Lake George Charter School
October Board Meeting 2024
Date and Time
Tuesday October 15, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Topic: LGCS Board Meeting
Time: Tuesday, October 15, 2024 @ 5:00 pm
LGCS Board is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: LGCS Board Meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Meeting ID: 702 329 3608
Directors Present
A. Redd, D. Bretag, F. Zuercher, J. Beall, J. Gilley
Directors Absent
Ex Officio Members Present
S. Bissue
Non Voting Members Present
S. Bissue
Guests Present
H. Olivares, K. Snare, N. Sawyer
I. Board Work Session 4:30 PM
Work Session
II. Opening Items
Call the Meeting to Order
Record Attendance and Guests
Pledge of Allegiance
Approve Agenda
Approve previous meeting minutes - September 2024
Personnel Changes
Samantha Bissue asked for Chelsea Wages to elaborate on her job duties.
Chelsea W.-Student Support Services / Paid Counselor / Clinical Therapist.
Offering counseling services in house, to make it easier and less time consuming for children to get the support they need, paid by insurance, not the school. When not counseling, she is supporting the school and students in other ways: helping out during lunch, monitoring the kids at recess and teaching them appropriate interactions with their peers, and supporting in the classrooms. Direct link with Community Partnership.
III. Administration Reports
Administrator's Report
See attached.
StuCo report
Megan Wingert gave an update from Student Council. They will have their own room at the carnival, and they will be handling concessions. They will have Trunk or Treat on Halloween night and will be selling pizza. The kids will do community service at the Grange, and they will have a float in the Lighter Side of Christmas parade.
Teacher Representative's report
Rachel Koeter-MS/HS Science
The secondary staff work together really well. Secondary team is grateful for the new para support this year. Getting ready to enter grades for end of first quarter.
Caren White-K-5 Interventionist for reading and math.
5th grade just made terrariums to connect and learn about the spheres of the earth, 4th grade are going to make Colorado soft dough maps, 3rd grade made pinball machines to study forces in motion, 2nd grade talked about thorns and roses, relating to the comprehension test they took, 1st grade they are studying the human body and it's functions, and made little skeletons out of Q-tips, and Kindergarten is studying the 5 senses.
Preschool Director's Update
Preschool has been working on assessments.
IT Update
IV. Committee Reports
Lions Pride
Carnival wristbands are now on sale, $12.00 now or $15.00 at the door. Any extra candy from the carnival will go towards Trunk or Treat. Need wrapping paper for the Holiday Shoppe.
We have some new members. Worked on Mision & Goals. Waiting for the survey from Samantha Bissue. Will work on the strategic plan and the UIP.
Policy Committee
Still working on section G and a few other random policies.
Finance-Approve 1st quarter financials
Security & Facility
Christy Cornell spoke about what is in the attached minutes.
Development Committee
Deciding what kind of identity do we want the High School to have.
V. Board Communications
VI. Public Comments
Lizzie Meyer-Secondary Social Studies Teacher
Just wanted to say that this year is the most supported she's ever felt at this school.
Jestin Stelter-Soccer Coach, PTO
Concerned about our kids meeting with the counselor without the parents being told. Communication with parents is the most important thing. Transparency needed. Knew nothing about tardies leading to lunch detention.
April Achord-Parent
Has always been concerned about the lack of communication coming home to parents. My child should never be pulled from class without my knowledge. Tardies-a new rule without telling parents.
Genny Loop-No current affiliation with the school.
Children used to attend LGCS. Child had 3 sessions with the counselor before parent was told. Immediately pulled children from school. At that time there was no qualified counselor. No communication from teachers concerning behavior issues. Parent can't support the staff without knowing. Teachers should call parents instead of emailing. Punishment is a team effort.
VII. Old Business
Policy - Second Reading
GCOA Rev. 2 - Evaluation of Instructional Staff - Waived
GCOA-R Rev. 2 - Professional Staff Training, Workshops, and Conferences - Waived
GCKAA-R - Teacher Displacement
VIII. New Business
Policy - First read of the policies listed below.
