta Public Schools


Board meeting of the Alta Public Schools Board of Directors

Date and Time

Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 7:00 PM


4210 E. Gage Ave., Bell, CA 90201

Directors Present

Directors Absent


Guests Present

E. Reed, G. Mendez, J. Gonzalez, J. Valenzuela-Mumau, Ed.D., L. Vargas, X. Reyes

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

X. Reyes called a meeting of the board of directors of Alta Public Schools to order on Tuesday May 14, 2019 at 7:12 PM.
we do have corrum

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes

Prior board meeting minutes were approved on consent.


Personnel Matters - Separation Agreement of Director of Finance

This item was pulled from consent for discussion at next board meeting. 


Approval of Overnight Field Trip: College Visit San Diego, CA

Approved on consent

III. Public Comment


Public Comment

No public comment was made.

IV. Superintendent Report


Student and Staff Recognition

Dr. Valenzuela welcomed everyone  and recognition of students and staff members for the months of April and May were made for outstanding implementation of APS's mission and vision related to the IB Profile

Mr. Adam Warren, recognized Amy Ocampo as student of the month of April for consistently showing IB traits. Amy is part of the Yearbook club and Girls on the Run. For the month or May,  Anthony Nevares was recognized for showing his skills and curiosity in Ms. Washington's class. He is a curious academic learner and scholar. who was also a student ambassador  during our LAUSD visits.  Both students presented with a prize and a certificate of the month. 

Mrs.  Cecilia Marquez, recognized Harrison Avilus for the month of April. He was elected student of the month for being reflective, knowledgeable, caring and inspiring student. He is a genuine kind student always looking out for the welfare of other students. He petitioned to create a newsletter with the purpose of keeping his fellow classmates informed. Sofia Campos was recognized as student of the month for the month of May.  is consistently turning everything on tim showing the effort in all she does as evident in her work. She is always showing respect to all  students, teachers and staff,  even while no one is looking. All students received a certificate of recognition and a prize. 

Mr. Victor Aguirre, recognized Elias as student of the month for April.  Teachers nominated Elias for being a caring and principled risk take who always helps peers and does his work. He is a charmin individual and a pleasure to have in class. 
Jose Moreno was recognized as student of the month for May. He always shows compassion to all.   He is patient and helps peers and staff.   He   is not afraid to give feedback. Jose's kindness brightens everyone heart. 

Mr. Warren recognized Ms. Martha Raya, Second grade aid and Ms. Karla Castellanos, lead Second grade teacher. Ms. Raya emcompases the IB attributes each day while  greeting students and covers staff when they are out.   She is a valuable  staff member as she supports 2nd grade students both in class and small groups. Ms. Karla Castellanos constantly displays Alta's  vision  and mission.  She is part of the leadership team at Academia Moderna.

Mrs. Marquez recognized Juana Calderon and Mrs. Sylvia Nicholson. As our custodian at clarendon, Juana  goes above and beyond to ensure that our kids come in to a safe and clean environment. Mrs. Nicholson is our stafford warrior, as the Office Manager she has been Mrs. Marquez right hand. She is the mom in the hallways and is always willing to help in anyway she can.

Mr. Aguirre recognized Carina de la Cruz  and Jose Mendoza. Both individuals started as substitute teachers and were selected by their peers. Ms. De la Cruz stepped in and became a team player. She embodies our vision and mission yby always putting staff and kids first. She is an amazing person. Mr. Jose Mendoza, showed commitment to our students  by preparing lesson plans and helping them succeed.  He was then hired and has been a dedicated teacher and is always available on his free time.  A parent recently said he makes a  big difference in  the lives of students and staff.


