Alta Public Schools


MEETING of the Board of Directors

Date and Time

Tuesday November 13, 2018 at 7:00 PM


4210 E. Gage Ave., Bell, CA 90201

Directors Present

G. Tanner, J. Pelayo, M. Porras

Directors Absent

R. Carranza

Guests Present

M. Mizzoni, X. Reyes

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

G. Tanner called a meeting of the board of directors of Alta Public Schools to order on Tuesday Nov 13, 2018 at 7:11 PM.

II. Consent Agenda


Approve Minutes

J. Pelayo made a motion to Approve minutes.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Approval of CAM Items

J. Pelayo made a motion to Approve Consent agenda.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

III. Public Comment


Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda


IV. Superintendent Report


Superintendent Report

Dr. Jaime Valenzuela-Mumau provided report on:
1. Professional Development process for the IB program with administration and teachers
2. FRISK training for administrators
3. NWEA testing for Fall benchmarks 
4. Internal SpEd audit at Academia Moderna action plan in December 
5. Open positions to be filled for math and science in 8th grade
6. Covenants and or "non-negotiables" with teachers for students
7. Expanded learning started at HS, MS and ES - high need in math and intervention services in Saturday school   
J. Pelayo made a motion to Approve Superintendent's Report.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Recognition of Students for Exhibiting IB Learner Profiles

Adam Warren, Academia Moderna Principal, presented Lauren Thomas as the Student of the Month
Barry Baxter, Prepa Tec LA MS Head of School, presented Andrea Palafox as the Student of the Month
Victor Aguirre, PTLAHS Principal, presented Nayeli Ramirez as the Student of the Month


Recognition of Staff Who Bring Life to APS’s Mission and Vision

Adam Warren, Academia Moderna Principal, presented Andrew Cho, 4th grade Teacher, as the Employee of the Month   
Barry Baxter, Prepa Tec LA Middle School Head of School, presented Linda Holtz, 6th grade Teacher, as the Employee of the Month
Victor Aguirre, Prepa Tec LA High School Principal, presented Kieu Duong , Biology and Environmental Science Teacher, as the Employee of the Month


California Schools Dashboard: Local indicators

Adam Warren, Academia Moderna, presented the requirement to present the State Dashboard for local indictors for LCFF accountability purposes. Dashboard needs to be populated by the 16th: included Narrative Summary for Academia Moderna. Reported on Priority 1 - met, Priority 2 - met, Priority 3 - met, Priority 6 - met, Priority 7 - met. Board asked about why Wonders for ELA is lacking - information text missing in textbooks. Mary Porras suggested Stride Academy as a supplement. Board acknowledges.

Barry Baxter, Prepa Tec LA MS, presented the requirement to present the State Dashboard for local indictors for LCFF accountability purposes. Priority 1 - met, Priority 2 - met, Priority 3 - met, Priority 6 - met, Priority 7 - met. In Priority 2 for Career Tec Education it is a priority and must be include. The Media Lab will help with Career and Tech education. From Board - what protocols do you have for students that may be suicidal. There is a plan in place for these students. Are forms anonymous - yes. Pacific Clinics are now in place to provide services. Board acknowledges.       

Victor Aguirre, Prepa Tec LA HS, presented the requirement to present the State Dashboard for local indictors for LCFF accountability purposes. Priority 1 - met, Priority 2 - met, Priority 3 - met, Priority 6 - met, Priority 7 - met. Board acknowledges.  

V. Finance Report


October 2018 Financials (1st Interim)

October 31st is the First Interim reports due by the 26th and are preliminary. Consolidated report - $677k deficit last year/ $70k surplus over prior year and does not include SB740 awards.

Central office - $30k surplus and working to recover previous years negative net assets 
AMCS - 9.9% surplus $600k - SpEd bills are an area we're working on and schools get a GL detail to Principals.
PTLAMS - non operating contributions of $480 pushed to January for the LLC and will settle by Bond to net assets. $246K projected 5.6% reserve.
PTLAHS - 16% reserve or $575k we'll bought back half in one year
Balance Sheet Consolidated - HS $600 settling balance with central office - recover the cash Academia had to contribute. When bonds close there are reimbursements of cash $475K, $250K in aged payables construction related    
Line of credit with 4th extension - $1.4 balance; second line $545k for the HS will be paid back. Last factoring will be done in January 2019.         
J. Pelayo made a motion to Approve First Interim Report.
G. Tanner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


FY18 Draft Audit Report

Marylin Gomez, Clifton Larson Ellen, auditor presented the 2017-18 draft Consolidated Financial Statements Year End June 30, 2018. It was reported that the APS Auditors report was "clean", including the Balance Sheet with eliminations between difference schools. Net Balance assets of $38K, $3.4 assets, $5.5 liabilities. Income statement - single audit for Federal income. Expenses on a functional basis 34%,

Net loss $396K, cashflow statement, positive - not operating at a deficit through the year due to factoring and repayments. Expenses - classification of expenses - common; payroll, eliminations, etc.

No footnotes. Certain accounts for capitalizing expenses, grants and ADA. New line of credit, $1.5k and Bond financing. No changes there.

Footnotes - STRS/PERS increasing significantly. APS Foundation - related entity and activity will be consolidated with APS. Supplimentary schedules.     

Schedule of Instructional Time - all in compliance. ADA based on P2 and P3. 

Unaudited actuals. No significant adjustment. 

Schedule of Fed awards - $740k of funds and how they were spent. 

GAP Letter - no weaknesses - clean letter 

Single audit - Clean letter 

Complaint - no non-compliance - clean letter

disclosure of single audit and financial segment audit - no material weakness and no non-compliance.

No Findings for current and prior year. What recent complete left to do - 90% done. Chair asks "When will the final be?" Answers - two weeks.  

M. Porras made a motion to Approve Financial Report.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


ADP Reverse Wire Resolution

Reverse wire (ACH) for Umpqua. Cash first then they pay and requires a Board resolution. How will it show? payroll is done electronically and payroll expenses are shown buried in the budget line items.    

G. Tanner made a motion to Approve Authorized Agent to make wire transactions.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. CEO Report


Governance:Brown Act training, Form 700, New Board members and Treasurer, Committees, BoardOnTrack

Xavier Reyes, APS CEO, opened his report by informing of upcoming Brown Act trainings for Board members and Boad confirmed that they had received training within the last year. Additionally, Mr. Reyes Asked the new Board members for new Form 700s. A discussion was held concerning new Board members and Board reported that new Board members would only come before a vote after Board Member Committee member had the opportunity to interview potential Board members. Mr. Reyes encouraged the Board to continue to form and meet as committees for specific issues related to financial, HR and governance issues. Additionally, Board was further trained and introduced to our Board tracking software.    

Board member Jesse Pelayo moved to vote to approve CEO report. Marry Porras seconded. APPROVED Unanimously. 


School Development: 8001 Santa Fe, High School TI Update and Proposed 4130 Lease

Mr. Reyes, APS CEO, reported to the Board that the Phase 2 of the 8001 Sant Fe project was completed and was now stalled due to continued LAUSD investigations and Stifle approval to move forward when Academia Moderna was approved. Additionally, it was reported that plans to develop the Prepa Tec High School complex by phasing the development. Phase 1 was to begin a module building expansion on the 4210 Gage lot with four classrooms and a new set of bathrooms. Second phase would include the development of the 4130 Gage site that would be aligned with the IB program.       


Operations: report

Jaime Gonzalez, Operations Director, reported on Operations and Facilities status of school site projects with regards to Prop. 39 Energy Efficiency Project at Academia Moderna, ADP hardware installation across the organization, SafeSchools webinars for Operations staff, and introduction of the Building Safety Walkthrough survey tool. Additionally, informed board on the completion of the 4130 Gage data network cabling making it internet ready for staff. 



Student Services: Enrollment, Calendared Activities



Human Relations: report

Mrs. Lupe Mendez, Director of Human Relations, reported to the Board of the Round table of services. Rich plans and good rates lower than last year. Porras - "have you looked at Colonial? better than AFLAC". Warren G Bender - holiday maintain your weight challenge. HR newsletter. ADP in the process and will have the biometric system done.  


Prop 39 at HP payments

Mr. Reyes reported to the Board the reasons for the organization not being forthcoming with the payments to LAUSD. It was asked of the Board to approve a resolution to negotiate with the Prop. 39 office and make a repayment plan.

Board member Mary Porras moved to approve the staff seek to negotiate a payment plan with LAUSD Prop. 39 office. Board member Jesse Pelayo seconded the motion. The motion was APPROVED unanimously.   


AMCS Renewal LAUSD CSD Timeline Extension

Mr. Reyes presented to the Board the request by LAUSD Charter Schools Division to sign a waiver to extend Academia Moderna renewal timeline to January 8, 2019.

Board member Mary Porras moved to approve the request to accept the extension of time requested by the LAUSD Charter Schools Division to January 8, 2018. Board member Jesse Pelayo seconded the motion. The motion to extend the timeline was APPROVED unanimously.  

VII. Closed Session


Annual CEO Evaluation and Bonus

CEO Evaluation discussion postponed until next meeting.

J. Pelayo made a motion to Close Closed Session.
M. Porras seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Conference w Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation (Gov. Code section 54956.9(d)(2)): 1 matter

Brief Discussion on matter. Nothing to report back. 

VIII. Closing Items


Agenda Items for next meeting:



Adjourn Meeting

M. Porras made a motion to adjourn the meeting.
J. Pelayo seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
X. Reyes


NEXT BOARD MEETING: December 11, 2018