Pullman School District


Regular Board Meeting

"Ensuring Learning While Challenging and Supporting Each Student Achieve Full Potential"

Date and Time

Wednesday January 8, 2025 at 6:30 PM


Paul R. Sturm Community/Board Room

Pullman High School

510 NW Greyhound Way

Pullman, WA 99163

Directors Present

Amanda Tanner, Arron Carter, Craig Nelson, Lisa Waananen Jones, Nathan Roberts

Directors Absent


Guests Present

Bob Maxwell, Courtney Hodge, Diane Hodge, Juston Pollestad, Roberta Kramer

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance


Call the Meeting to Order

Nathan Roberts called a meeting of the board of directors of Pullman School District to order on Wednesday Jan 8, 2025 at 6:30 PM.


Flag Salute


Land Acknowledgement Statement


Approval of Agenda

Arron Carter made a motion to Approve the agenda as amended.
Amanda Tanner seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Reports, Correspondence & Program


PHS ASB Report

PHS student representative provided the following update for PHS ASB:

  • Clash of the Combine Event Update:
    • PHS Greyhounds won and raised over $500 in combination with Moscow to donate to Alternatives to Violence on the Palouse (ATVP). Received donations for Coin Drive and Spirit Packs, and also received community donations for spirit packs. 
  • TOLO Dance - Scheduled for Feb. 8th - Theme: "Out of this World"
  • End of Semester coming up. 


Board Reports

  • Craig Nelson: Encourage constituents to reach out to board members and noted that board member contact information is posted on the website. 
  • Lisa Waananen Jones: No report. 
  • Arron Carter: Attended the LMS staff meeting as the LMS Liaison, where there was productive conversation and sharing of student successes. Conducted a quick poll on the LMS cell phone policy, with most staff reporting that students are adjusting well and teachers find the policy helpful. Discussed ongoing concerns about managing Chromebook usage, with teachers expressing stress over monitoring their use. An update from the IT Department is awaited before determining next steps. Generative AI was another topic of interest, with staff expressing enthusiasm for training and exploring strategies to engage students using these tools effectively. Work is underway to provide training for staff on an available program they can use with students.
    • Dr. Maxwell noted staff are working on providing training at an upcoming professional learning day. 
  • Amanda Tanner: Attended SES PTO meeting where the focus was on preparing for DARE Graduation for all 5th grade students on January 28th. PTO is planning for spring events and spring clubs. 
  • Nathan Roberts: No report. 


Superintendent's Report

  • Recognized January as School Board Appreciation Month.
  • Started budget & legislative update presentations to PSD staff during staff meetings. 
  • Attended Annual Legislative Conference on January 11-12, 2025 in Seattle, WA. Working on advocating for our district along with all schools in Washington State. 


Program Reports

  • Franklin Elementary School Showcase - Presenter: Kathi Keefer, Franklin Elementary Principal
    • Sarah Davis and Ann Lee, CORE+ teachers at Franklin Elementary, highlighted their participation in year-long LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training which identifies reading comprehension as the product of word recognition and oral language comprehension, both essential for literacy that has be a shared with Franklin staff and will be a professional development training for district staff at an upcoming Professional Learning Day. Professional development in November included 13 educators who are now transitioning to explicit phonics instruction in whole-group and small-group settings. Data shows significant growth in student fluency across grade levels. Moving forward, the focus will shift to phonological awareness and the 44 phonemes of the English language to further enhance instruction and student outcomes.
    • Presentation Link: Franklin Elementary School Showcase Presentation.pdf
  • Report: Technology Services - Presenter: Tyler Craigie, Information & Instructional Technology Supervisor
    • Supervisor Craigie presented an overview of the 90-Day Plan, highlighting key success factors in their role as the new Information & Instructional Technology Supervisor. The plan focuses on ensuring a smooth integration into the team and delivering impactful results quickly. Supervisor Craigie discussed strategies for knowledge sharing within the department, mentioning the use of shared OneNote in the past and exploring more fluid, online options to enhance accessibility for the team. When asked about the district’s biggest strengths and weaknesses, Supervisor Craigie identified the IT crew’s deep knowledge of systems and their security-minded approach as key strengths. However, disorganized spaces, incomplete resource inventories, and insufficient documentation were noted as areas for improvement. Director Roberts addressed support desk ticket management, with Supervisor Craigie sharing that a quick-win initiative involved automatically assigning tickets to the technician responsible for each building, improving ownership and efficiency. Efforts to optimize the support desk process and maintain availability are ongoing.


