MCCPS Board of Trustees

Monthly Board Meeting

Published on September 21, 2018 at 1:32 PM EDT
Amended on September 25, 2018 at 7:06 PM EDT

Date and Time

Tuesday September 25, 2018 at 7:00 PM EDT


MCCPS, Room 8L


I. Opening Items
Opening Items
  A. Record Attendance and Guests
  B. Call the Meeting to Order
  C. Approve Minutes
Meeting of Aug 28, 2018
    Minutes for August Board Meeting on August 28, 2018
II. Presentations
  A. Student Presentation
Presentation made by MCCPS Students

September - Members of the MCCPS Student Council
  B. PTO Liason
PTO Liason
III. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items
  A. Review of Previous Meeting Action Items
  • Board members to complete the Self Assessment on Board on Track by Sept 21. To be reviewed at September-2018 Board meeting. Email to complete sent separately.
  • A meeting of the Strategic Planning Committee to be scheduled within the next couple of weeks. To review the Strategic Plan. The goal is to present the final version to the Board at September-2018 meeting.
  • Karl and Artie to draft letter thanking Peter for service on Finance Committee.
  • Fred and Nichole to set date for Faculty Social.
  • Attend Navigator Night on September 27, 2018.
  • Ellen to set up Development and Fundraising training for Board.
  • Nominate Vice Chairs for subcommittees
    • Finance – Complete
    • Personnel
    • Academic Excellence
    • Development
    • Communication and Community Development
    • Strategic Planning
    • Governance
  • Submit Subcommittee members for reappointment to respective subcommittee.
  • Identify potential candidates for the Board – Goal is 3 new members for SY-2019. Areas that need representation on the board –
    • Alumni
    • Faculty/Staff
    • Community
    • Parents of families residing outside of Marblehead.
  • Strengthen Subcommittees if needed
    • Communication and Development
  • Review Documents located in Board Member Handbook Google Drive. Invitation sent by separate email.
    • Add documents that are needed.
IV. Other Business
  A. Board Self Assessment Review
A discussion of the Results of the Board Self Assessment.
  B. Discuss and Approve Board Goals for SY 19
    • SY19 Goals –
      • Strategic Plan
        • Implement the plan
        • GOAL - Adopt 2018 Strategic Plan
        • GOAL - to implement Year 1 Objectives as Outline in the Plan
      • Fundraising Plan
        • GOAL - Fundraising and Development Training for the Board
        • GOAL - 100% Participation of Board Members for Donations to Charter Fund
        • GOAL - 100% Board Participation in Securing non-board Donations to Charter Fund
        • GOAL - 100% Board Members attend at least one Fundraising or Development Event
      •  Policies
        • Adopt Board Policy Adoption Policy
        • Create a Table of Content or Index of all policies
        • Each Board Committee to prioritize policy review
        • GOAL - Each Board Committee to submit a minimum of 5 Policies for Board Review
      •  Board Development
        • Mentoring, Orientation, Training
          • GOAL - Develop Board Member Handbook - Online
        • Recruitment
          • Identify potential candidates for the Board
          • Areas that need representation on the board –
            • Alumni
            • Faculty/Staff
            • Community
            • Parents of families residing outside of Marblehead.
          • GOAL - 3 new members for SY-2019.
        • Formalize succession plan for Executive Team and Committee Chairs
          • GOAL - Identify and approve Vice Chairs for each subcommittee
          • GOAL - Approve Succession Plan for Board Members and Board Officers
          • GOAL - Approve Succession Plan for Head of School and Key Employees
      • Communication
        • Board & HOS
          • Executive Committee to meet with Head of School at least once each Session
        • Board & Community
          • GOAL - 100% of Board Members and 75% of Committee Members Attend Navigator Night
          • GOAL - 100% of Board Members attend at least one community event each session.
          • PTO/Board Liaison
        • Board & Students
          • GOAL - Student Presentations at a minimum of 6 Monthly Board Meetings.
          • GOAL - At least one board member attend a minimum of 3 Student Council Meetings.
          • GOAL - 100% of the Board members attend either 1 school breakfast or school lunch during each session.
  C. Head of School Goals for SY 18-19
  D. Development of Board Policies
  1. Links to Policies
    1. Marblehead -
    2. Salem -
    3. MCSA - Sample Policies in Google Folder
  2. Policies Submitted by Subcommittees
    1. Emergency Succession Plan - Personnel
  E. Policy Adoption
A vote of Policy to Adopt Board Level Policies
  F. Strategic Planning Update
  G. Planning for SY 2020

Planning for upcoming SY 2020

  • 25th Anniversary Celebration
  • Charter Renewal Application
    • Preparation for Site Visit in Estimated Fall 2019
    • Prepare Accountability Plan
V. Committee Updates
  A. Governance Committee
  B. Finance Committee
  C. Personnel Committee
  D. Academic Excellence
  E. Development
  F. Strategic Plan Committee
  G. Communications, and Community Relations Committee
VI. HOS Report
Academic Excellence Committee
  A. Monthly Report
HOS to share monthly report.
VII. Public Comment
  A. Public Comment
VIII. Board Member Comments and Resolutions
  A. Board Member Comments and Resolutions

This is an opportunity for Board Member Comments and Resolutions

IX. Closing Items
  A. Recap Action Items
Clerk to review actions items, add any additional items discussed.
  B. Meeting Evaluation
Discuss how meeting went, did we stay on topic, meet goals, etc.
  C. Adjourn Meeting