Elevate School
Special Board Meeting
Date and Time
Saturday January 29, 2022 at 8:00 AM
Middle School Campus
8404 Phyllis Place, San Diego, CA 92123
Directors Present
Adam McWethy, Carol Leighty, Cheryl Gorman, Freda Callahan, Jo Luehmann, Kirsten Grimm
Directors Absent
Jill Soule
Guests Present
Ryan Elliott
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance and Guests
Call the Meeting to Order
Approve Agenda
Non-Agenda Public Comment
II. Agenda Items
Review Mission, Core Values, Board Goals
Finance Task Force: Adam McWethy reported on goals and determined additional time is necessary to prepare for the February meeting.
Academic TAsk Force: Freda Callahan reported
Facilities Task Force: Adam McWethy reported
Governance Task Force: Carol Leighty reported
Middle School Task Force: Kristen Grimm reported
*February Board meeting is moved from Feb. 10th to Feb. 24th at 3:30 pm.
Roles and Responsibilities of Board Task Forces
Discussed the present and future roles of the task forces and their impact on Elevate School.
Equity Task Force
Provided updates on the current programming plan for the remainder of the school year and looking ahead to 2022-2023.
Roles and Responsibilities of School Staff/Org Chart
Ryan Elliott presented the current organization chart and roles and responsibilities.
Executive Director Evaluation Process Update
Freda Callahan presented an overview of the Executive Director's Evaluation Goals.
2-5 Year Strategic Planning
The board discussed a plan for the next 2-5 years including specifics around the next 2 board retreats related to new board members.
Board Succession Planning
The board discussed a transition plan concerning new board members and those terming off in 2022. There will be 3 vacancies at the end of the 2022 term.
Elevate Foundation Next Steps
The board discussed members and planning steps for the Elevate Foundation.
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