Empower College Prep


Board Meeting

Date and Time

Monday March 18, 2019 at 4:30 PM


2411 West Colter Street
Number to call in: 
7127704700 x 558890
Notice of Public Meeting can be found at: 
5757 North Central Ave and 2411 Colter Street

Trustees Present

G. Perez (remote), P. Welborn, S. Breen

Trustees Absent

K. Erickson

Ex Officio Members Present

B. Holman

Non Voting Members Present

B. Holman

Guests Present

A. Eich, A. Masad, B. Jones, R. Rossi

I. Opening Items


Record Attendance and Guests


Call the Meeting to Order

A. Masad called a meeting of the board of trustees of Empower College Prep to order on Monday Mar 18, 2019 at 4:34 PM.


Approve Minutes

P. Welborn made a motion to approve minutes from the Governing Board Meeting on 03-11-19 Governing Board Meeting on 03-11-19.
S. Breen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

II. Executive Director Report


ED Report

Expansion update:
Question- Pat, Can you shed light on why the costs went up? 
Angela- The project costs did go up due to the electrical work, architect fee (all went up due to partial work for the cafeteria, add on) 
Owners contingency and the contractor's contingency is around 200,000
Good news overall this includes contingency, bond amount, Adot sidewalk, furniture 
October is the expected date? - Pat 
Brian- Yes, they will look at revising but the estimated month is October, they will finalize the timeline 
Huge kudos to underwriting team, really appreciate everyone in the room to pick those people 
As of March 5th end of year development goal was reached 
Donors data has been organized
Recruitment- has been steady, going in the right direction 
Staffing plan- The law has just changed in the last couple of months, we have narrowed it down to 3 candidates for filling the position 
EL Students 
Pat- do we have the turnover rate for the EL kids?
Brian, Becky, we don't have that right now 
Generio asked about transportation, do you have buses? 
Becky- at the Elementary school we do not offer busses during summer school 
Brian- we do have a surge in our homeless population 22%increase 
Sheila- thinks it's a good spending of funds to focus on that area 

III. Committee Reports (Academic Reports)


High School Principal report:

Student sustainability: 
Has been going pretty smooth, meeting with the department chairs to go over curriculum to see if it's the best route 
44% of students are 5 or more focus areas behind, only 12 students right now that are on target 
Staff sustainability: The 2 teachers we lost we have replaced, only one resignation 
Student Growth: 
90% goal based on Graduation based on credits 
Junior students are on target to hit goal, part of that is smaller class sizes 
Summer school is focused on credit recovery 
Pat- the big challenge with the summit is there are no deadlines and consequences to it. 
Genero- have an incentive for students to enroll in to summer school, needs to be something they see as valuable. 
That way they can finish summer school
Pat - Genero I like that thought, maybe a celebration? 
Genero- I will think more about it
Angela- Because the way our summer school is structured, we would need to think about what kind of prize because kids who are caught up cannot win anything.
Sheila- something to think about what would be a good incentive for the kids 



Elementary School Principal report

Enrollment: Goal is to maintain 85% of scholars 
we are below, Kids have been moving 
We are meeting retention goals month to month 
Teacher performance and development: 1 teacher missing due to scheduling 
How many teachers are not being invited back? - Pat 
Becky several, out of 13 teachers, 
Academic analysis: 
Decent amount of work 
Purchase a phonics curriculum 
 Intervention specialists 
Book leveling programs
AR reading
Pat suggested that if we can have more of an official program to motivate kids and provide incentives for them to read more


IV. Finance


Financial Report

NSLP review- 
Overall the report is outstanding
No operational issues 
Some findings were minimal. Ex) Font on school website 

Jan Finances- 
Adot study has been completed, should be closed by Friday 3/22/19 

V. New section


Vote for to approve new Board member Matt Breecher

P. Welborn made a motion to Approve.
S. Breen seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.


Vote to approve SY19-20 calendar

P. Welborn made a motion to Approve.
G. Perez seconded the motion.
The board VOTED unanimously to approve the motion.

VI. Closing Items


Adjourn Meeting

Sheila- Very positive meeting 
exciting for the construction to start 

Rossi- Students wrote letters to the Governor about the Holocaust survivor that came to speak. The Governor wrote them back, pretty exciting. 
There being no further business to be transacted, and upon motion duly made, seconded and approved, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,
A. Masad