Elevate School
Board Meeting
Date and Time
Monday November 14, 2022 at 4:00 PM
Elevate Middle School Campus, Room 104
8404 Phyllis Place
San Diego, CA 92123
The public comment portion of the meeting is set aside for members of the audience to make comments or raise issues that are not specifically on the agenda or those items that are on the agenda. These presentations are limited to three (3) minutes per person and the total time allotted to non-agenda items will not exceed fifteen (15) minutes. Individuals wishing to speak please complete a Public Comment Request Form by 10:00am on the day before the meeting.
Directors Present
Adam McWethy, Cheryl Gorman, Kirsten Grimm, Robin McCulloch
Directors Absent
Chancellor Brown
Guests Present
DeAnna Jones (remote), Kellie Hooper, Ryan Elliott
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes from October 10 Regular Board Meeting
Core Values and Board Meeting Protocol
Non-Agenda Public Comment
II. Agenda Items
Executive Director Report
Ryan Elliott reported:
- Enrollment is 465
- Attendance rate for grades K-5 is 96.4% and 96% for grades 6-8
- Completed unit one a couple of weeks ago
- Submitted prop 39 request for TS Campus
- Submitted quarterly report for PCSGP grant
- Submitted 20 day report
- Veterans Day Assemblies held at all 3 campuses
- Cassandra Bar, Parent Engagement Coordinator, reported
153 responses to the parent survey
Teachers are beginning to open up doors to volunteers
The staff Care team has started
The hospitality Team has started
Held Military Monday coffee, well attended
Child care is offered at evenings events
First Parent Advisory Meeting will be in Nov.
Financial Update
DeAnna Jones reported on the financials.
UPK Decision for 23-24
Board Goal Updates
Compensation Package Adam McWethy reported:
- Meeting is scheduled for Dec. 1
- Should be done in February
Inclusive Innovation Kirsten Grimm reported:
- Currently defining what this means, changing the name to strategic planning
- Working on scheduling meeting
Leadership Sustainability Kirsten Grimm reported:
- Working on two goals and will report mid-year
- Combine Strategic Planning and Leadership Sustainability
- Long-term strategic planning will meet once a month
Board Manual Kirsten Grimm reported:
- Kirsten will review the board manual and meet with Chancellor
- First draft by January board meeting
III. Closed Session
Real Estate Discussion
Ryan Elliott reported on the facility update.
The board reviewed the core values and the board meeting norms.