MCCPS Board of Trustees
Board of Trustees Meeting
January 2024
Date and Time
Tuesday January 30, 2024 at 7:00 PM
In Person at MCCPS (17 Lime Street, Marblehead, MA 01945)
Virtual at
Trustees Present
Carol McEnaney, Ian Hunt, Jessica Xiarhos, Katie Holt, Kimberly Nothnagel, Lindsay Smith (remote), Nick Santoro, Paul Baker, Rodolphe Herve (remote), Stephanie Brant (remote), William Rockwell
Trustees Absent
James Lewis, Polly Titcomb
Guests Present
Brian Flynn (YMCA), Elizabeth Burns (remote), Kathleen Alexandrou (YMCA), Samantha Gambaccini (YMCA)
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Katie Holt called a meeting of the board of trustees of MCCPS Board of Trustees to order on Tuesday Jan 30, 2024 at 7:03 PM.
Approve Minutes
Katie Holt made a motion to approve the minutes from MCCPS December Board Meeting on 01-09-24.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Katie Holt |
Stephanie Brant |
Paul Baker |
Ian Hunt |
James Lewis |
Carol McEnaney |
Rodolphe Herve |
Polly Titcomb |
Kimberly Nothnagel |
Lindsay Smith |
William Rockwell |
Nick Santoro |
Jessica Xiarhos |
II. Lynch/van Otterloo YMCA Aftercare Presentation
Presentation and Proposal
- Stephanie introduced party from the LVO YMCA, who are attending in person to deliver a presentation on the YMCA's Aftercare program
- Cited MCCPS' historical collaboration with the YMCA
- YMCA uses MCCPS space for Childrens' Island, MCCPS school field trip, etc.)
- Stephanie noted several reasons for bringing this forward as option for aftercare
- Current staff capacity, quality of programming, equity (inability to provide scholarships/reduced fees for families who would otherwise use this program) could be alleviated by using YMCA
- Also noted strengthening YMCA/MCCPS partnership (YMCA renting space during Summer break, etc.) and opportunity to increase MCCPS exposure
- Cited MCCPS' historical collaboration with the YMCA
- Presentation
- Brian provided overview of YMCA's program, noting support of greater North Shore YMCA
- Samantha outlined YMCA procedures, team/staff qualifications (background checks, first aid certifications, supplemental training, etc), and introduced Kathleen, YMCA's instructional lead
- Kathleen outlined the staff composition, focus on record keeping, ability to work with high-energy students and those with learning disabilities
- Also cited communications with parents (newsletters) to facilitate partnership with parents, that care is offered almost always (during Swampscott's closure due to heat for example)
- Reviewed pricing and financial discounts (sibling discounts, early access to camp registration for Y members)
- Note: numbers were based on 2pm start time, which is what MHD/Swampscott schools have used given their ealier dismissal
- Curriculum components included homework club, painting, sports, etc.- site coordinators typically decide how to structure respective programs
- Questions
- Katie- would this program require an MCCPS staff/faculty member on site at all times?
- Brian- no, Y support staff covers this and there would never be fewer than 2 staff members with children through pick up
- Katie- minimum enrollment numbers?
- Brian- 26
- Kim- would this program necessitate financial outlay for the school?
- Brian- this is still exploratory, would need to connect with Stephanie to determine details
- Paul- is the 26 student number total, or per day?
- The 26 is a daily number, and the Y must maintain a 1:13 staff to student ratio
- Katie- would this program require an MCCPS staff/faculty member on site at all times?
- The Board debriefed after the presentation
- The Board agreed that a standard homework club is difficult for students after a school day- an opportunity to move, engage with other kids, etc. would be a better alternative
- Stephanie reiterated the equity aspect of this- many families use this service
III. HoS Report
Status of HOS Negotiations
- Katie shared that the Board's subcommittee has entered into negotiations with Stephanie Brant to name her as Head of School
- Rudi, Paul, Lindsay, and Katie have been negotiating
- They hope to have a final contract to present to the Board and vote on by EOD tomorrow (targeting 2/6 for vote)
- Drafting committee agreed on final version of contract
- Rudi, Paul, Lindsay, and Katie have been negotiating
- Board discussed timing for releasing an announcement to community given that community has begun to hear that the Board is in negotiations with Stephanie and agreed that it would wait until contract signature to send announcement
- Enrollment update
- 97 applications for MCCPS from in-district towns, 52 of which are for fourth grade (the rest are for other grade levels)
- MCCPS will release social media blast on this topic as well
April Fundraiser Update
- Please see DevCom committee update for information on this topic
IV. Committee Updates
Finance Committee
- MCCPS Budget update
- Was $315k/month based on prior attendance numbers, December was first month this number changed to reflect lower enrollment
- Check for Dec. was $206k/month (this will be the number moving forward
- MCCPS lost money $100k last month- after 6 months, net income is $300k so we can expect loss for this year between $300-400k
- Mortgage
- MCCPS is in difficult spot to renegotiate mortgage (current rate is approx. 3.5%)
Governance Committee
- N/A
Personnel Committee
- Moving forward with February meeting
- MCPSA training on HOS evaluation best practices was sent to committee members
Academic Excellence
- Met recently
- Aligning goals/purpose provide info and accountability on testing (will be updating committee vision for first time since 2017)
- Once iReady data from Fall/Winter/Spring, committee will digest this to share with board in October (both iReady and MCAS data will be presented)
- Moved to quarterly meetings to line up with testing schedule
- Next meeting in April
- Aligning goals/purpose provide info and accountability on testing (will be updating committee vision for first time since 2017)
Development & Communications
- DevCom has agreed to partner with Stephanie to execute 4/27 student talent show to benefit annual fund (fundraising goal of $4000)
- Will include silent auction, ticket sales, raffle baskets
- Silent auction items will come from both teachers and outside supporters
- Will include silent auction, ticket sales, raffle baskets
- Board noted the positive feedback from community on recent tours
DEI Committee
- Met last week
- Currently focused on getting out family climate survey for data re: how people feel about engagement at MCCPS
HOS Search Committee
Katie Holt made a motion to dissolve the MCCPS Head of School Search Committee.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Polly Titcomb |
Carol McEnaney |
Nick Santoro |
James Lewis |
Ian Hunt |
Katie Holt |
Rodolphe Herve |
Stephanie Brant |
Paul Baker |
Kimberly Nothnagel |
William Rockwell |
Lindsay Smith |
Jessica Xiarhos |
V. Public Comment
Public Comment
- Elizabeth Burns joined but did not have any comments besides a congratulations to Stephanie
VI. Closing Items
Recap Action Items
- Katie will send finalized contract to the Board tomorrow
Board Comments
- Board will meet Tuesday at 6:30pm to vote on HOS contract
Adjourn Meeting
Katie Holt made a motion to adjourn tonight's meeting.
Paul Baker seconded the motion.
The board VOTED to approve the motion.
Roll Call | |
Stephanie Brant |
Polly Titcomb |
Carol McEnaney |
Nick Santoro |
William Rockwell |
Lindsay Smith |
Ian Hunt |
Kimberly Nothnagel |
Rodolphe Herve |
James Lewis |
Paul Baker |
Katie Holt |
Jessica Xiarhos |
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 8:44 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
William Rockwell