Pullman School District


Finance Committee Meeting

Date and Time

Thursday February 6, 2025 at 3:30 PM


Superintendent Maxwell's Office

District Office

240 SE Dexter St., Pullman, WA 99163

Please note these are FINAL committee meeting minutes. Finance Committee meeting minutes do not require approval at a subsequent meeting. 

Committee Members Present

Arron Carter, Bob Maxwell, Cameron Grow, Craig Nelson, Dagny Myers, Debbie Crabtree, Diane Hodge, Juston Pollestad, Pam Brantner, Roberta Kramer

Committee Members Absent


I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Bob Maxwell called a meeting of the Finance Committee Committee of Pullman School District to order on Thursday Feb 6, 2025 at 3:30 PM.

II. Finance Committee Meeting Agenda Items


2024-25 Budget

Budget Status Report

  • Diane discussed meeting the 46:1 basic education teacher ratio. Currently, the ratio stands at 56.8:1, which is above the target.
  • K-3 class size compliance is set at 17:1, and we are currently at 16.02:1, which keeps us in compliance.
  • Reviewed the latest Avista billing, which showed an increase of $23,500 from December to January despite mild weather conditions.
  • Revenue has increased by $400,000 due to higher enrollment numbers.

Cash Flow through December/January

  • The estimated ending fund balance for August is projected to be 7.73%. The goal remains at 9% to prepare for unexpected expenditures.
  • Bob emphasized the importance of monitoring the fund balance to avoid the need for loans to cover payroll.
  • Diane reported a 6% increase in water rates as of January.


Listening Session

  • Bob discussed the upcoming listening session, where Diane will provide a foundational Budget 101 presentation.
  • Bob is reviewing potential survey questions for staff, community members, and possibly students.
  • Arron emphasized the need to communicate that the board makes final decisions based on discussions at all levels.
  • Bob suggested adding a budget-related Q&A section to the district website for increased transparency.


Legislative Update

  • Bob reviewed key legislative updates:
    • A proposed bill may provide an additional $1 million in local effort assistance.
    • Strong legislative support exists for special education and MSOC funding bills.
    • There is potential for minor funding from transportation-related bills.
    • The state is facing a budget decline and is not fully meeting its funding obligations. Still optimistic that some additional funding will be secured this session.
  • Bob reminded everyone that the district will enter bargaining negotiations with three employee groups this spring.



  • Bob outlined that any restructuring decisions will depend on the budget status.
  • The district aims to rebuild areas requiring additional support, subject to board approval.
  • Concerns exist regarding potential reductions in federal funding.
  • If necessary, a Reduction in Force (RIF) resolution would need board approval.
  • Attrition will be evaluated after receiving Intent to Return forms, which are due by March 1 and we review the rolling up of cohorts and enrollment.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Maxwell