Superintendent Report

Dr. Valenzuela reported that we are
  1. finishing the sbac testing at all three schools. Make up days will begin next week.  We are waiting for civil results and are expecting to see increases in  all three areas. 
  2. IB Program
    • Kayleen Rudd has really bolstered our organization  in the IB process, helping us get to where we need to be. We are expecting to get our authorization of the DP Programme. Our report received 17 commendations. Once we receive the official authorization a huge celebration will be held. In regards to the PYP  Program. We need to submit a reauthorization every 5 years. The Academia Moderna  team is already working with Ms. Rudd to submit the self study  by   June 1st.   Our IB visit is expected to be in late fall when we return to school. We  are confident that  it will  be a smooth process. We are also working on MYP for grades 6th to 10th grade. 
  3. Staffing Updates
    • At the elementary we are still looking for a Spanish staff. Since we are shifting to support the home language as per the IB process. In the Middle school we have multiple openings since we will be shifting to single subject and are still looking for math and science teachers. Due to changes of two  location  at the high school for the upcoming school year our master schedule was modified to ensure that we have enough teachers
    • Angelo Lindall is scheduled to begin at Academia Moderna as the PYP Coordinator this Thursday to help support teachers as we continue to implement IB.
  4. At AMCS the 5th grade exhibition of their community service projects will be held on May 30th from 3 to 5 pm. 10th grade students will have their project presentations on May 28th.
  5. This years culmination ceremonies will be held on Friday, June 14th for Kinder and 5th grade and Saturday June 15th for 8th grade. 
  6. Operations Department: We are slowly reaching our goals for enrollment for all schools. AMCS is at around 450 and PTMS is at 350. In regards to the High schools modification of the total enrollment for the 12th grade  were made and we now only have space for 9 additional students. 
There were no questions made. A motion to approve the Superintendent Report  was made and seconded. The report was approved.


Academic Excellence Committee Report

During the Academic Committee meeting instructional feedback and goal settings were the main topics discussed. Motion to move the IB report to the Principal report was made. The motion was seconded and approved. 


PUBLIC HEARING: 2019-2022 Local Control Accountability Plan - Academia Moderna

Hold a Public Hearing for the Academia Moderna LCAP

Public Hearing Open: ___7:51___
No public comment made
Public Hearing Closed: __7:52____


PUBLIC HEARING: Local Control Accountability Plan - Prepa Tec Middle School

Hold a Public Hearing for the Prepa Tec Middle School LCAP

Public Hearing Open: __7:52____
No public comment made.   
Public Hearing Closed: _7:53_____


PUBLIC HEARING: Local Control Accountability Plan - Prepa Tec Los Angeles High School

Hold a Public Hearing for the Prepa Tec Middle School LCAP

Public Hearing Open: __7:52____
No public comment made. 
Public Hearing Closed: _7:53_____

V. Finance Committee


April 2019 Financials - Dashboard Review

Enrollment has been is tracked for all 3 schools. We do not have too much enrollment volatility. We have added additional students. Town hall meeting were held last week at all three schools with parents. During the meetings explaining student attendance since we budget 95 % our target.  Sat attendance helped bring up attendance due to saturday school. The next slide shows the anticipated unrestricted cash for all 3 schools. We are on track to have cash on hand for 75 days at the end of the year. At the end of last year we made it to 25 days of cash on hand. The next slide is our net asset for the next couple of years.
This next school year it is important to ensure that the hs passes threshold  since we are in the fourth year and it will go back to lausd. 
No questions. Board vote: Motion to approve. unanimous vote to approve financial report

VI. CEO Report



a. Independent Consultant Report by Spencer Styles:
Bond issue for financing of Prepa Tec Middle School building. Academia Moderna has an outstanding financial requirements since it did not  did not meet the 45 day threshold. The request was made to to do a independent study by charter impact by the bond holders. A copy of the report was presented to board. The goal was to review operations and see what is happening as well as the financial reports accuracy.  There were key areas improvement. Inner school borrowing limit of 500,000.  Loans cannot exceed this limit. There was deficit spending on the high school and central office. Defining  a significant, balance of $949,000 for Academia Moderna. The forecasting of  finances was found not to be accurate. Mr. Spencer explained that it was important to maintain long term projections on a quarterly if not monthly basis.  If the other three entities repay Academia Moderna, it will be in compliance. However the board will probably need to borrow from outside entities. The Charter Impact recommendations are to maintain multi year projections, prepare management fees agreements from each entity to central office, to reconcile  all finances on a monthly basis, and to review Alta's fiscal policies and procedures every  year to ensure that we    are up to date and to serve as a reminder of what our policies are. 

