Pullman School District


Board Work Session

Date and Time

Wednesday February 5, 2025 at 4:30 PM


Jefferson Elementary

1150 NW Bryant St.

Pullman, WA 99163

Directors Present

Amanda Tanner, Arron Carter, Craig Nelson, Lisa Waananen Jones, Nathan Roberts

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Bob Maxwell, Courtney Hodge, Kelsey Winningham, Roberta Kramer

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Nathan Roberts called a meeting of the board of directors of Pullman School District to order on Wednesday Feb 5, 2025 at 4:30 PM.

II. Agenda Items


Jefferson Elementary School Showcase

Presenter: Kelsey Winningham, Jefferson Elementary Principal 

Guest: Nikki Dehle, School Counselor & Stephanie Rudd, Social Emotional Support Specialist


The Jefferson Elementary School Showcase highlighted the collaborative efforts between the social-emotional support specialist and the school counselor. This partnership has positively impacted students by allowing for more proactive support and providing flexibility for the counselor to address emerging student needs. As the school year has progressed, social-emotional push-in support has phased out in some classrooms, creating opportunities to reallocate support to those in greater need.


The team also showcased the Jefferson Recess Academy, which offers structured support during unstructured recess time. They shared playground incident data and explained how it informs decisions regarding student participation in the academy.


Board Discussion:

  • Student Monitoring: C. Nelson asked if students who opt out of interventions are still tracked. The team explained that staff continue to monitor students and intervene if incidents increase, sometimes offering alternative support or engaging families as needed.
  • Passport Program: L. Waananen Jones inquired about the Passport Program and how students are identified. The team described it as a goal-oriented behavior plan based on student data, individualized to their schedule, and developed in collaboration with parents/guardians. Goals are flexible and adjusted based on student progress.


Community Listening Session Planning

The Board of Directors discussed preparations for the upcoming community listening session on March 19, which aims to foster open dialogue with families, staff, and community members regarding budget priorities. The session will feature designated discussion tables for specific topics and will incorporate an electronic survey tool to gather feedback. Logistics, facilitation roles, and communication strategies were reviewed to ensure broad participation.


J. Marie, Communications Consultant, and Tim Garchow, WSSDA Representative, have provided resources on effective listening session strategies. Based on preliminary discussions, the session will begin with a brief informational presentation to provide context, followed by open dialogue and a survey to collect input. The survey results will be shared at a board meeting and later distributed to staff, student groups, and parent organizations (PTA, PTO, Booster) to gather additional insights. Feedback will help prioritize budget items, distinguishing high- and low-priority needs, and identifying areas where parent groups may support lower-priority items to maintain programs and services.


The Board considered releasing the survey before the session, paired with a recorded version of the informational presentation for those unable to attend. Transparency and clear messaging from the Board were emphasized to ensure community awareness and engagement in the decision-making process. The discussion also addressed the impact of state legislative and federal funding changes on K-12 education.


The Board expressed the importance of highlighting positive and creative problem-solving efforts in the presentation. Final refinements to the survey questions are in progress and will be shared with the Board for review and feedback before implementation.


Professional Learning Communities Board Training

The Board of Directors participated in a Professional Learning Communities (PLC) training led by Assistant Superintendent Dr. Kramer. The training emphasized the importance of collaborative team characteristics in building guiding coalitions, focusing on transformational leadership to support faculty and staff throughout the PLC process to ensure all students learn.


Board members watched a video featuring Luis Cruz from Solution Tree and engaged in discussions about the traits of collaborative team leaders and the use of rubrics for team identification, with ultimate decisions made by building principals. Principal Winningham shared examples from the Jefferson Guiding Coalition, highlighting the use of collaborative agendas that include the school's mission, purpose, and collective commitments. Data-driven decision-making ensures that appropriate interventions and extensions are implemented for students. The session also highlighted job-embedded professional learning, with staff leading upcoming district-wide training sessions.


The Board discussed the factors contributing to the success of PLCs and the support needed to sustain their impact. They noted that the reintroduction of PLCs, combined with dedicated time and Board support, played a key role in their momentum. Participation in conferences helped staff understand how to implement effective PLCs, and ongoing engagement will be essential, especially in creating similar learning experiences for new staff. The Board recognized that PLCs have brought consistency across the district and are results-driven. Teacher buy-in has been a significant factor in their success, as educators feel their voices shape the structure and practices within the PLC process. Moving forward, the focus will be on maintaining engagement and ensuring new staff can integrate effectively into the collaborative framework.

III. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Nathan Roberts