Pullman School District
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Task Force Meeting
Date and Time
Thursday February 13, 2025 at 5:30 PM
Pullman Public Schools - District Office
Community Room
240 SE Dexter St.
Pullman, WA 99163
Please note these are FINAL task force meeting minutes. Task Force meeting minutes do not require approval at a subsequent meeting since they are prepared and agreed upon by the task force at the end of the meeting.
Committee Members Present
Colette Casavant, Courtney Hodge, Daun Park, Jia Cheng, Stephany RunningHawk Johnson
Committee Members Absent
Ahmad Alssalem, Bekah Miller MacPhee, Cheyenne Webber, Libby Pyo, Retal Abdellatiffe
Guests Present
Ashley Boyd (remote), Craig Nelson
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
II. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Task Force
Tasks assigned by the School Board
Committee Membership Updates (Farewell & Welcome)
Outgoing Member: Ashley Boyd
Incoming Members: Jia Cheng and Colette Casavant
Review & Discuss: DEIB Task Force Survey
The task force met to review the draft survey designed to gather feedback on equity, inclusion, and belonging efforts within the district. Members refined the questions to ensure clarity, accessibility, inclusivity, and alignment with the tasks assigned by the School Board. A key discussion focused on the language used throughout the survey, particularly shifting away from the DEIB acronym in favor of terms like Community, Equity, and Inclusion to ensure broader understanding and clarity. The task force emphasized the importance of using language that reflects shared values and fosters engagement without getting caught up in terminology that may distract from the district's commitment to an inclusive and equitable community.
NEW! Task Assigned by School Board
The task force explored the possibility of allowing students to decorate their caps and gowns or wear honor cords recognizing achievements beyond the school district.
Key considerations discussed:
- Access & Equity – Ensuring all students have access to materials for decorating caps and addressing disparities in participation in extracurricular activities.
- Celebration & Recognition – The task force acknowledged the significance of graduation as a milestone and the importance of allowing students to express their achievements, culture, and identity through their attire. Members emphasized the need to create space for students to celebrate their accomplishments while ensuring policies remain fair and inclusive.
- Standards & Precedents – Balancing freedom of expression with maintaining good taste in decor, for example phrases or decorations that while not outright offensive, could still create division or discomfort within the school community. Noting that in some districts, such as districts on the west side, cap decoration is not allowed, while Clarkston School District permits it, the task force discussed looking into Clarkston’s guidelines as a reference.
- Approval & Oversight – Concerns were raised about the subjectivity of an structured approval process if the district went this route, particularly the potential for discomfort in decision-making due to power dynamics. Additionally, there was discussion on the challenge for staff in ensuring appropriate expression while also making sure nothing slips by that may be deemed inappropriate.
Recognizing the importance of student perspectives in shaping this procedure, the task force agreed to continue the conversation when more students are present. The discussion will be revisited at a future meeting.
Tasks reviewed.