Pullman School District
Regular Board Meeting
Date and Time
Wednesday January 22, 2025 at 6:30 PM
Paul R. Sturm Community/Board Room
Pullman High School
510 NW Greyhound Way
Pullman, WA 99163
Directors Present
Amanda Tanner, Arron Carter, Craig Nelson, Lisa Waananen Jones, Nathan Roberts
Directors Absent
Guests Present
Bob Maxwell, Courtney Hodge, Diane Hodge, Juston Pollestad
I. Opening Items
Record Attendance
Call the Meeting to Order
Flag Salute
Land Acknowledgement Statement
Approval of Agenda
II. Reports, Correspondence & Program
PHS ASB Report
PHS student representative provided the following update for PHS ASB:
- Finalizing details for TOLO dance on February 8.
- Spirit week and evening events are finalized. BSU club and FFA are scheduled to be putting on those events.
- Coordinating Annual Dodgeball Tournament.
- Activities liaisons had monthly senate for all clubs to meet discuss activities and check in.
A.TAnner noted the School Board is exploring ways to engage with ASB and Student Ambassadors. N.Roberts noted that the Board will be reviewing graduation attire and would like to request that in February two board members visit with ASB to gather student ideas and feedback about graduation regalia.
Board Reports
- Craig Nelson: Attended memorial service for Kristen Robinson who was a district staff member. Provided an update about the Vialant Blood Drive and based on how many people donate, parent groups can earn money to go back to their PTA/PTO groups.
- Lisa Waananen Jones: Attended JES PTA meeting in which they are working on scheduling spring events. Noted the exchange of ideas between PTA and PTO groups across the elementary schools.
- Arron Carter: Attended the Lincoln Middle School (LMS) staff meeting where Dr. Maxwell provided a post-election update. The presentation offered a clear overview of the district’s current position and potential impacts at the state and federal levels. Staff expressed concerns regarding an executive order related to access to safe spaces, noting limited information is currently available. Discussions centered on potential challenges for staff in responding to such issues if they arise. LMS staff inquired about ways they could support the district, particularly at the state level, and were encouraged to review proposed legislation and understand the process for communicating positions on various bills. Guidance on how to engage in this process will be shared with staff through the weekly bulletin. Additionally, there was concern about the possibility of further cuts to education funding.
- Amanda Tanner: Attended SES PTO where Dr. Kramer presented the Post Election Analysis. Everyone is waiting to hear the outcome of the legislation session. Attended Chamber of Commerce luncheon where Dr. Maxwell presented. Noted the importance of the blood drive and with the Los Angles fires, this would be greatly helpful not only for our schools but for those affected communities.
- Nathan Roberts: Attended KES PTA to present a legislative update. Additionally, concerns were raised about potential ICE raids. Dr. Maxwell shared that he has reached out to the ESD Superintendent, who will connect with State Superintendent Chris Reykdal to seek guidance on how to navigate this issue moving forward. It was noted that communication will need to strike a balance, with the understanding that guidance may evolve as the situation develops.
- Dr. Maxwell added that the Attorney General is working on guidance that we will hopefully receive soon.
Superintendent's Report
- Sustainability Committee Update:
- Composting and decreasing food waste remains a priority for the committee.
- Earth Day Planning - eWaste Recycling as a community service for the public
- May - Coordinate Walk, Bike, Roll to School Day
- Working on scheduling meetings with PHS Environmental Club and Franklin Garden Club.
- Met with Enivronmental Club and one of the requests was to enhance plant-based options. Nutrition Services has received a grant to expand those options.
- Dr. Maxwell shared the 2025 Legislative Session Preview which highlighted key updates on the Big Three legislative priorities (Materials, Supplies and Operating Costs - Pupil Transportation - Special Education) and other legislative bills that would affect K-12 education in Washington State. Dr. Maxwell was able to attend hearings and provide written testimony on bills affecting education.