A question from Mr. Tanner regarding the management agreement was made asking about what percentage is standard industry practice to charge. Mr. Spencer explained that common practice is anywhere from  to to 15 percent. 
Ms.  Chavarria asked a question regarding the instructional practice FTE allotment and will there be room for additional resources for IB and text book. Dr. Valenzuela explained that the instructional pieces have already been planned by the instructional team. 

A resolution to accept the independent consultant report made  by charter impact was made. The board approved the re hiring of Charter Impact to become the financial back office of Alta Public Schools.

Mr. Carranza motions to accept the resolution. All board members vote yes. Vote was approved at 8:37 pm.
b. Independent Consultant Report Recommendation by John Kim and Guillermo Garcia 

c. Ratification Resolution of 9/6/2018 Board Resolution approving the following: See 1. TOC - Bond Financing Board Financing Docs :
Ratify bond to project the closing of board approval to close bond financing of report made back in september 2018. Norma our lawyer  is going to explain what the resolution will do. her collegue jimmy chan will also be patched in. On September 6th 2018 the board approved various transactions essentially all it is that since it has been a long time. We want to ensure that all were kept up to date to reaffirm and ratify the resolution. No documents are materially different. The only information that has been updated is appendix A. 
Board moved to approve the ratification whose purpose was to give the board and all parties an opportunity to review again and approve the legal documents. These are not contracts.

There was a motion to vote by Mr. Carranza. Seconded by Mr. Bainbridge. Four votes yes. One vote 
motion to vote to abstain. 



School Development:

a. 8001 Santa Fe and PTLAMS Bond/CSFA update
    i. Construction Project update by Frank Gonzalez :
Mr. gonzalez has been actively working on this project since 2016. The general overview     of the building is a three story building with 3 floors and a  usable rooftop. We are using about   98% of the 1/2 acre. The building will have an multipurpose room locker rooms and restrooms. It will contain 3 outdoor decks on all three floors of    this 13,000 square feet. Mr. Tanner had questions regarding footing and netting on the roof  tops. Mr. Gonzalez explained that netting and footing like the one professional soccer teams use in their training facilities will be used on the rooftop. As well as all electrical plants will be at the edges to ensure  student safety. The color scheme has been modified from the original design to reflect the new Alta colors Detailed floor plans for each floor were reviewed.
The plans have already been approved by county. The building permit was pulled in order to save thousands of dollars it would have cost to renew for another 12 months. Financing will close and in June and the building will be expected to be completed within the next 12 months. 
Per building code the building will be permitted to hold 550 students.

    ii. Phase II Construction Contract with EPI Construction Approval   
Final set of plans have been reviewed by contractor.  The September cost estimate. there has been in increase of about $350,000 due to tariff cost. The bid is for 10.14 million to build the school
No questions.
Motion to approve the phase II construction contract with EPI was made at 9:06 pm. motion was second. There was a unanimous vote of 5 in favor and none against.  

b. PTLA High School Master Plan Update
Rudd was hired in september. marching orders from ms. rudd lab space  was a requirements. Four classrooms will be collapsed into 2 big classrooms. bungalows were going to to be brought in. g2 was going to be rented and and used to use modilars . Due to uncertainty  of expected finish date of bungalows the instructional staff and admin team decided to change the situation to the following
top two 8 grade classes  and the four 9th grade sections will be housed at stafford.  8 teachers will be teaching. Ths master plan must be approved  to ensure that we have the right teaching team and begin hiring immediately.  A question on the financial impact was made on the proposed plan.  

There will be an additional 4 fte  teachers. No bungalows which were going to cost $300,000. There will be tenant improvement for the labs as it is IB required. 

 Question even if modulars were here labs would still need tenant improvements.
Why were not labs included in the master plan. 
we expected 500000 to build modulars and labs.  we need approved plans. 
If board approves master plan we will be able to give you bids and budget at next budget meeting. Sequence needed. The board should receive plans and 2 or 3 bids  and sent to boards before next meeting. The financial information will also be given to Spencer  to plug in financial impact.  

Motion to approve master plan. Second was made. Unanimous vote approval. 


Human Relations: report

Update on HR activities 
   -Recruitment: Dr. Valenzuela covered it. 
   -Agreements 2019-2020: all agreements should be completed no later than may or June, 

VII. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
J. Valenzuela-Mumau, Ed.D.