Equity Update

Director Nelson provided an update on the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging (DEIB) Task Force, noting that the group has held three meetings and elected a chairperson. The task force is interested in gathering feedback through surveys and has discussed deploying its own survey to collect insights. Director Nelson highlighted that the task force is not hearing many of the complaints that initially led to its formation and raised the question of how to better understand issues that are not being reported through official channels. The CEE Survey was mentioned as a potential resource, as it includes many equity-related questions that could provide valuable feedback for the committee. The task force is scheduled to meet again on January 14, 2025. Director Roberts added that the CORE community group expressed interest in serving as an unofficial channel for feedback, suggesting it could serve as a bridge for addressing unreported concerns.

III. Public Comment


Public Comment Speakers

No public comment. 

IV. Consent Agenda


Consent Agenda Approval (Items IV. B-H)

Amanda Tanner made a motion to Approve the consent agenda.
Arron Carter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.




Personnel Report


Personal/Professional Services Contract Report



Expense claims audited and certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified as required by RCW 42.24.090, have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the board.


Student Transfer Requests


Budget Status Report


Overnight Field Trip Request

V. Action Items


3205 Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited

Arron Carter made a motion to Approve Policy Policy 3205 Sex Discrimination & Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited.
Craig Nelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


3241 Student Discipline

It was noted that Dr. Maxwell and Dr. Kramer met with building principals to review the changes. 

Arron Carter made a motion to Approve the revisions to Policy 3241 Student Discipline.
Craig Nelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response

Craig Nelson made a motion to Approve the revisions to Policy 3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response.
Lisa Waananen Jones seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


3424 Opioid Related Overdose Reversal

Craig Nelson made a motion to Approve the revisions to Policy 3424 Opioid-Related Overdose Reversal.
Arron Carter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


5011 Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited

Arron Carter made a motion to Approve Policy 5011 Sex Discrimination & Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited.
Craig Nelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


6550 Capital Threshold for Leases and Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements

Lisa Waananen Jones made a motion to Approve Policy 6550, Capitalization Threshold for Leases and Subscription-Based Information Technology Arrangements (SBITAs).
Craig Nelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


6600 Transportation

A question from the last meeting was what is defined as an infant. 0-12 months is the definition of an infant, but the district is flexible to work with families to meet their needs. An additional question was who would provide the car seat, the district would provide the car seat as we do now for our Birth-3 program

Lisa Waananen Jones made a motion to Approve Policy 6600 Transportation.
Arron Carter seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


6801 Capital Assets/Theft-Sensitive Assets

Arron Carter made a motion to Approve Policy 6801 Capital Assets Theft Sensitive Assets.
Craig Nelson seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Discussion Items


Psychology Text Adoption

Pullman High School offers Psychology as a dual credit college in the high school course. The text for this course is outdated. To align the course with University of Washington standards, the text reviewed was the latest edition of the text we had adopted in the past. The text, Psychology in Your Life W.W. Norton and Company (2022), is recommended to the board for approval. This text was approved by the Curriculum Advisory Committee on December 9, 2024 and was made available for public review on December 17 and 18, 2024. The screening of the text has also been completed. 


Director Carter asked how the information about the public review of the materials was disseminated and Dr. Kramer shared that the information about the review was disseminated by the Pullman High School Principal to Pullman High School families. 



Board Communication Plan

During the December 4, 2024, Board Work Session, the Board discussed developing a communication plan to enhance internal and external communication. Director Tanner reviewed the draft plan, emphasizing communication, community engagement, and student voice, and highlighted the importance of aligning on the definition of "engagement." The Board noted the tentatively planned March 2025 listening session, suggesting it include a brief budget presentation to provide context for attendees.


The Board discussed the expense of the CEE Survey, with members expressing interest in exploring alternative, cost-effective ways to gather feedback, including deploying district-led or DEIB Task Force surveys. The Board also emphasized maintaining open communication opportunities, such as one-on-one meetings with the superintendent, and agreed to incorporate these meetings into the communication plan.


Additional suggestions included board members attending PTA/PTO/Booster meetings and providing a Fall and Spring report to enhance community engagement and to also consider adding board updates in the superintendent’s monthly newsletter. The Board also expressed interest in exploring a casual, publicly accessible work dinner following sessions or meetings to foster informal dialogue.


1101F Board Operating Protocols - Annual Review

Annually, the Board reviews and agrees upon Board Operating Protocols (1101F). No action necessary. Board review and discussion only. The document is available to be signed unless action is taken.


3141 Nonresident Students

The Pullman School District is revising Policy 3141, "Non-Resident Students," to align with WSSDA's model policy and legal recommendations. Key updates include adding a Revocation of Acceptance section allowing mid-year revocations and introducing a Choice Student Contract to clarify behavioral expectations. These changes will take effect next school year, and the district will notify non-resident families in advance.


