Alta Public Schools


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Tuesday January 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM


4210 E. Gage Ave., Bell, California 90201

Directors Present

A. Chavarria, D. Bainbridge, G. Tanner, J. Pelayo, M. Porras, R. Carranza

Directors Absent


Guests Present

X. Reyes

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Tanner called a meeting of the board of directors of Alta Public Schools to order on Tuesday Jan 15, 2019 at 7:00 PM.
Intro of new Board members, Dustin Bainbridge and Azucena Chavarria. 
recorded audio for future reference.  

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes

minutes from meeting 12/13/18, 12/17/18 
J. Pelayo made a motion to approve minutes from the Special Meeting on 12-17-18 and the consent agenda items Special Meeting on 12-17-18.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


New Hires


Compliance Monitoring and Certification of Board Compliance Review

III. Public Comment


Public Comment


IV. Superintendent Report


Recognition of Students for Exhibiting IB Learner Profiles

Academia student of the month - Lora 
Middle school - Jason Ajanes 
High School - Alexiss Sanchez 



Recognition of Staff Who Bring Life to APS’s Mission and Vision

Academia staff of the month - Ms. Mason
Middle school - Wendy Najera 
High School - Jose Acedo



Superintendent Report

1. Academia renewal last week anticlimactic with benchmarks
2. Looking at 2019-20 enrollment, class scheduling, teacher recruitment - attract and retain teachers 
3. Instructional calendar - need to vet with parent stakeholder group - LA's IB training is going to be a change in October 2019
D. Bainbridge made a motion to approve report.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Principals' Reports

HS report:
1) professional development - IB conference this week 
2) 8 students to United Nations - Maldives the country  
MS report:
1) stay on course - math focus
2) mentoring program kick off
3) PBIS initiated proud Lion moments 
4) Student-led conferences
ES report:
1) renewal - thank you for central office 
2) PBIS metrix implementation and feedback with good behavior rewards
3) Parent conferences 
4) IB training and program of inquiry/self study 
5) AP recommends Tanya Esqueda 
A. Chavarria made a motion to thank CEo and leadership team - Carranza.
R. Carranza seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


International Baccalaureate Implementation Update - PYP, MYP, DP

Kayleen Authorization and Evaluation Process - Board need an active role in IB authorization 

Academia went through the self study process and is coming up for reauthorization - June 1  
Middle school application due this April 1
HS Diploma IB Visit end March 2019 

For Board's understanding of IB - Section A, Philosophy; Organization; Resources and support - Azucena to call Kayleen  


Prepa Tec Los Angeles High School Minimum Graduation Requirements

minimum graduation requirements. 220 credits, UC/CSU requirement and table with comparable to LAUSD 
Complete a senior creativity and serve requirement - senior expo 
AB - Foster Youth and Probation requirement - 130 requirements 
CP program - Carer Prep Pathway

Why 30 instead the 40? because of IB and the global context, the geography is a foundational course to understand - a required elective - minimum GPA? do we offer "Ds" - how many kids do they fall into AB1806 bill? none

we will bring DP and CP requirements 

D. Bainbridge made a motion to approve the requirements.
G. Tanner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

V. Finance Report


December 2018 Financials

Renewal - Lausd did an extensive review - the upside they understand that we have a network and each school leans on each other. A visit of all three; all decisions are of all three. 
Narrative on Board on Track -  
Consolidated - CMO fees based on schools' gross revenue; organizational totals; revised budget and variance analysis - $7.8m/$6.9m - $861 surplus. Central office - large negative Net Assets - next year will begin to recover and will be positive by the time we go to renewal for PTLAM
Balance Sheet - due to/from, we want to eliminate future transactions - schools have balances to settle with Central, except MS-HS due to TI at 4210 Gage
Accounts Payable - delayed receivables. Waiting for CSFA to receive SB740 funds.
Central - actual vs budget - no material variance - expenses are over budget by $43k - favorable variance $57k with non-staff contracting. busing, subs, professional fees (largest because litigation), social media services - line 58 - charter safe  
Aged payables - growing 
HS - lower ADA, legal fees social media administration 
Recommend January 1 increase .5% the APS fee - signature - how do we establish the fee? we build the fee with the surplus, cost of providing services - solve for the percent
Need a Dashboard - per Jesse Pelayo - will work with committee and staff 
HS to get to positive Net Assets - tenant improvements, 10 year lease to re-amortize the improvements - $180K favorable impact to our budget. FCMAT calculator and shows governors numbers . Receive PENSEC payment for HS and 1st quarters Federal funds.  

J. Pelayo made a motion to financials.
D. Bainbridge seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Umpqua Bank Line of Credit - 6th Amendment

FYI - 6th amendment expires April 9th - 90days sufficient, voluntary disclosure - $1.390m owed to ump qua 


Consideration of an Operating Loan

Purpose is for consolidating debt. Loan is not factoring. AP balance? - per Jesse Pelayo - $1.75m ($400 construction - bonds pay) 
J. Pelayo made a motion to consideration of loan.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Annual ER Discretionary Match to 401(k) Plan

These are not 401K EE contributions, 1 time discretionary match - 10% of contributions. $77k, ADP - $7700 charge - once testing certified 
J. Pelayo made a motion to with maximum limit of $8000 contribution 2018.
A. Chavarria seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


LACOE EFT Payments routed back to Schools' Accounts

EFT can come directly to our own accounts - authorize EFT payment directly to our bank 
A. Chavarria made a motion to approve.
G. Tanner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. CEO Report


CEO Report

R. Carranza made a motion to report.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.



Mr. Reyes informed the Board of options for Brown Act trainings; CCSA, Board on Track, and School & College Legal Services. Face to face trainings may also be provided by our attorneys. Date to be determined.

Appointments to Standing Board Committees: Finance Committee (Jesse Pelayo, Dustin Bainbridge, Raul Carranza); Human Relations (Raul Carranza, Azucena Chavarria, Dustin Bianbridge); Governance (Greg Tanner, Mary Porras); Education (Mary Porras, Jess Pelayo, Azucena Chavarria)

Board was reminded to visit and familiarize themselves with Board on Track and its resources

CEO Evaluation Coordinator was assigned - Jesse Pelayo

Board was presented with the Bylaws draft to review 
J. Pelayo made a motion to Create the Education Committee.
A. Chavarria seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


School Development:

Mr. Reyes updated the Board on Academia Moderna renewal, 8001 Santa Fe PTLA middle school project, and the PTLA high school master plan. 


Student Services:

Mr. Reyes provided the enrollment numbers for the month and made the Board aware of the events calendar. The Board was also made aware of the marketing plan being developed to enroll and keep our student in all campuses. 


Human Relations: report

Mrs. Mendez provided the monthly HR report and provided the Board with a current list of open positions that need to bee filled soon. She also provided for the Board a report on health benefits for staff. 

VII. Closed Session


Annual CEO Evaluation and Bonus

Annual evaluation was conducted of the CEO and complete bonus was issued.   


Conference w Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation (Gov. Code section 54956.9(d)(2)): 1 matter

No activity this month

VIII. Closing Items


Agenda Items for next meeting:



Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
M. Porras


NEXT BOARD MEETING: February 12, 2019