STEM School Highlands Ranch
Board of Directors Meeting
Date and Time
Tuesday February 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM
P-tech Building
8920 Barrons Blvd
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Webinar Link: Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device: Please click this URL to join. Passcode: 919339
Link to Meeting Presentation Slides
Directors Present
E. Quigley, I. Kalra, K. Reyna, L. Davison (remote), M. Horne, R. Lukez
Directors Absent
C. Gustafson, G. Shick, R. Theret
Ex Officio Members Present
M. Cartier
Non Voting Members Present
M. Cartier
Guests Present
L. Kovalesky, N. Bostel
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Reciting of the Mission Statement
Approve Minutes
Roll Call | |
I. Kalra |
M. Horne |
R. Lukez |
G. Shick |
L. Davison |
R. Theret |
E. Quigley |
K. Reyna |
C. Gustafson |
II. Community Updates
DCSD Updates
Gordon Mosher visited to give an overview if his work and partnership with STEM.
-BOD had the opportunity to ask questions.
-Gordon explained that DCSD has the ability to approve (or not) charters in DCSD (not state) and that the process in place for that works well.
-Gordon was asked if declining enrollment in DCSD would impact charter approvals. He said, not directly, that it would depend on if the new charter could show evidence of enrollment.
-The 5 yr renewal for STEM was celebrated.
III. Academic Excellence
Executive Director Report - STEM
NHS visited to discuss Wish Week.
-Aribell (age 5) wants to go to Disney! (Make-a-Wish picks that kid, not NHS)
-This is the 7th wish week at STEM
-STEM NHS has raised $81,800 to date (total across years) and hopes to reach $100,000 with this year.
-Tshirts coming soon
-Wish Week events and spirit days coming March 1-8
Lynann's update:
Sweetheart dance was a success.
Stone Canyon trip-one group was delayed due to a burst pipe, but the good news is that both groups got to go together instead.
Love of Reading week upcoming.
MS movie night was a success.
HS winter formal was a success.
2/16 PD day, Courageous Conversations (DEI focus)
SBL, gathering data, working on solutions to grading and communication
Planning for 24/25 has begun and includes course registration, enrollment, Staff intent to return, and teacher offer letters.
IV. KOSON Schools
CIO Updates
Matt's update:
-Communicated via video with the community.
-Working with Bellwether Consulting-
Report card/feedback
Should we tweak Mission? Maybe it's more of a motto and the Vision is really our Mission?
What is our Market?
Survey to BOD to rate effectiveness.
March 5th some members of the BOD will meet with Bellwether.
-Strategic Plan-
Roadmap process for updating and refining (with BOD input)
Fall '25 implementation.
KOSON plan vs STEM plan.
Bellwether is helping.
Time for admin to work together undisturbed is a struggle currently.
-Growth Opportunities-
April 11/12 is State of STEM
Where, how, and why should we grow?
Is digital growth an option?
V. Board Committee Updates
Finance Committee
Ryan has officially resigned due to growing family responsibilities.
There is one candidate for replacement currently, BOD has bio, and this will be discussed in March.
No new information from Finance and no BOD questions.
Governance Committee - Board Policy Updates
2 policies up for annual renewal in March, please read and contact committee if there are questions, concerns, edits. Board Conflict of Interest Policy and Board Training Policy.
3 votes needed for policy adoption/renewal and DCSD waiver changes.
Governance Committee - Community Use of Facilities Policy, DCSD Policies, and Revisions of Waivers - For Approval
Governance Committee - Use of DCSD Policies - For Approval
Governance Committee -- Revisions to Waivers - For Approval
CIO Support & Evaluation Committee
Erin updated on the mid-year check-in with CIO
-Progress toward goals (Modeling, Strategic Planning and Budgeting, Leadership Development)
-BOD and CIO shared feedback with each other.
-Reflected on evidence of progress.
VI. Board of Directors Update
Board Treasurer Candidate
One candidate currently, BOD has bio.
Others welcome.
Hope to nominate in March.
Schedule Board Training
Need to decide a date.
Looking for a whole-day in June.
Upcoming Agenda Items
In March:
-Budgeting 24/25
-CIO contract renewal
-Continuing policy reviews
-Bellwether surveys
-Set election dates for BOD vacancy (Michelle's term ends)
VII. Public Comment
Public Comment Sign up link
Note: Ryan T has officially resigned his position.