The Board discussed ensuring the policy equally applies to resident and non-resident students and addressed concerns about part-time employees’ children. While RCW/WAC does not specify part-time staff, the district allows all employees to choice in their children, and the Board suggested explicitly encouraging part-time staff to apply.


The revisions aim to enhance accountability and inclusivity while maintaining fairness. Revocations will be handled administratively, and additional data on part-time employee choice-ins will be reviewed at the next meeting.


5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints

Revisions presented are to align Pullman School District's Policy 5270, "Resolution of Staff Complaints," with the Washington State School Directors' Association (WSSDA) current model policy language. This update ensures compliance with best practices, legal standards, and a consistent framework for resolving staff complaints effectively and equitably. 


Policy Governance-Based Superintendent Evaluation Proposal - 1630 Superintendent Evaluation

The Board has been reviewing WSSDA's superintendent evaluation processes and has tentatively agreed to pilot a new policy-based evaluation approach, reflected in a proposed policy revision. This updated process aligns the superintendent’s performance with Board policies, the district’s strategic plan, and established guidelines. It emphasizes ongoing monitoring through internal reports, external assessments, and direct Board inspections, culminating in biannual and formal annual reviews. These reviews aim to provide constructive feedback, assess compliance, and set future goals and performance standards. It was noted that the strategic plan could serve as the foundation for the monitored items.


The next step is to determine whether the Board wishes to see the revised policy again before finalizing its direction. Initial interest in piloting the policy-based process was expressed. Director Roberts clarified that transitioning to this model would require rewriting policies to include clear objectives, aligning the superintendent’s accountability with progress toward strategic objectives. A work session and the Board Retreat could be used to further define this approach. The two evaluation options—standards-based (currently used) and policy-based—were discussed, with the latter being a less common but potentially beneficial model.


Director Waananen Jones raised concerns about understanding compliance expectations and suggested exploring a hybrid approach. Director Roberts noted that while combining the models might not be feasible due to the pilot’s focus on the policy-based framework, adjustments could be revisited after implementation. Director Tanner emphasized the importance of ensuring the evaluation process remains consistent mid-year and suggested multiple work sessions to refine the model. Director Nelson highlighted the novelty of the policy-based approach and noted its limited use. Director Roberts provided an overview of the current standards-based process, emphasizing that the Board’s feedback on both models is essential before moving forward. The WSSDA Leadership Group will review the proposed process, and the Board will revisit this topic to refine the pilot and address concerns.


Policy Revision: 1630 Superintendent Evaluation

The Board discussed suggested revisions to the superintendent evaluation policy and procedure, emphasizing the addition of a third performance review annually: informal reviews by October 31 and January 31, and a formal evaluation by June 15. The formal evaluation would encompass an expanded review of the eight state superintendent standards, with informal reviews providing opportunities for earlier adjustments and ongoing feedback. Director Carter proposed integrating more of the standards-based evaluation elements into the procedure, including a rubric to synthesize individual feedback into a single evaluation coordinated by the Board President. The process would also include a superintendent self-evaluation. The revisions aim to enhance accountability, foster ongoing feedback, and streamline the evaluation process to ensure it remains a constructive and effective tool for Board-superintendent collaboration.


Discussion Points:

  • Director Carter noted the importance of conducting three conferences annually. Director Tanner expressed interest in clarifying expectations for informal versus formal reviews, ensuring discussions are productive and structured.
  • Director Waananen Jones suggested incorporating formative assessments into the process. Director Roberts raised concerns about the workload for Board members, emphasizing the need to formalize accountability for all parties.
  • Standards-Based vs. Policy-Based Models: The Board debated the feasibility of evaluating all eight state standards annually versus identifying specific standards for intensive review. The board acknowledged the multifaceted nature of the superintendent's role, favoring comprehensive evaluations that align with the teacher evaluation model. Director Carter proposed that during the Board Retreat, board members and the superintendent mutually determine which standards or themes to prioritize for evaluation.
  • Director Waananen Jones and Director Tanner questioned whether the evaluation serves primarily as an internal accountability measure for the public or a tool for communication between the Board and Dr. Maxwell. Both emphasized minimizing the superintendent's time spent preparing artifacts to ensure a balanced approach.
  • Director Carter highlighted the importance of assessing not only the superintendent’s output but also the effectiveness of their performance, with the rubric offering justification for scores in each focus area.
  • Director Roberts clarified that the superintendent’s evaluation cannot serve as a legal basis for termination but may inform contract renewals or extensions. Director Carter agreed to remove language regarding termination, as it is not applicable.