Program Reports
- Kamiak Elementary Showcase Presented by Evan Hecker, Kamiak Elementary Principal & Kamiak Elementary Third Grade Staff (Marisa Heitman & Trish Blehm)
- The KES School Showcase highlighted their Annual Culture Float Parade, a project by third-grade students to celebrate the diversity and cultural heritage of Kamiak students and their families. Students interviewed family members to explore their unique cultures, designed floats featuring symbols, traditions, and artifacts, will be presenting their work during a parade and Q&A session. A few students had the opportunity to share their float and something they learned while working on their project with the school board.
Equity Update
Following up to Kamiak Elementary's showcase, Dr. Maxwell noted the great example of the work that is happening in the schools.
DEIB Task Force Update provided by Director Nelson:
At the most recent meeting on January 14, the DEIB Task Force discussed possible survey questions and formatting for a DEIB Task Force survey of secondary students, families and staff.
III. Public Comment
Public Comment Speakers
No public comment.
IV. Consent Agenda
Personnel Report
Expense claims audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the board.
Student Transfer Requests
Budget Status Report
ASB Fundraiser
Overnight Field Trip Requests
Consent Agenda Approval
V. Action Items
Psychology Text Adoption
Board Communication Plan
Based on the discussion at the previous board meeting, the CEE survey has been revised to a general district survey, as the district will no longer be moving forward with the CEE survey. Additionally, a Board dinner has been added to the plan for both the spring and fall. It was noted that this plan will remain a live document, allowing for changes and adjustments as needed.
A. Carter suggested that following the community listening session in March, there should be follow-up communication to the community, expressing appreciation for their participation and outlining next steps. This follow-up could also be incorporated into the Community Update.
L. Waananen Jones recommended enhancing communication with ASB students, focusing on educating them about self-advocacy. L. Waananen Jones also suggested that board members consider engaging with civics classes to discuss how the legislature works and how students can effectively advocate.
Additionally, L. Waananen Jones proposed establishing an advocacy week or month to encourage community involvement, potentially framing an event to inspire advocacy efforts, highlighting The Billion Dollar Bake Sale as a resource that simplifies the legislative process (noting that some school groups across the state have used this campaign to educate their communities on funding shortfalls and engage in local advocacy efforts). Templates, flyers, and guides from this campaign could be useful in making these issues more accessible to the community.
N.Roberts suggested that Community Update articles could be more strategic in their topics, and proposed that during the first board meeting of each month, the board discuss potential topics to include in upcoming submissions. N.Roberts also recommended that the initial draft of the Board Communication Plan be approved, with any subsequent changes reviewed and addressed through the consent agenda.
A.Tanner emphasized that the board communication plan and planning of advocacy related efforts would require a dedicated commitment from all board members.
A. Carter noted that this allows for the opportunity to close the loop on items and make communication more visible.
3141 Nonresident Students
Dr. Maxwell responded to a question that came up at the previous presentation of this item that was related to the full-time and part-time language for choice in students. Removed the revisions to that section since delineating between full and part time staff can be challenging.
5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints
Policy Governance-Based Superintendent Evaluation Proposal - 1630 Superintendent Evaluation
There have been no changes to the document that was presented at the last board meeting. The policy draft was shared with WSSDA and legal counsel. N.Roberts shared that there will be a cost to the district for piloting the policy governance-based superintendent evaluation process.
N. Roberts noted that, since no motion was passed, all additional activity on this action item will cease, and the item will not be brought back for further consideration.
Policy Revision: 1630 Superintendent Evaluation
The district's legal counsel reviewed the draft procedure for Policy 1630, the revision to the district's existing policy and provided initial feedback.
A. Carter will work on incorporating changes based on the feedback of legal counsel.
Roll Call | |
Craig Nelson |
Lisa Waananen Jones |
Amanda Tanner |
Arron Carter |
Nathan Roberts |
VI. Discussion Items
1630 Model Superintendent Evaluation Process
A proposed option for the Standards-Based Superintendent Evaluation was presented for board review and feedback. While the policy would remain unchanged, the proposal aims to codify current practices as a formal procedure. N. Roberts noted the draft was created before receiving legal counsel feedback, which questioned the need for a procedure. If adopted, it would include only clearly defined procedural elements.
