Alta Public Schools

Meeting of the APS Board

Date and Time

Tuesday February 9, 2021 at 6:00 PM PST

+16699006833,,97198111467# US (San Jose)


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
II. Public Comment
  A. Public Comment
2 minutes speaking time; 4 minutes with translation; total 45 minutes 
  B. Brown Act Training by Merrick Wadsworth, Esq, Procopio
III. Consent Agenda
  A. Approve Board meeting Minutes of 1/12/2021
  B. SB126 Compliance
a. Conflict of Interest Policy
b. APS Bylaws
c. Designated Officer for the Political Reform Act
d. Designated Officer for the Public Records Act
e. Public Records Act Process
  C. AB 1360 Due Process Policy
Due Process in Admissions Preferences
Due Process in Feeder Patterns
Due Process in Suspension, Expulsion and Dismissal Procedures 
IV. COVID-19 Update
  A. Safe Schools Open Plan Update
A. Safe Schools Open Plan Review and Update
B. COVID-19 Prevention Program-CalOSHA
V. Action Items
  A. Financial Reports for AMCS, PTLAMS, PTLAHS
  B. State Deferral Financing Proposal - Stifel Revenue Anticipation Loan
VI. Discussion Items
  A. Superintendent Report
  B. CEO Report
1. Second Semester Priorities
a) Leadership
b) Academics
c) Operations
2. PTLAMS, 8001 Santa Fe Construction Update


VII. Closed Session
  A. Conference w Legal Counsel – Anticipated Litigation (Gov. Code section 54956.9(d)(2)) 1 matter; CEO Evaluation
VIII. Closing Items
  A. Adjourn Meeting
  B. NEXT BOARD MEETING: March 9, 2021