Next Steps: 

The Board expressed interest in continuing with the current standards-based model, incorporating revisions proposed by Director Carter, and exploring the policy-based governance model. Director Roberts noted that both approaches would be presented at the next meeting for further discussion. The Board will refine the revisions and determine what course of action to move forward with.

VII. Informational Items


Administrative Requirements Update


Expense Claim Audit - Community Update Board Schedule


Board Calendar


Current Enrollment



  • 3205P1 Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited - Grievance 
  • 3205P2 Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of Students Prohibited - Implementation
  • 3211P Gender-Inclusive Schools
  • 4130P Title I Part A Parent and Family Engagement
  • 4311P School Safety and Security Services Program 
  • 5011P Sex Discrimination and Sex-Based Harassment of District Staff Prohibited
  • 5270P Resolution of Staff Complaints


Non-Substantive Policy Updates

  • 4130 Title I Part A Parent and Family Engagement


The Pullman Promise: Priorities, Goals, Success Indicators

VIII. Executive or Closed Session


Superintendent Evaluation




Executive Session: N. Roberts announced there will be an Executive Session to discuss the Superintendent Evaluation and the performance of a public employee that will end at 9:12pm

The board meeting reconvened into an open session at 9:12pm, and the chair announced that the executive session end time would be extended 10 minutes before returning to executive session.

IX. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Bob Maxwell
Documents used during the meeting
  • Information Technology Services Program Report.pdf
  • December 11, 2024 Board Meeting Minutes.pdf
  • Board Report - 1.8.2025 Personnel.pdf
  • Board Report - Contracts 1.8.2025.pdf
  • Payroll Warrant Authorization Form_December 2024.pdf
  • CK Summaries 1.8.25.pdf
  • Addtl CK Summary 1.8.25.pdf
  • 2025 01.08 Regular Board Meeting - Student Transfer Requests.pdf
  • November 2024 Budget Status Report.pdf
  • Overnight Field Trip Request - LMS Science Bowl JAN 31-FEB 1 25.pdf
  • Overnight Field Trip Request - PHS Golf - MAR 2024.pdf
  • 3205 Sex Discrimination and Harassment of Students 12.11.24.pdf
  • 3241 Student Discipline 12.11.24.pdf
  • ES 3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response 12.11.24.pdf
  • 3420 Anaphylaxis Prevention and Response 12.11.24.pdf
  • ES 3424 Opioid-Related Overdose Reversal 12.11.24.pdf
  • 3424 Opioid Related Overdose Reversal 12.11.24.pdf
  • 5011 Sex Discrimination-Harassment of Dist Staff 12.11.24.pdf
  • 6550 Cap Threshold-Leases-SBITA 12.11.24.pdf
  • 6600 Transportation 12.11.24.pdf
  • 6801 Capital Assets-Theft Sensitive 12.11.24.pdf
  • Board of Directors Communication Plan 2024-2025 DRAFT.pdf
  • 1101F Operating Principles-Board Protocol 2.14.24.pdf
  • 3141 Nonresident Students 1.8.25.pdf
  • 5270 Resolution of Staff Complaints 1.8.25.pdf
  • ES Policy Governance-Based Supt Eval Proposal 1630 1.8.25.pdf
  • 1630 Governance-Based Superintendent Eval DRAFT 1.8.25.pdf
  • ES Policy Revision 1630 Supt Evaluation 1.8.25.pdf
  • 1630 Superintendent Eval 1.8.25 - Policy Revision.pdf
  • 1630P Superintendent Eval NEW - Policy Revision.pdf
  • January Administrative Requirements Update.pdf
  • Expense Claim Audit Comm Update Schedule.pdf
  • 2024-2025 Board Meeting Content Calendar 11.8.24.pdf
  • 3205P1 Sex Discrimination and Harassment of Students Prohibited 1.8.25.pdf
  • 3205P2 Sex Discrimination and Harassment of Students Prohibited 1.8.25.pdf
  • 3211P Gender-Inclusive Schools 1.8.25.pdf
  • 4130P Title I Part A Parent-Family Engagement 1.8.25.pdf
  • 4311P School Safety-Security Srvcs Prog 1.8.25.pdf
  • 5011P Sex Discrimination-Harassment of Dist Staff 1.8.25.pdf
  • 5270P Resolution of Staff Complaints 1.8.25.pdf
  • 4130 Title I Part A Parent-Family Engagement 1.8.25.pdf
  • The Pullman Promise.pdf