Key dates aligned with the superintendent’s contract were discussed. Dr. Maxwell suggested adding rubric language for consistency, along with the Board's current scoring practice of providing a score of 1-4.
A. Carter supported an early fall check-in for informal progress discussions, allowing flexibility before the January 31 deadline. N. Roberts expressed concerns about the lack of early-year evidence and noted that board meetings already offer opportunities for such discussions. L. Waananen Jones suggested fall check-ins could help recognize district leaders’ work, but N. Roberts maintained that strategic objectives are reviewed separately from evaluations.
A. Tanner and N. Roberts highlighted the board’s responsibility to address issues as they arise, emphasizing that immediate communication allows for quicker resolutions rather than waiting for designated check-in dates.
VII. Informational Items
Administrative Requirements Update
Expense Claim Audit - Community Update Board Schedule
Board Calendar
Current Enrollment
For 2024-2025 School Year
Budgeted FTE: 2560
Current FTE: 2613.40
Current Year Average FTE: 2610.23
- 3141F Out-of-District Transfer Form
- 4309P Guidelines for District Social Media Accounts
Non-Substantive Policy Updates
- 5400 Personnel Leaves
The Pullman Promise: Priorities, Goals, Success Indicators
VIII. Executive or Closed Session
Superintendent Evaluation
Executive Session: N. Roberts announced there will be an Executive Session to discuss the Superintendent Evaluation and the performance of a public employee that will end at __pm.
N. Roberts announced there will be an Executive Session to discuss the Superintendent Evaluation and the performance of a public employee that will end at 8:15pm.
The board meeting reconvened into an open session at 8:15pm, and the chair announced that the executive session end time would be extended 10 minutes before returning to executive session.
IX. Closing Items
Adjourn Meeting
- WASA Legislative Update - Regular Board Meeting.pdf
- KES School Showcase Presentation.pdf
- Board Report - 1.22.2025 Personnel.pdf
- CK Summaries 1.22.25.pdf
- 2025 01.22 Regular Board Meeting - Student Transfer Requests.pdf
- Budget Status Report - December 2024.pdf
- Fundraiser Activity Form- PHS Key Club 1.13.25.pdf
- ASB Fundraiser - PHS ASB TOLO 1.22.25.pdf
- Overnight Field Trip Request - PHS DECA Bellevue FEB-MAR 2025.pdf
- Overnight Field Trip Request - PHS Golf Walla Walla MAR 2025.pdf
- Overnight Field Trip Request - PHS FCCLA Spokane MAR 2025.pdf
- ES Psychology Text Adoption 1.8.25.pdf
- ES Board Communication Plan.pdf
- Board of Directors Communication Plan 2024-2025.pdf
- ES 3141 Nonresident Students 1.8.25.pdf
- 3141 Nonresident Students 1.22.25.pdf
- ES 5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints 1.8.25.pdf
- 5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints 1.8.25.pdf
- ES Policy Governance-Based Supt Eval Proposal 1630 1.8.25.pdf
- 1630 Governance-Based Superintendent Eval DRAFT 1.8.25.pdf
- ES Policy Revision 1630 Supt Evaluation 1.8.25.pdf
- 1630 Superintendent Eval 1.22.25 - Policy Revision.pdf
- 1630P Superintendent Eval NEW - Policy Revision 1.22.25.pdf
- ES 1630 Model Superintendent Evaluation Process Option 1.22.25.pdf
- Model Superintendent Evaluation Process.pdf
- January Administrative Requirements Update.pdf
- Expense Claim Audit Comm Update Schedule.pdf
- 2024-2025 Board Meeting Schedule 1.16.25.pdf
- 2024-2025 Board Meeting Content Calendar 11.8.24.pdf
- 3141F Out-of-District Transfer Form 1.22.25.pdf
- 4309P Guidelines District Social Media Accounts 1.22.25.pdf
- 5400 Personnel Leaves 1.22.25.pdf
- The Pullman Promise.pdf
Dr. Maxwell noted the following changes to the agenda: