MCCPS Board of Trustees
Dev Com Meeting
Date and Time
Monday January 27, 2025 at 11:00 AM
In person at the MCCPS Conference Room
Please note that the in-person meeting will not be suspended or terminated if technological problems interrupt the remote connection.
Committee Members Present
Eric Neagle, Kimberly Nothnagel, Stephanie Brant
Committee Members Absent
James Lewis, Jeff Barry
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Minutes
II. Establish Committee Priorities for 24/25 Academic Year
Sponsorship for Talent Show
- Overall sponsorship goal of $5K. Sponsorship levels:
- Captain Circle - $2K. Steering us towards bold new horizons. Listed as presenting sponsor on all marketing collateral. Table at talent show. Logo listed top on website, poster, programs, and emails for event.
- Anchor Ally - $1K. Providing stability and financial support for the future of the school. Logo or name listed on website, posters, programs, and emails for event.
- Compass Contributors - $500. Logo or name listed on website, posters, programs, and emails for event.
- Will publicize sponsorship opportunities and solicit sponsors through DevCom, planning committee, BOT, and staff.
- Kim will create 1 page sponsor fact sheet and send around to committee to work on.
Program Ads for Talent Show
Will sell space in the event program. $15 for 2 lines of text, $20 for 2 lines and a picture. Will require a volunteer to help us with the layout/design for the program.
Volunteer Committee for Talent Show
Call for volunteers on the save the date. Volunteers will assist with the fun, party planning side of the event. Roles needed on the committee:
- layout/graphics for the program
- solicit sponsorship from local businesses
- solicit auction items
Committee did not make a decision on whether to have a fund-a-need as part of the event. Stephanie to think about needs within the school and whether any of them would be a good fit.
III. Other Business
Day of Giving
Planned for June 2025. Committee discussed whether it would be beneficial to have an item to recognize donors, like engraved bricks on a walkway. This could be used for the outdoor classroom by the 5/6 grade exit.