GCOC Rev. 2 - Evaluation of Administrative Staff
GCOC-R - Evaluation of Administrative Staff
GCQA Rev. 2 - Instructional Staff Reduction in Force
GCQC/GCQD-R - Resignation of Instructional Staff / Administrative Staff
GCQC/GCQD Rev. 3 - Resignation of Instructional Staff / Administrative Staff
KF-E Rev. 3 - Community Use of School Facilites Policy KF Building Use Fees
Charter Board Election update
Kris Snare-
The Charter Board will cancel the upcoming election scheduled for November 13, 2024. Two positions were open for the upcoming election and two people filed letters of intent by the October 14th deadline. Since there were no opponents for the election, the Board will (according to policy) cancel the election and declare the candidates elected. The candidates will be sworn in at the November Charter Board meeting on November 19, 2024.
The Board members to be seated will be Amanda Redd, and Fred Zuercher (returning Board Members).
Congratulations Amanda and Fred.
Approve League of Charter Schools Training
Tabled-need more information.
Approve final version of Mission /Vision/Goals
Added the word Integrity
Approve Committee Members
Policy: Ashton Diaz, Kristina Galvin, Caren White, Shawn VenRooy, Carol Kohrs, Julie M. Gilley, Samantha Bissue, Kris Snare, Fred Zuercher.
Sunshine: Rachel Koeter, Marla Schmidt, Chelsea Wages, Tami Parker, April Patton, Markyda VenRooy
Expansion and Developement: Michelle Quaney, Laura Gage, Amanda Hurley, James Daniel, Samantha Bissue, Michelle Miller, Lizzie Meyer, Amanda Redd, Heather Olivares, Jim Beall
Facilites & Security: Christy Cornell, Samantha Bissue, Tonya Montgomery, Shawn VenRooy, Chris Clare, Heather Olivares, Michelle Miller, April Patton, Kelley Hunt
Finance: Lizzie Meyer, Samantha Bissue, Heather Olivares, Amanda Redd, Shelley Hansen, James Daniel
BAC: Samantha Bissue, Mary Doty, Kat Hallam, Fred Zuercher, Jeannie Diaz, Tom Hopkins, Julie M. Gilley, Michelle Normandin
IX. Executive Session
Enter into Executive Session
For Determination of positions relative to matters that may be subject to negotiations, development of strategy for negotiations and instruction of negotiators per C.R.S. 24-6-402 (4)(e).
Exit Executive Session
Roll Call | |
J. Gilley |
D. Bretag |
F. Zuercher |
A. Redd |
J. Beall |
Vote after Executive Session
X. Closing Items
November Work Session Items
TBD before the board agenda is ready.
Top 3 Communication Items
Halloween Carnival
Cancellation of Election
Trunk or Treat
Teacher representative highlight
Tasks/Due Outs
Adjourn Meeting
- 24-25 Admin Reports for the school board (1).pdf
- 2024-09-10 BAC Minutes.pdf
- 2024-09-24 POLICY COMMIT AGENDA.pdf
- 24_25 Monthly Financials_July 2024.pdf
- 24_25 Monthly Financials_August 2024.pdf
- 24_25 Monthly Financials_September 2024.pdf
- Safety Meeting minutes Sept.pdf
- GCOA Rev. 2, Evaluation of Instructional Staff-Waived.pdf
- GCOA-R Rev. 2, Evaluation of Instructional Staff-Waived.pdf
- GCKAA-R, Teacher Displacement.pdf
- GCOC Rev. 2, Evaluation of Administrative Staff 2.pdf
- GCOC-R, Evaluation of Administrative Staff.pdf
- GCQA Rev. 2, Instructional Staff-Reduction In Force 2.pdf
- GCQC-GCQD-R, Resignation of Instructional Staff-Administrative Staff.pdf
- GCQC-GCQD Rev. 3, Resignation of Staff.pdf
- KF-E Rev. 3, Community Use of School Facilities-Building Use Fees 2.pdf
- MISSION-VISION 2024-25 Draft.pdf
- MISSION-VISION 2024-25 Final.pdf
First quarter financials were discussed.